Xiu Qiqi thinks that it's really funny. Since Ling Xi is so serious and comes to question, is the so-called answer still important?

"I just want to hear you answer me, or don't you dare?" Lingxi suddenly sank his eyes, "xiuqiqi, am I not good enough for you? I'm trying my best to give you what you want, but why can't you see her?"

"Can't I see it?" Xiuqiqi only felt funny. Every word of xiuqiqi was embarrassing. Xiuqiqi's former personality was afraid of making a lot of noise. But now, she suddenly felt as if she had been drained of all her strength. She faltered again and almost fell down, but she still supported her body. "Yes, you're right, because I feel that after being cheated by you, she's unbalanced, So I can't see you. Now you can't see each other, and you can't continue to cooperate with Leng. I feel very happy. Don't you know that I'm such an unreasonable person. When she married Chu Shao, I asked them to divorce. How about that? Are you satisfied with this answer? "

"I didn't expect you to do this, but it's good for you. I know that you are not satisfied with me, so you can say it directly, I can change it, or I can make you satisfied and divorce you."

When Lingxi mentioned the word divorce, xiuqiqi's eyes suddenly retracted. She didn't expect that, Lingxi also thought of this step. Although she wanted to divorce before, she always hesitated, because some words just like spilled water can't be retrieved.

"You mean, you want to divorce me, don't you?" Fingers subconsciously protect their own abdomen, repair seven seven finish this sentence, only feel dizzy.

"If that's what you mean." Lingxi said, but suddenly released his hand. Xiuqiqi felt that the wrist was very red. She stretched out her hand and squeezed it. Then she nodded with a smile, "I mean the same thing. So, divorce. Don't worry. I forced you to get married, so I won't want anything from you. As for the house, I won't want anything, After all, I don't want to be a neighbor with the cold family. I'll move out as fast as I can, and I won't give you any trouble. "

"I know you've figured out the way back." In fact, Ling Xi knows everything. At first, marriage was just an accident. Now it ends in time. If Leng Jianjia didn't poke out some truth, maybe he would be a good husband. He didn't care about his family. But some things have happened and he didn't look back.

"Ling Xi, I really regret marrying you. If you stopped me at that time, maybe I won't get married." It's too late to regret now. It's just a joke.

"If you agree to divorce, you can say it's you who dumped me." Ling Xi sank his eyes and felt that he had given enough face to repair seven seven.

"Yes, I thought so originally. Since I started to expose some things, I was planning to divorce, but later I was worried that you would not leave. After all, we are still in harmony with some things."

Repair seven seven disdain of say, suddenly said, "I will move tomorrow, but today trouble you to sleep in the guest room."

"Good." Ling Xi's Adam's apple rolled a few times, but still nodded, turned and went to the guest room.

"Young granny, do you really want a divorce?" Xiaoqiu just heard these movements, extremely surprised, thought, repair seven seven is just a joke.

"Do you feel like a joke?" Repair seven seven seven ironic smile, "I really feel too tired, keep such a don't love their own people, it's better not."

"Young granny, you'd better think about it again. I think the young master is good to you. You don't divorce directly because you are all angry. Isn't this a free bargain for others?" Although Xiaoqiu said that, she sneered in her heart. Leng Jianjia had already left, and now xiuqiqi has decided to divorce, so there will be no more people around him.

Xiuqiqi didn't say anything more. She went back to her bedroom and packed up quickly. She had made up her mind to leave tomorrow.

"Little granny, have some milk." Xiao Qiu came over with milk.

"Thank you." Xiu Qiqi was also a little thirsty, so he took the milk and took a sip.

"Little grandma, do you have any luggage that I can help you with?" Xiao Qiu asked positively.

"No, I'll have my servant come to clean up tomorrow. I'm ready to have a rest." After that, Xiu Qiqi almost immediately fell asleep.

Sitting on the bedside, Xiaoqiu reaches out and depicts xiuqiqi's face. Her eyes suddenly become sharp. Finally, xiuqiqi leaves the house.

Xiaoqiu is very satisfied, and then her eyes fall on the milk Xiu Qiqi drank just now. She coldly raises the corner of her mouth, slowly reaches out her hand and covers Xiu Qiqi's face.

Can suddenly hear a burst of open the door, Xiaoqiu immediately stand up straight, subconsciously put away the milk bottle, will turn away.

But unexpectedly, Ling Xi came face to face!

"Young master, how did you come in?" Xiaoqiu was very surprised. He thought Ling Xi would not enter the master bedroom tonight.

"I'll get something. She's resting?" Lingxi eyes full of ice dregs, this woman, mentioned the divorce, unexpectedly this night also can safely sleep.

"Yes, maybe she was tired, so she fell asleep after taking a bath." Xiao Qiu explains in a hurry.

"You go down first." Ling Xi deliberately supports Xiao Qiu.

Xiaoqiu hesitated for a while, but she left first.

Ling Xi sits on the edge of the bed. Unexpectedly, Xiu Qiqi sleeps too much. When he walks in, she doesn't know.

Ling Xi coldly raised the corner of his mouth, then casually changed a suit, grabbed the car key and drove out!

When Ling Xi left, Xiu Qiqi didn't know that she was sleeping very hard. What happened outside, she didn't have any impression after she woke up.

Also remember, today is to move, repair seven seven simple wash.

The door of the guest room is always closed. Xiuqizhuang dares to pass by.

But how all didn't wait for Ling Xi to appear.

"Little grandma..." Xiao Qiu's voice just fell, but she was interrupted by Xiu Qiqi. "From today on, call me miss Xiu."

"Miss Xiu, you should have some breakfast first. It's specially ordered by the young master." With that, Xiao Qiu leads Xiu Qiqi to the dining table in the living room.

Xiuqiqi didn't say anything, but as soon as she sat down, she saw three thin sheets of paper on the dining table.

This is a divorce agreement.

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