Facing Ling Xi's question, Chu Hannian finds it funny, "what I care about now is not who she likes, but your motivation to approach Xiu Qiqi. As a friend, I will remind Xiu Qiqi, so that's why you worry? Are you nervous now? Because I know about you. "

"Qiqi seems to believe me, so no matter what you say, it's meaningless. After all, she won't listen to you." Ling Xi said with a smile, "maybe you don't know. She can accept a lot for me. She said that she doesn't mind my past."

"Yes, but at that point, do you think she really doesn't mind?" Chu Hannian didn't believe it all the time, and doubted Ling Xi's character.

"She will choose to stay with me. It's no use what you say." Ling Xi came to warn Chu Hannian this time.

However, things spread to Xiu Qiqi.

"You went to Chu?" Xiu Qiqi asked unexpectedly.

"Why, are you upset?" Ling Xi suddenly asked, "do you mind if I go to his trouble?"

"That's not what I said. I just don't think it's necessary. I'm married to you now, and I have little contact with Chu Hannian. Why are you still jealous? I just think that it's not good for you to spread this kind of thing, others will find you difficult to get along with, and it's not good for you to find Chu's cooperation in the future. "

Repair seven seven pick eyebrow, "the market also so some people, do you prepare and Chu Hannian has been old death do not contact?"

"He did it first." Ling Xi said impolitely.

"I know he's wrong, so I didn't say anything about you." Xiu Qiqi didn't expect that such a big man would need to be coaxed by a woman. She was speechless, and then laughed, "OK, you're a victim, but next time, let's not be so impulsive. Just make it clear to me."

"Are you still thinking about Chu Hannian in your heart?" Ling Xi's angry question.

"Of course not. At first, I thought I wanted to stimulate Chu Hannian when I married you. But later, seeing that you were so kind to me, I thought it was good to get married." Xiuqiqi tried to explain, "you don't always think that I have him in my heart. After all, I really don't want him to get along with lengjianjia, so don't be jealous."

"I'm not jealous," Ling said, unwilling to admit.

"Well, you're not jealous, you're just angry." Repair seven seven seven helpless smile.

"I'm just angry with this man, who you used to like madly." Ling Xi said sarcastically, "so you will believe what he said, and even you will think that I have no purpose to approach you."

"Of course not." Repair seven seven helpless shake head, "I won't believe Chu Hannian."


Next, Xiu Qiqi wanted to create all kinds of opportunities for lengjianjia to get along with Chu Hannian.

But several times, it makes the relationship between the two more regressive.

"Jianjia, he is actually a good man in nature." Xiu Qiqi said helplessly.

"Did you say Chu Hannian?"

"Well, yes, the whole world knows that he likes you, but you don't want to believe it. I think it's very difficult for Chu Shao." He thought that Chu's cold year was too difficult.

"You are all talking for him, 77. I remember you said you wanted to ease the relationship with me. That's how you eased it?" Leng Jianjia only felt funny, "you are also the client. Don't you know what he did to me?"

"It's all in the past. I didn't expect that. You always mind." Xiu Qiqi's face is not very pretty.

"Some things have happened. You can't pretend they didn't happen." Cold Jianjia funny way, "I'm not that kind of person, forget a lot of people, and I'm revenge."

"..." Xiu Qiqi's mouth is dry. After thinking about it, it's better not to mention Chu Hannian. Then he said, "Ling Xi seems to have done something before, but I don't want to worry about it. Do you think I did it right?"

"This is before your husband and wife, how can I cut in?" Leng Jianjia just shakes her head. It's really hard for her to interrupt.

"If you think it's nothing, it's nothing. After all, it was before he met you. As long as it's not too much, I think it's nothing. Don't pursue it." Cold Jianjia said so.

"I think so, too." Repair seven seven seven this next completely rest assured.

"I met Aunt Zhang before. She said," we met Ling Xi in foreign countries before. Do you think it's strange? I really don't remember. "

Xiu Qiqi shook his head, "Jianjia, do you remember?"

"I don't remember either." Cold Jianjia does not care about the road.

She wanted to say something, but she shook her head.

"If I have, it's fate." Xiu771 has a happy smile on her face. She hopes that time will stay at this moment.

"But I really don't remember. Maybe I read it wrong." Cold Jianjia's suspicious way.

"Ling Xi himself said that I was surprised to see you and me." Xiu Qiqi even thought it was impossible.

"I seldom go abroad. Maybe he is wrong." Cold Jianjia pick eyebrows, is very unexpected.

"I don't think you're going to admit your mistake. You're so good-looking and discerning. You won't admit your mistake if you've seen it." Xiu Qiqi said, "after all, you look better than me."

"You are not bad, otherwise, Ling Xi will not return home for you." Leng Jianjia tells the truth.

Think of this possibility, Ling Xi is to return home, repair seven seven more sweet.

"Let's go out and eat in the evening."

Xiu Qiqi asked Ling Xi to eat out.

"Who are you with?"

"And Jianjia." Xiu Qiqi added, "I've been very close to him recently."

"Well, anyway, you don't have many friends. It's OK to be with her." Ling Xi pressed his eyebrows and said, "that night, we ate alone?"

"Well, alone." Xiuqiqi picked eyebrows with a smile, "even if I want to invite Jianjia, she may not come."

"Your husband and wife are going to have dinner. I won't be with them." Lengjianjia thought of going home to take care of her children, so she left ahead of time.

When I went home, I saw that my elder brother had been taking care of Xia Wei'an.

"Do you still want to throw up?" Leng Hao saw that Xia Wei'an had several pregnancies and vomiting, and he couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

"It's OK. I just ate too much and felt a little nauseous. Now it's OK." Xia Wei'an continued to drink water, which is more comfortable, eyes is to see the cold Jianjia.

"Big brother is very kind to you." Leng Jianjia sincerely said that what she didn't expect was that Xia Weian was willing to move to Leng's residence. Although he stayed temporarily, he also brought a lot of joy to this family.

"My eldest brother has always been a young master. He took care of a woman for the first time. I didn't expect that he was so gentle to you."

Xia Wei An smell speech, but is bite the corner of the mouth, just lift eyes, but see men's burning eyes.

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