How could it be him?

I think it's wrong.

At the same time, Ling Xi is also a Leng, always feel that just now that person, looks a little familiar, but how do not remember, is where to see, maybe it is wrong.


"Did you meet him abroad?" Xiuhe is also a rare contact with Xiuqi, "I hope you don't blame me for what happened in those years."

"Dad, I know what you mean. At that time, you told me that you would not help me and that you wanted to make me suffer for my own good. How could I not know such a simple truth? Besides, even if you don't do it, he knows how to be a man. Before he leaves, he helps me solve the problem, so we can be considered as peaceful. Dad, you don't need to worry. Maybe I'll bump into him one day, but I won't feel anything. My heart has been very calm. After all, a year has passed, and there is no emotional foundation between us. "

Xiu77 kept explaining, but he didn't know who he was talking to.

"If you really think so, I'll be at ease." But Xiuhe shook his head, "Qiqi, if you feel tired, you can come back at any time."

"I don't have to live outside. I just want to enjoy life by myself and give you and mom a little freedom of love." Xiu Qiqi chuckled, "Dad, when I finish my work this time, I will go back to live, and you will accept the blind date you arranged."

"First of all, you like the most important thing. If you don't want to have a family all the time, you can live at home all the time. I won't say anything. No one dares to say anything." Xiuhe is also the only daughter who loves him.

When Xiu Qiqi became the target of public criticism a year ago, he was too angry and didn't come forward to solve the problem.

He didn't want to be misunderstood by Xiu Qiqi all the time.

"Dad, even if you don't say it, I know what you mean. You just spoil me too much. I'll become so ignorant when I grow up. But don't worry. I always understand what you mean." Xiu Qiqi explained, "I won't let you down either."

"Rest early." Xiuhe was relieved. He was worried that Xiuqi would run into that man.

I have been working overtime for a week. Shortly after I joined the company, I lost a lot of weight.

"Mr. Xiu, there's a dinner party tonight, or I'd better push it for you. After all, you stayed up late last night. I'm afraid you're not in good shape." The assistant said respectfully.

"Arrange a makeup artist to make up for me now. Just go out for a meal, and I'll relax myself." And I have a contract to sign. Xiu Qiqi knows that tonight is an opportunity.

"Are you Mr. Zhao for the cooperation case?" The assistant said, "but on his side, he clearly doesn't want to cooperate, so he tosses out a lot of conditions. If it's a big deal, the contract will be invalid."

"If I'm unfair, I'll say that I have no strength." Xiu Qiqi shook his head. "I have to stabilize this company. I have to show my strength."

"But the general manager... It's not your job." The assistant couldn't look over and said, "this should be a matter of the public relations department!"

"The manager of the public relations department is also new." Xiu Qiqi pressed the eyebrow, "she needs more training."

"So it is." Frankly speaking, the assistant also admires Xiu Qiqi. She has been working overtime for almost a week, but she still has no complaints. Originally, she thought that she was a daughter who knew nothing, but now it seems that she is not.

At the reception, qiqiyi was dressed in a rose red dress with white shoulders and delicate makeup, which was the focus of everyone.

There are many beauties in shopping malls, but there are few such intelligent women.

Xiuqiqi walked gracefully towards president Zhao with his wine cup in his hand. "I heard that president Zhao has been very busy all the time, so I didn't have the time to cooperate with Xiushi. It seems that this is true. There are so many people around president Zhao just now. I've been waiting for a lot of time, so I have a chance to talk to you."

Zhao Zeyang turned his head and looked at Xiu Qiqi, but he also raised his glass, but his eyes showed a little bit of surprise, "I didn't expect that Xiu's family would be replaced and negotiated with me this time."

"It's not a replacement." Xiu Qiqi chuckled, "I'm the new person in charge. My name is Xiu."

"Miss Xiu?" Zhao Zeyang had never seen Xiu Qiqi, but he heard that there was a young lady in Xiu's family. He didn't expect to attend such an occasion.

"It's my pleasure to see you today." Zhao Zeyang's speech was very generous. Although he showed enthusiasm, he did not mention any cooperation.

Xiu Qiqi was also very clever. He never mentioned his work, but just chatted. He first brushed off a wave of good feelings and showed no inferiority. At the same time, he was not in a hurry. "Can I invite you to dance next time?"

"Generally speaking, it's men who invite them." Zhao Zeyang put down his glass and said, "Miss Xiu, may I invite you to dance?"

"Thank you." Xiu Qiqi has a smile in his eyes. Even if he can't cooperate, Zhao Zeyang still feels like a gentleman.

"I didn't expect that you would come to the branch office in person. A woman working hard in the mall would be very tired." Zhao Zeyang was surprised.

"It doesn't matter. It's not hard work. I'll go abroad to see the world." Xiuqiqi just said with a smile, "besides, as a member of the Xiujia family, I should make some efforts. I don't want to be said that I'm a rice bug who only knows how to enjoy."

"I thought all women wanted to be canaries."

"Of course not." Xiu Qiqi said very seriously, "there are many excellent girls around me. They all know that they work hard."

"It seems that I'm going to change my view of some women in China."

"It's a must." Xiu Qiqi picks his eyebrows with pride.

After dancing, Xiu Qiqi didn't mention work.

Zhao Zeyang didn't expect that he would be calm when he was repairing Qiqi.

"Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom." Fix seven seven said, take mobile phone to turn round to leave.

Almost at the same time, another figure appeared.

Ling Xi was late for a while. As soon as he came, he saw a beautiful figure. As soon as he was about to leave, he went to Zhao Zeyang and said, "I didn't expect you to take a girl with you today."

"No, it's just a partner." Zhao Zeyang shook his head and said, "it's a lady."

"Is it?" Although Ling Xi was puzzled, he didn't care.

"Have you heard of Hughes?" Zhao Zeyang chuckled, "that just now is the first lady of Xiujia family... Xiuqiqi."

Pressing the goblet's finger, a little meal, after a whole day to hear the name again, but as if it had been a long time, Lingxi half squinted, looked to her disappearance place, quietly put down the glass.

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