As soon as his voice fell, the other end of the phone was stunned, but there was no sound.

Ling Xi sneered, "I can connive at you, do anything, but this time you really, play too much, 77, if you just don't trust me, forget it, but don't test me again, people's patience has a bottom line, you really, poke my bottom line this time."


"I took her away." Lingxi said, directly close the mobile phone, at the same time Leng Jianjia was taken down from the ship by several bodyguards, at the moment Leng Jianjia whole person is in a state of sleepiness, seems to eat something, and then always sleepy.

"Ling Shao, Miss Leng is still sleeping after taking sleeping pills. Do you want to send her to Leng's home or to the hospital?"

"Take it to the hospital." Ling Xi is not sure whether lengjianjia has any other discomfort.

On that day, the cold family received the news and rushed to the hospital.

"How is she now?" An Sheng Xia asked nervously.

"It's nothing now, but I think I've taken a lot of sleeping pills, so I've been sleeping all the time." Ling Xi's shallow explanation.

"Where did you find her, or really, just like you said... It was made by 77?" An shengxia can't believe it.

"Yes, but I will give you a satisfactory explanation. Qiqi is only young and not sensible, so that's why he did it." Ling Xi bowed his head and did not dare to complain.

"In fact, I can't say anything about you two, but at least my daughter is innocent. I know what you do to my daughter." An shengxia looks at Ling Xi seriously, "I don't want you to affect my daughter."

"Auntie, I understand what you mean, and I know what you mean. Don't worry, I'll really deal with it." Ling Xi always lowered his head, feeling unable to lift his head.

"What do you mean by Qiqi? If you get along with each other, it's really painful. Let it go." Anshengxia hinted.

Lingxi suddenly raised his eyes and looked at an shengxia, "Auntie, I want to deal with my personal affairs by myself. Do you think it's ok?"

"All right. You can do it yourself. " An shengxia simply no longer talks nonsense and pushes Ling Xi out.


She is trembling all over. Xiu Qiqi doesn't know what words to use to describe her mood. She knows that Ling Xi must have guessed it, but she doesn't know what Ling Xi will do.

She just want to test in Lingxi's heart, what she is, but don't know, Lingxi finally see through her.

"77, it's really wrong for you to do so. Follow me to apologize later." Han Enya helplessly looks at Xiu Qiqi.

"Mom, I don't want to go. They will blame me. In fact, I don't want to make a big deal. I just want to know if he still has me in his heart."

Repair seven seven half squat on the ground, "Mom, I don't want to go, you don't force me."

"My Xiuhe's daughter, when did she become so unreasonable?" Xiuhe couldn't help coming out of his study. When he learned what xiuqiqi had done, he was extremely angry. "I didn't expect you to kidnap lengjianjia secretly. If anything happened to her, how would you solve it? It's just for a man. Are you crazy? When you got married, I didn't think it was very reliable. "

"Dad, I won't divorce. I just want to test if he has me in his heart." Xiu Qiqi is angry.

"So what's the result of your trial now? You have seen his choice. I heard that Ling Xi took Jianjia to the hospital. " Xiuhe pressed the brow, "in fact, you have lost very thoroughly."

"Dad, what do you mean by that?" Xiu Qiqi was stunned.

"It means that your man is hiding another woman in his heart, and if you continue to make trouble, it will only make the scene more difficult to clean up. In fact, it's OK to live between husband and wife. Not everyone's marriage has love." Xiuhe, as a past person, can see clearly that when he was abroad, he was also married, which led to the birth of Qiqi. Although he only used it, he still looked back for Han Enya, who was his true love.

"Men divide their interests and feelings very clearly. Sometimes they feel that they can't get the woman they love, but they also want to get married and have children. So don't pay so much attention to marriage, or you will only hurt yourself in the end." Xiuhe constantly emphasized this point.

"But I'm not afraid of getting hurt." Xiu Qiqi gritted his teeth and said, "Dad, do you think of my mother?"

Han en Arden's face was pale. She always regarded Xiu Qiqi as her own woman. But when she heard Xiu Qiqi mention that woman, she was still guilty and could not even raise her head.

"Don't worry. I'll help you with your business this time. You won't be hurt. No one will blame you." Han Enya felt Xiu Qiqi's palm.

"I'm really sad..." Xiu Qiqi looks at Han Enya, but he shakes off Han Enya's hand, and then quickly turns around and runs away.

But the people of the Leng family came to the door. Leng Zheng looked at Xiu Qiqi angrily. "Before, I just thought you were playing, but this time, you really have no brain and are too much. If my third brother leaves any sequelae, I really can't let you go, and the whole Leng family won't let you go!"

"She just took two sleeping pills. What other side effects can she have?" Fix seven seven don't have good spirit of ask.

"You don't think there are any side effects. Why don't you take it for me?" Leng Zheng asked in a cold voice.

"I'm just joking. I really don't want to make a big deal of it. Am I not innocent? I finally got married, but I didn't expect that he came for the sake of lengjianjia... How collapsed I was when I knew the news, who can understand? " Repair seven seven but feel funny, she didn't expect that she would really fall in love with Ling Xi, this man in the heart clearly hide other women.

"I don't think your joke is funny at all." Leng Zheng looks at Xiu Qiqi coldly.

Han Enya came out and said, "I'll take care of anything about July 7."

"How do you take it?" Leng Zheng actually knows that Han Enya is not the biological mother of Xiu Qiqi.

"I'm Qiqi's mother. Qiqi calls me mom. I can take care of this." Han Enya straightened his waist.

"Xiuqiqi, you always hide behind, so you can't see the light, or you don't feel wrong in essence?" Leng Zheng shook his head helplessly, "if you continue to do it, it will only harm you one by one!"

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