Although I don't get along with Zhao Zeyang much, at least he is a trustworthy person.

Shopping malls are changeable, but Zhao Zeyang is reliable.

Xiu Qiqi believed in his intuition. "I know that you can threaten others and listen to you, but don't forget that you still have weaknesses."

"What do you mean by that?" Ling Xi is interested in it. What's the foundation of xiuqiqi?

"No matter how high you climb, there are many people who want to pull you down, so you should not be too confident. It's very easy to compete with you with the power of Xiujia."

Repair seven seven, want to talk and stop.

"But will you take Hughes and gamble with me?" Ling Xi shakes his head sarcastically, "you won't, and you don't want to."

"I just want to remind you that sometimes, you have to leave some way for yourself." Xiuqiqi has never hated a man in his heart. Even before, he just resented Chu Hannian, not hate him, but Ling Xi was one.


”Cancel the cooperation with Ling's branch. Right now, I have a controlling stake in your company, so my words should still have some weight. In other words, do you want to hold a general meeting of shareholders and make things bigger? "

When Ling Xi came to the door, Zhao Zeyang was not surprised at all. He even tried to make ends meet. "I don't know who made you angry like this. What's the matter? Do you have to be so angry? My cooperation with her has brought a lot of benefits to the company. Besides, I'm in charge of the company now, and you Ling can't intervene in the meeting for the time being, So, do you think that shareholders really don't care about the profits brought by this cooperation? "

"I know that you are not happy now, maybe because she is your ex-wife, so you will get along with each other strangely and awkwardly. But it doesn't matter. You don't have a chance to meet again. Besides, you might as well give me this face. I've also investigated. You just don't like her, but she doesn't do anything, What makes you unhappy... "

For the first time, Zhao Zeyang saw that Ling Xi was so unreasonable, especially when he treated a woman, he was so rude, even impulsive.

"I'm not here to communicate with you today, but I want you to do it directly." Ling Xi's tone is irrefutable. It doesn't sound like a joke.

"So you mean, really?" Zhao Zeyang was stunned, "come on, Mr. Ling, I've spoken very well with others. I suddenly repent. I really can't keep my face. There will be more cooperation in the future, and the Xiushi branch really has the strength to go public..."

"Cancel the cooperation, I'll make up for the loss on your side."

Ling Xi said absolutely, there is no room for any change.

But Zhao Zeyang reached out and patted Ling Xi on the shoulder. "I want to know what your motivation is. I don't think you are such a fussy person. If there is no sufficient reason, I won't agree with you."

"You know, she's my ex-wife, so it's bad for me that she stays here." Ling Xi frowns, "I don't want those in the past to be dug out."

"I know that you care about your privacy very much, and you're probably going to get engaged. It's really not nice to be picked out at this time. But if you do this, in case someone else's general manager messes up your affairs, I'm afraid you can't even cry because you have to believe in women's revenge. That's the most terrible thing in the world, You really don't underestimate any woman

Zhao Zeyang is also trying to persuade.

"I know what I'm doing. You don't have to persuade me."

Ling Xi despised to see Zhao Zeyang one eye, then slightly frown, "pour is you so help her talk, don't know the person still think, the relationship between you, is very unusual."

"How could it be? I just took her as a partner. Besides, you had to set up this business at first, but now you regret..." Zhao Zeyang should also care about his reputation.

"What do people think of me when it comes out?" Zhao Zeyang tone dignified, "if it is something else, I will certainly listen to you, but this is work, not a joke."

"Do you think I'm joking now?" Ling Xi's funny question.

"..." Zhao Zeyang is extremely passive, "you don't give me add block, OK?"

"She promised you something, otherwise, you would not have this attitude." Ling Xi half narrowed his eyes and walked in step by step. He pressed Zhao Zeyang's collar and said, "what's the secret between you?"

"Nothing. I didn't say that if I didn't know that you would have divorced, I thought you were jealous now... Otherwise, why do you have to care about the relationship between her and me? I've explained it like this, but you still don't believe it... Don't you think your possessive desire for others is too strong? You're going to get engaged. I'm sure you won't put your mind on your ex-wife, will you

Zhao Zeyang stretched out his hand to hold Ling Xi and said, "I don't know why you divorced at the beginning, but at least you lived together. It's nothing to give people face. It's just a business."

"You see, I'm a good talker?" Ling Xi looks gentle and elegant, but in fact, his means are very vicious and difficult to speak.

Zhao Zeyang suddenly felt a sense of crisis hit, "but, I have promised others, I really don't want to break my promise."

"Well, what capital do you think can fight with me?" Lingxi impolitely put down the cruel words, "if I remember well, you still need my investment, you should know, how to go is right, although you have to be responsible for her project, but in fact, also need to remember, you now in the end eat whose investment."

"..." Zhao Zeyang finally saw that Ling Xi was here for real this time!

"I'll think it over and give you the answer..."

But in two days, xiuqiqi received some bad news one after another.

The most important thing is that Zhao cancelled the cooperation.

You don't have to think about it to know what it is.

Besides Ling Xi, who can be so boring and have to face her?

Xiu Qiqi really didn't expect that it had been so long

He is still so insidious!

I doubt I was blind at the beginning, so I would choose him!

Xiuqiqi was full of anger and trembling, but just at this time, the Secretary quickly pushed the door and came in, "xiuzong... Lingzong is here!"

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