Xia Wei'an looked at Leng Jianjia and said, "maybe they are not waiting to see jokes, but you are too bright, so it's easy for everyone to put their eyes on you."

"I don't need to say that to comfort me. I can tell whether to watch a joke or a play." Lengjianjia raised his chin, "but I don't care now, as long as my children live well."

Xia Wei'an couldn't help thinking about her children and that she would leave them in the future. She couldn't help but feel wet. But she couldn't let Leng Jianjia see her abnormality. She had to stretch out her hand and wipe her eyes. Then she pretended to be calm and said, "yes, you just need to take good care of your children now. Anyway, you've been married, and you know what marriage is, They may not be married yet. "

"Do you think it's just women going to the theatre? The men I rejected before are also waiting to see the play, but I have children now, and I'm not a hen who can't lay eggs. " Leng Jianjia is also left to those people.

But it's a pity that if Xia Weian and his brother can't get together, maybe there is no so-called emotion in the world.


"I always feel that Xia Wei'an's state today is a bit strange, but I don't know where it is, but she obviously doesn't want to marry big brother."

After returning to the villa, Leng Jianjia talks with her second brother.

"It's not something we can worry about. Trust big brother. I think he must have an idea in his mind."

Leng Zheng adores his elder brother.

"Don't think that big brother is really omnipotent. For Xia Weian, maybe he really can't help it. It's because big brother cares too much and doesn't want to hurt her. So if she has to leave, maybe big brother will really agree." Leng Jianjia sighs in her heart. She always feels that Xia Weian wants to leave, even if she doesn't explain it herself.

"According to my understanding of the elder brother, he should not put it well, and they have children. If the elder brother wants to let go, he will not accept the two children. If the child does not have a mother..." Leng Zheng can't imagine, "the elder brother will keep her even for the sake of the child."

"But what if big brother loves her?" Cold Jianjia helplessly shook his head, "true love, she will not have the heart to be hurt."

"Maybe letting go is the best choice." Leng Zheng's idea is completely opposite to Leng Jianjia's.


"Have you found it?" After receiving Leng Zheng's call, Leng Hao's mood is more complicated than ever. He stands in front of the French window in his bedroom and looks out at the scenery. He just sees Xia Wei'an reading a book. The sunshine outside is scattered on the beautiful face of the woman. Time seems to go straight.

”He's in Hughes' hands, but he didn't do anything. He just served with delicious food. Brother, what do you think I should do? Do you want people to come directly? However, I have heard that his mental state is a little strange. If he is really strong, I'm afraid that in case of an accident... "Leng Zheng doesn't dare to do it rashly.

"I'll ask for someone myself." Leng Hao immediately closes his mobile phone, but suddenly raises his eyes, just opposite Xia Wei'an's four eyes.

I always feel that Leng Hao has something to say, and Xia Wei'an's heart sinks to the bottom in an instant.

Take a deep breath, Xia Weian closed the book in his hand and went to Leng Hao, "whose phone just now, are you going out?"

"Not really. It's my brother's phone. However, it has something to do with you. Didn't you always want to know your father's whereabouts before? Now you have it..."

Leng Hao said while observing Xia Weian's reaction, what he could see was not excitement, but a burst of tension, so it was the same as his guess.

"In fact, you already know that it was made by Hughes, and you are more assured that people are there. You don't trust me at all, do you?"

The bottom of my heart is like this, but Leng Hao still wants to listen to Xia Weian's explanation.

Xia Weian laughed. "I don't know what you're talking about. If you really investigate my father's whereabouts, why don't you want me to see him?"

"If I use strong, it will hurt innocent people. Are you satisfied with my answer?" Leng Hao just doesn't want to see Xia Wei'an's disappointed eyes.

Xia Weian was surprised. "Do you really think so in your heart?"

She always felt that the cold at the moment became a little strange.

"Do you think I need to make up so many reasons to deceive you?" Leng Hao said with a smile, "people are in the hands of Hughes. I need to negotiate in the past."

"Can you bring me with you?" Xia Weian worried said, "after all, I miss my father very much."

"That day, you should have met?" Leng Hao is not stupid.

Just before, I didn't want to pierce it.

Xia Wei'an's face suddenly turned pale, but she quickly responded, just chuckled, "of course I want to see my father, is this my request, too much?"

"Not too much. Well, I can take you with me then." Leng Hao finally failed to be ruthless.

"You should rest early, and I'll pick you up then." Then Leng Hao picked up the key and drove out.

Standing in the same place, Xia Wei'an was a little stunned.

But the housekeeper came in, looked at her and said, "Oh, it's time to eat. How did lengshao go out?"

"Miss Xia, do you have dinner now?"

"No, I don't have much appetite for the time being. You can eat it." Xia Weian just shook his head.

"That's not good. Miss Xia, you are in confinement now." The chatter of the housekeeper.

No way, Xia Wei'an didn't like being nagged, so he had to eat some.

But she couldn't eat any more. She just took two mouthfuls and vomited them out.

"Miss Xia, shall I talk to lengshao and take you to the hospital?"

"No, I'll eat later." Xia Weian returned to the room and immediately lay down to rest.

For several days in a row, Leng Hao didn't appear again.

On the contrary, Xia Wei'an felt that it was good to live like this, so she would not feel embarrassed and helpless.

But that day, Leng Hao came ahead of time and said that he would take her to Xiushi.

"Today?" Xia Weian's mood is very complicated. She doesn't know what Leng Hao has done these days.

Has Dad agreed to go home with her?

Hughes has agreed to release people, too?

But if so, dad is under the control of Leng Hao, she can't escape.

"That's today. We'll go and pick up your father." Leng Hao grabs Xia Weian and shoves her into the car.

Without waiting for Xia Wei'an to recover, the car was already running at high speed.

Xia Wei'an looks at the scenery outside the window, but his heart is not calm all the time

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