As a young Leng, Leng Hao was seldom rejected in his life.

But today, Xia Wei'an turned him down, but the tone was very good, so that people could not find any problems.

She just raised her eyes and looked at him gently. "Lengshao, we don't have to be like this. My home is not far away, so I'll go first. I don't need you to send me."

"..." although Leng Hao was a little lost, he didn't insist on it. He just watched her leave.

Originally thought Leng Hao just came a few days to leave, but unexpectedly, Leng Hao went to the company that day.

In particular, Leng Hao and Leng Zheng appeared together in the company, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

No one thought Leng Hao would order Leng Zheng to buy such a company.

Chu Hannian can't help calling and joking, "I knew you haven't given up yet, but I didn't expect you to be able to toss so much. According to your personality, you should take people home directly. What game are you playing now, cat and mouse?"

"Enough laughing?" Leng Hao asked sarcastically.

"Seriously, I still admire you. It seems that Xia Wei'an has really changed you a lot. No matter what the final result is, at least you worked hard, and your consciousness is much better than me. If I had you worked so hard at the beginning, maybe your sister would have been with me, but it's a pity..." Chu Hannian rubbed his eyebrows.

"Don't pretend to be poor with me. I'm different from you." Leng Hao always felt that he was different from Chu Hannian in nature. At least he didn't cheat others to get married, and he didn't treat his wife so badly after marriage.

"But it's essentially the same, and you don't have to laugh at me." Chuhannian lost his smile.

"Well, there's nothing else. Don't contact me. I'll be annoyed to see you." Leng Hao said and closed his cell phone directly.

"Is she all right now?" Xiusi looks at Chu Hannian.

"Don't worry, at least Leng Shao now knows how to respect people and doesn't force Xia Wei'an to do anything. I don't know what you think. You clearly know Xia Wei'an's whereabouts first. It's said that she only said goodbye to you before she left."

Chu Hannian couldn't see through Hughes.

"I just hope she has a good life. If she has me in her heart, of course I can be arrogant, but I know that she just emphasized this point to my friends, her and me." Hughes was a little disappointed.

"Do you know where you lost in the end?" Chu Hannian questioned.


"You're just too honest." Chu Hannian said sarcastically, "to be a man, if you want a woman, you must not be too honest. You see, he even cheated his children."

"It will only hurt her." And Hughes was not willing to do it.

"Sometimes love is selfish." Chu Hannian looked up at Xiusi with a sneer.

Hughes did not think so. He believed that emotion was not used to force.

But the next day, Hughes went to other places. He met Xia Weian and disappeared for a while, but they didn't change much.

The only change is that Xia's mental state is much better than before, and the smile on her face is also much more. As long as you get this result, it's good.

"It seems that you are used to living here, so I'm glad you left right." Said Hughes with a slight smile.

"Yes, my father and I have been very happy since we came here. Although the life is very dull, my understanding of happiness is like this. I live with my important people and live a good life." Xia Wei'an tried to stop talking several times, but still mentioned Leng Hao, "it's just that I didn't expect him to come over, but he should just leave in a few days. The company here has been acquired by Leng Zheng. I don't think he should participate in it. Even if he participates, he won't do anything to me any more."

She really didn't believe it. Leng Hao could cover the sky with one hand here.

"He may have really changed, but I am worried that you will be influenced by him. After all, there is still a child between you. However, I will support you in any choice you make." Hughes' sincere way.

"Thank you. By the way, it's rare for you to come here. I'll treat you to dinner, but I don't have much time. I can only treat you to lunch at noon. After work, I'll go home to take care of my father." Xia Weian seriously explained that generally, after she came down, she had no other entertainment or relaxation. She always went home with her father to prevent any accidents. After all, her father's spirit had not recovered to his previous health.

"If it's not too much trouble, just go to your company for a working meal." Hughes proposed.

Xia Weian just wanted to promise, but he said in a difficult way“ I think people will misunderstand you for being so ostentatious. Let's go out and eat. I know there's a good restaurant nearby. You'll like it

"Are you so afraid of your colleagues gossiping about you?" Hughes asked unexpectedly.

"It's not gossip. I just don't want to make it difficult. After all, I'll work and live here in the future." Xia Weian pauses, "I thought about resigning before, but later I don't think it's necessary. I just regard myself as an ordinary employee. This time, only when I get along with them normally, can I really walk out on my own."

"I'm really happy for you to think that way." Xiusi narrowed his eyes and chuckled. Anyway, Xia Wei'an has slowly walked out of the pain of the past, and has become so sunny. It's not easy.

"But do you know what your father went through before?" Asked Hughes suddenly.

"Well, I don't know yet. Maybe my father will tell me when he is well." Xia Weian is a little worried, really know the truth, maybe and cold Hao has a direct relationship.

"I think it's possible..." Hughes was about to speak, but Yu Guang saw a tall figure not far away.

It's Leng Hao.

He immediately walked over and looked at Leng Hao. "I didn't expect to meet so soon. I just came here today. I don't know when you came here. Did you come on purpose or by the way?"

"My private business has nothing to do with you." Leng Hao did not give a positive answer.

"Oh, yes. After all, your intention is always so complicated that you don't blink when you hurt others." Hughes was satirizing him.

Leng Hao subconsciously glanced at Xia Wei'an, and then, looking at Hughes, "but how did you come?"

"I came to see her, and I knew she was here from the beginning." Hughes seemed to be a conqueror. He said haughtily, "she said goodbye to me the day she left."

"Oh, it's just a farewell. It seems that she just regards you as a general relationship." Leng Hao didn't care.

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