When Xia Weian went to work, he was still very energetic.

"Have you heard that after a while, the company will have a new boss, and it seems to be a company from other places."

"Is it?" Xia Weian didn't care about it.

"I said to you, how can you be so calm? It seems that you haven't heard it. You know, this is a big change in the company. If the leaders don't like anyone, they may not even have the chance to work."

"Is that exaggeration?" Xia Wei'an hasn't taken it seriously. Anyway, she's just looking for a job. Although she doesn't like it much, she doesn't want to worry about food and drink. She just wants to live a plain life.

"It's true!"

"Oh, let's talk about it then. Anyway, the new boss hasn't come yet. I don't know what kind of character this person is. Maybe he's a good person, right?"

Xia Weian laughs.

"I always feel that you are heartless, but it's good to save yourself trouble." The man also laughed.

"By the way, come to tuanjian after work? You always don't take part in group activities, so that's a little bad, right? You are so out of group. People who don't know think you are too arrogant. "

"My father is at home. I don't feel at ease." Xia Weian said frankly.

Su Xi rarely knows about Xia Wei'an's family. "Then you'd better go back and have dinner with your father. Let's make an appointment next time."

"Well, I'll go back after work." Xia Weian did not expect that he could have a friend.

When I got home, my father was cooking.

"Dad, I'll cook later." Xia Weian is a little distressed. She usually leaves after cooking, but today she is in a bit of a hurry, thinking that there is still something to eat in the refrigerator. Unexpectedly, her father cooked the food himself. Seeing this scene, Xia Weian is not scared to death.

"I'm not afraid. I can cook." Xia's father laughs, just like a naughty child.

Xia Wei An took a deep breath, "Dad, let me come, you just enjoy it."

"No, you're still young. Are you going to school later?"

"Not tomorrow. Tomorrow is the weekend. Shall we have hot pot at home?" Xia Weian tears out a smile, she thinks it's also very good, anyway, Dad's heartless, but more happy.

As soon as Xia's father heard that he wanted to eat hot pot, he immediately danced and danced like a minor child.


"Brother, it seems that the company you acquired is a little biased, and it's not a well-known enterprise. Emma, money is not spent like this. How can you explain to the board of directors then?" Leng Zheng felt his chin and asked helplessly.

"I have my own way. The money is transferred from my account instead of the company." Leng Hao had already made plans.

"I really can't see what's special about this company that you need to put so much effort into... Does this company have any potential?" Leng Zheng couldn't see it.

"Well, do it now." Leng Hao is too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Oh, that's fine." Leng Zheng walks out with the document in his arms.

"How is the child?" Leng Hao called home.

"Don't worry, brother. I'm looking at the baby." Leng Jianjia had children and had some experience.


"Don't be so polite, brother. As long as you can cheat my sister-in-law home, all my efforts are not in vain. Do you know where my sister-in-law has gone now? I think you must know. I'm just surprised that you let your sister-in-law go this time, or do you think you're a real jerk? So you want to give her a little freedom? "

Leng Jianjia is worried. She doesn't know how long brother's tolerance is?

"If she feels very painful around me, then I can let her fly once, but it won't be long. She will come back to me, but for the time being, I will accompany her in another way, but I won't let her know." Leng Hao has his own plan.

"Brother, sometimes, you have such an idea, but you don't want to say it. It's very annoying. People won't know what you think. Maybe Xia Weian is very happy to leave you now, but he doesn't know it's your success. When you show up again, I think she may not be able to stand it. In short, you should slowly return to her world, I don't care what you do, but in a word, you can't let her be hurt, because a woman's heart is actually very fragile... "

Cold Jianjia helpless explanation.

"I know what you want to say. Maybe I know what love is." Leng Hao squeezed his arm tightly.

"I hope you really know." Leng Jianjia closed her cell phone, but she looked at the two babies with a smile.

I wish I could chase my wife home!


Xia Weian went out early the next morning to buy vegetables. She didn't have much to eat, and she came to Su Xi for dinner.

"What's the matter with your father?" Su Xi asked cautiously, "but don't worry, I won't say it. I'm just surprised. I didn't expect that you are not out of group, just..."

"Well, my father was a little... Stimulated by some things in the past, but it's good now." Xia Weian doesn't feel inferior.

"I'm really happy for you to think so, but you should also find someone to rely on. In fact, you look so good, there must be many people chasing you, but I'm surprised, why do you have to come out to roam? This is not your hometown." Su Xi was at a loss.

"I have no home."

Xia Weian just shook his head, "I only have dad."

"I'm sorry. Maybe I asked something I shouldn't, but your craftsmanship is really good. Whoever marries you is burning incense." Su Xi's sweet way.

"In fact, I'm not as good as you think..." but Xia Wei'an doesn't want to mention the past.

"What kind of type do you like? I can introduce it to you. Although I'm single, I'm still familiar with the company. I think it's better to find a boyfriend in the company, so that your pressure can be reduced. It's better to find a local one." Su Xi is full of plans.

"Ha ha, it doesn't matter. I don't want to find a boyfriend or get married. I just want to live with my father." Xia Weian said that, the opposite Xia's father suddenly refused to eat as if he had been stimulated.

Xia Weian was surprised. Did her father understand her?

But it's impossible. Dad's IQ is still a child now

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