Xiu Qiqi realized for the first time that she would not get drunk when she drank.

But only by constantly paralyzing ourselves with alcohol can we save ourselves.

Xiu Qiqi clearly remembers that he drank seven bottles in a row, and then he was finally drunk and unconscious.

What happened after that, Xiu Qiqi didn't remember at all. He just woke up again and found himself in the hospital.

"How much did you drink? You've been washing your stomach all the time. Fortunately, it was discovered early and sent by your family in time. Otherwise, you must be alcoholic and may become a vegetable." The doctor was relieved to see that Xiu Qiqi finally woke up.

"When did I come here?" Xiu Qiqi grabbed her hair and could smell a hangover. The pungent smell made her feel sick and even want to vomit.

"You've been sleeping for almost three days." The doctor looked at Xiu Qiqi's pale face. "Your family doesn't know yet. I'll go to inform them now."

Xiu Qiqi didn't show any expression, but he knew that she had scared them when she went to the hospital this time. She was really useless. She was just divorced, but she made so much noise.

Hughes came directly from the company, so he came quickly. "Sister, I didn't expect divorce. It's a big blow to you. I thought before that, you didn't think divorce was OK."

"It's nothing. I couldn't think of it at that time, but now I've figured out that he doesn't belong to me, so I'll give him back to the world, and I'll meet someone who belongs to me in the future." Xiu Qiqi's incomparably natural and unrestrained way.

But Hughes couldn't go on, "he forced you to divorce, didn't he? You don't want a divorce at all

"At that time, my father didn't care about me, and I know it's not convenient for you to intervene. After all, I got married before, but now I really think it's divorce. At least he helped me solve the problem, or I might still be in it now." Xiu Qiqi is very open-minded.

"At that time, dad was just angry, but I didn't expect you to be really upset, so don't blame dad." Hughes was a little worried.

But he nodded, "of course I know. I just don't want to make trouble for you."

"We are a family. Nothing you do is to make trouble!" What Hughes said was loud and clear.

Repair seven seven originally don't want to cry, but don't know why, hear this family, tears like machine gun, directly to the face, "thank you for saying so."

"Seven seven..." Han Enya and Xiuhe came to see that Xiuqi had awakened, and the big stone in his heart immediately settled down.

"What do you think now? If you think you can't live without that man, I'll try to get him back. " Xiuhe's words have the meaning of extortion.

"Dad, you said before, let me pay the price. I think you're right. I always have to pay a little price for what I do. Now that I've grown up, I know that drinking can't solve the problem. I won't drink any more..." Xiu Qiqi touched the corner of his mouth and then chuckled, "as for him, it's good for him to leave, He doesn't belong here anyway. "

"Seven seven..." Han Enya is more distressed, and even constantly blames Xiuhe for his ruthlessness at that time. He even puts Xiuqi aside, making her realize her mistake.

"You have nothing to apologize for. It's all my fault. I have to bear it myself. Now I don't bear anything. It's just a divorce. Besides, this marriage doesn't belong to me from the beginning." Xiu Qiqi kept explaining, hoping to dig out his heart to prove that he was not hurt.

"Do you really think so?" Han Enya felt Xiu Qiqi's wrist, but he decided that Xiu Qiqi was trying to force a smile.

"I want to get out of the hospital. I don't want to stay here. After all, my health is OK." When Xiu Qiqi was ready to leave hospital, he was called aside by the doctor.

"Miss Xiu, I think you should know something about your body..."

The doctor stopped talking several times.

"I probably know what you mean." Xiu 77 eyes, "I actually know, because my body is not suitable for pregnancy, after a period of recuperation, and still can not be pregnant."

"Yes, and you are a little older now, and it will be more difficult to have children in the future." The doctor said truthfully.

"Thank you. I know all about it." Xiu Qiqi nodded heavily.

"But I think we can take care of ourselves slowly." The doctor advised.

However, Xiu Qiqi chuckled, "thank you, doctor."

Next, Xiu Qiqi thought carefully for a while, and then he continued, "in fact, I really like children, so I will come to get the medicine regularly."

In the future, she will remarry and have a child of her own.

So she had to be treated.

Once upon a time, she received these treatments to give birth to Chu Hannian's child, and then Ling Xi

Maybe it's her bad luck. Neither of them is her destiny.

She is waiting for the man who will never give up on her.

That day, xiuqiqi ran into lengjianjia in the hospital.

Cold Jianjia see repair seven seven, first is a Leng, and then nodded, is a greeting.

In fact, lengjianjia also heard about the gastric lavage before xiuqiqi, and knew that xiuqiqi had suffered a great blow.

But lengjianjia didn't know what kind of mentality to face xiuqiqi.

Xiuqiqi was stunned when he saw lengjianjia, but he found that lengjianjia was extremely cold. Xiuqiqi also lowered his eyes, and then reached out and grasped lengjianjia's wrist, "long time no see."

"Yes, I haven't seen you for a long time. The new year is coming. I'd like to say a happy new year ahead of time." Leng Jianjia's reply was very official, even with a sense of alienation.

Repair seven seven but smile, she knows, between them also can't go back again, destine can only be familiar stranger.

"I heard you went to the hospital before. How are you now? You are not in good health. " Lengjianjia just asked casually.

"It's OK. I come to the hospital regularly, so I can take good care of myself." Fix seven seven also nod, two people have tacit understanding very much, who didn't mention Ling Xi.

Repair seven seven, but then it is to see, Chu Hannian with a report came, and then stretched out his hand to embrace the cold Jianjia.

Even if Leng Jianjia is not willing to, she still listens to what Chu Hannian says.

"My son has a cold. We need an injection later. Let's go first." Chu Hannian stretched out his hand to hold lengjianjia and fixed his eyes on xiuqiyi. He just nodded and turned to leave.

Xiuqiqi stood in the same place, raised the corners of her mouth to smile. She wished them well. This time, she was sincere.

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