Closely following, Ling Xi's action is not gentle at all, repair seven seven is tossed about of simply backache.

Soon, Ling Xi will find a moving company, and cold people become neighbors.

"Auntie midsummer, we will be neighbors in the future. I used to like the environment here and think it's very big." Xiu Qiqi took the initiative to show his kindness to Ansheng.

As a matter of fact, an shengxia doesn't have much opinion on repairing Qiqi. After all, she doesn't interfere in the feelings among the younger generation, and let them handle them by themselves.

"How are you getting along with Ling Xi?" An shengxia also heard a little wind, "it is said that you are now living well, I see the smile on your face to know that marriage is the right choice for you."

"I always thought that when I got married, people would be different, but I didn't expect that I didn't regret getting married." Xiu Qiqi is holding an shengxia“ In fact, sometimes I especially hate myself, because I used to be too stubborn and always want to get other people's things, but I found out later that I would also encounter things that belong to me. "

"In a word, I feel very sorry for Jianjia. In fact, she and Chu Shao are really suitable together, and Chu Shao has never been looking for a girlfriend. He really loves her." Xiu Qiqi keeps on saying nice things.

"I know what you mean, but now, I don't interfere with them any more. I think everything will be in accordance with a rule, and people who love each other will eventually come together." An shengxia's firm way.

"Just like you and uncle cold night." Xiu Qiqi smiles.

"Are you and Ling Xi moving here today?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly, "are you in a hurry?"

"I think the place I used to live in was too small. At that time, I thought he didn't have much money, but later I found out that it was not like this. He had the ability to buy a big house, so I didn't want to live in a small apartment. After all, I grew up in a villa." Xiuqiqi is very picky about the living environment.

"Will he go home immediately after work?" An shengxia is worried about this.

"Well, I usually go home immediately. I can guarantee that. Aunt Sheng Xia, I know you are worried about me." Xiu Qiqi felt very satisfied. She had a sound family and only had children.

"By the way, is your body fit to have children? Although I know that you don't like children very much, I think it's better to have one as far as possible. Now the medical treatment is very developed. I don't hope you will regret it later. " Anshengxia holds down her eyebrows and says sincerely.

"I know all these things. I went to the hospital with my help. I hope there will be good results. In fact, I really mind. If I really can't get pregnant, I will try my best to have a child with him and me. After all, a child is the extension of life. Maybe it's old. I like children very much now, and I want a child of my own more." It's not a taboo way.

"Yes, you are mature now." An shengxia was very happy, and then went to ask lengye, "by the way, don't you know many people over there, do you have experts in obstetrics and gynecology?"

"You say it's cold at night?" Cold night pick eyebrow, "he and his wife have been out on holiday recently, want to see people, also have to wait for a while."

"Oh." An shengxia sighed, "I still hope that Qiqi can be happy. Now that she has a family, the whole person is different. It seems that I have seen who I used to be. I just hope that I can manage a good marriage."

"They will take care of their children's affairs." Cold night is curious, "is Qiqi planning to be a neighbor?"

"Well, it means seven seven. She said she likes big villas." An Sheng Xia takes a deep breath, "it seems that Ling Xi is still very good to her. After all, she is willing to spend money."

"Oh, don't you buy a house and live together? I don't think buying a house can tell whether a man really loves a woman." Cold night is very objective.

"But I think that Qiqi is much happier now, and more cheerful. In a word, Lingxi must take care of her." An Sheng Xia Zhibai's way.

"Don't you care about your wife? Then I don't think it's a man. "

Cold night disdains to pull lips.

"I see. Men all over the world are not as good as you."

I have to say that an shengxia's words are very appetizing to the cold night.

"Of course, I'm the only one in the world who is the best to you!"

Cold night's overbearing announcement.


"Jianjia, we will be neighbors in the future, so I can come to your house to eat." Xiu Qiqi was very happy.

"I didn't expect that your speed is so fast. Recently, the real estate in this area has a high appreciation. Did you spend a lot of money?" Leng Jianjia asked unexpectedly.

"Of course not. The money is not from me. It's Ling Xi, but the name is me." Xiu Qiqi is very proud.

"I didn't expect that he was so rich and generous, and he was very good to you. I always thought you wanted to show off. This house, at least, has several hundred million."

Lengjianjia is just an accident. Ling Xi will be in business in such a short time, and it costs a lot of money.

"His family has a lot of money abroad." Xiu Qiqi explained.

"Well, I think he's good to you." Lengjianjia paid no attention to Lingxi.

"Is Chu Hannian still looking for you now?" Xiu Qiqi was very curious.

"Sometimes, but there are fewer recently. It seems that I have encountered a little trouble at work." Leng Jianjia laughed, "this matter is related to your husband. He is aiming at Chu Shao recently. It's a relief for me."

"Oh, I really didn't expect that Ling Xi was so jealous. He mentioned before that he was not allowed to meet Chu Shao alone. I said that Chu Shao and I were just friends. At most, I thought Chu Shao was my brother. How could he care so much?" Xiu Qiqi shook his head. "Sometimes I really don't understand men."

"He just cares too much about you." Cold Jian Jia Du mouth, "otherwise, also won't cost so big price, go to make Chu little!"

"I still want to tell him that we are all in a business circle. If we are ugly, we will be laughed at." Xiu Qiqi shook his head in disapproval.

"Oh, are you worried that Leng Shi has become the biggest beneficiary?" Cold Jianjia ambiguous smile.

"Of course not. I just think that everyone looks up but doesn't look down. There's no need to make it so ugly. Otherwise, I'm really a stranger."

Xiu Qiqi held his forehead. "Although Chu Shao is my predecessor, I think other people's quality is good. It's OK to be a friend. But don't get me wrong. I don't forget Chu Shao's old love, but I put it down completely."

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