"No, I had an appointment with a friend, but she has an appointment now." An shengxia explained simply.

"That means he didn't want to ask you out in the first place." Listening to Quan Yao's tone, he seems to have misunderstood something.

An shengxia didn't explain.

"Men are action oriented. If they really like you, they won't give up their date with you." Quan Yao pondered, "an shengxia, you can't see men's eyes. It seems that one dish is better than the other."

"The movie has already started. Can you stop talking?" Originally, an shengxia wanted to change her position, but the film had already started, and with the full audience, her whole body was stiff.

"Do you drink water?" Even when watching a movie, Li Ruoxi and Quan Yao's small moves are constantly changing.

There is some bitterness in the eyes. An shengxia only feels that every minute is suffering, but he never goes out.

What about?

She can't forget him!

Why do you have to go?

If she really left, I'm afraid he would think that she was jealous.

"I don't drink it." Right Yao side head, and then look at Li Ruoxi, "these snacks, you eat it."

"But I can't finish it either. You know, I have a small appetite, and I have to manage my body. I can't eat at will." Li Ruoxi tooted, "you'd better eat it. I bought it for you."

"No, I don't like snacks." Quan Yao shakes his head again.

"You just have one, can't you?" Li Ruoxi was very angry.

"I never eat anything so sweet." Right Yao will woman handed snacks, feed her mouth, "are you like to eat."

"Well, it's delicious." Li Ruoxi smiles sweetly, and then looks at an shengxia's direction on purpose.

"You're too noisy. Can you keep your voice down so as not to influence other people's watching movies?" An shengxia glances at Quan Yao and Li Ruoxi impolitely.

"That's right. If you have something to eat, can you keep it down?"

"Sorry..." Li Ruoxi nodded.

But Quan Yao just lowered his eyes.

Next, when they talked, they paid a lot of attention and didn't speak out any more.

It's not easy to get through the movie, but an shengxia didn't pay attention to the plot.

"Miss an, I didn't expect such a coincidence. I can meet you when I see a movie, and it's such a close location..." Li Ruoxi said, is it really a coincidence, or is an shengxia intentional?

"My friend bought the ticket." An shengxia cannot be more innocent.

"Shall we have dinner together?" Li Ruoxi, holding Quan Yao in her arms, then picks an Sheng Xia's eyebrows. "There's a restaurant nearby that I used to go to. He likes to eat too. I think you like it, too."

There is a hint between the lines that she and Quan Yao have a lot of past.

"No AXA Xiadang shook his head, "you go to eat, the atmosphere of three people is very awkward."

"How can it be that everyone is friends and it's normal to have a meal together?" Li Ruoxi has to be nice.

AXA Xiasuo punctured the last layer of window paper, "he is my ex husband after all, I can't eat with you."

After that, an shengxia quickly goes to the bathroom.

Bad luck.

You can meet every movie!

A lonely person in the shopping mall, anshengxia head down, but saw Quan Yao and Li Ruoxi on the first floor shopping.

From her point of view, I happened to see that they were very close together.

Why can we meet everywhere?

I can't help but think that an shengxia is stupid and follows them all the way.

Isn't that a little abnormal?

"It's like someone's been following us." Natural intuition tells Li Ruoxi that the one who follows her is an shengxia.

"Is it?" Quan Yao turned around and felt a trance several times.

"Well, maybe it's just a coincidence." Li Ruoxi hook red lips, deliberately walked into the elevator.

Patronizing the track, but did not pay attention to the road. When Ann went into the lift, she was a face red.

Heart, but secretly cry.

Why is she following them like a psycho?

I want to know how gentle he can be to Li Ruoxi?

Or do you want to see him more?

"Miss an, don't you really want to have dinner together?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"No With his head down, an shengxia didn't go to see Li Ruoxi's expression at the moment. He also knew how proud Li Ruoxi was.

The whole time, the man's face was calm.

He knew that she followed him, but she was so calm

"Well, let's go out first." Holding the man's arm, Li Ruoxi went out with a gentle smile.

The pace of forward slightly pause, Quan Yao turned around, but saw an shengxia had already run away.

"Chu Shao, do you have time now?"

An shengxia's back is against the wall and his heart is aching. When he sees Quan Yao's door open for Li Ruoxi, and then they get on the bus together, the hot tears pour down.

She must give up!

Don't want to give yourself any way back!

"What's the matter with you?" Chu Tian asked in amazement.

"Let's sign the contract!"

Ten minutes later, an shengxia arrived at Chu's as fast as he could.

"Don't you mean to help me out?" An shengxia smiles brightly, "well, I really agree now. You take out the contract and we'll sign it now!"

"Do you really think about it?" Chu Tian asked unexpectedly.

"Well, I really think about it!" Yasunari nodded heavily.

It occurred to her that he had said to her

An shengxia, if one day you sign a contract with Chutian, we will be finished.


Then, let's finish it!

No more possibilities!

She has to force herself to come out completely!

"This is the contract. You can read it yourself first. If you feel uncertain, you can discuss it with me." Chutian took a deep breath and put the contract in an shengxia's hand.

"Good." But it's just a simple passing. An shengxia is determined to sign!

"What's the matter with you?" Suddenly holding down the woman's hand, Chutian was not surprised by the tears under her eyes.

"Like a person, too hard, I want to completely forget him."

Anshengxia, how much do you love him? Can I help you forget him?

In the silent night, Chutian sat quietly in the driver's seat, like a dormant animal. Seeing Quan Yao come out of the hotel, he got off immediately.

Rushing to pull Quan Yao's collar, Chu Tian angrily asked, "Quan Shao, what did you do to an shengxia?"

"It's none of your business." The cold hum of Quan Yao's disdain.

"An shengxia signed the contract and officially started his career!"

When hearing this sentence, the man suddenly Lengzheng, heart stabbing pain of severe, he deeply realized, he will always lose what.

An shengxia, if you sign a contract from Chu, we're finished

Remembering these words, Quan Yao's deep eyes turned red

"Anshengxia is my man now."

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