"You have the wrong number." Xiu Qiqi tried to stabilize the voice line, but he gave such an indifferent answer.

She simply admired Ling Xi's acting skills. She was the same in front of her and the same behind her.

"Last time you left your things at my house, when do you think it's convenient to take them away, or I'll express them to you“ It's not suitable for them to meet. Xiu Qiqi mentioned again that he left the ring in her house that day. At that time, he left in a rush. She didn't dare to provoke him, so she didn't let him take the ring away. He thought that he would take the ring away automatically when he calmed down in a few days, but unexpectedly, he didn't take the ring seriously.

”As I said, if you don't want the things you send out, you just throw them away“ Lingxi tone impatient, "why I want to go back, you do not know to give me a step."“

”You don't think I'm angry with you on purpose, do you? In fact, I really don't want your things“ Xiu Qiqi scoffed, "why should I look forward to the inappropriate things“

”Are you still angry that I left you alone“ Ling Xi at the moment can not say the forbearance, "you should know, at that time I can't take you away, I can only let you stay at home“

"No, I think it was the right choice for you to leave me at that time, because I really couldn't think of it at that time. I was so possessive that I thought you were my husband, so I didn't allow other women in my heart. If you had, you could not forget Jianjia, I thought it would be better if she could disappear from the world. Later, I knew that I was wrong, I'm wrong. I'm just too insecure. "

The last thing that Xiu Qiqi didn't want to think about was this matter. He didn't care about it at the moment and completely dissected himself.

"Where are you?"

Lingxi cold hum, "we meet again."

"Don't have to..." fix seven seven seven don't think much, directly refuse, she feel Ling Xi suddenly become let her incomparably strange.

"You take the ring and we'll meet."

Since Ling Xi's words are so straightforward, Xiu Qiqi has to go home first. After taking the ring, he goes to see Ling Xi at the appointed hotel.

"This is what you want..." as soon as I sat down, I took out the ring and gave it to him. "I'm not late."

"I'm early." Lingxi didn't reach for the ring. Instead, he looked up and down at xiuqiqi, "if I don't say take things, you won't come to see me, will you?"

Repair seven seven fiercely stare big eye pupil, see to Ling Xi, "thing I already gave you, sorry, I wait to have another matter, go first."

"You stop." At the same time, Ling Xi straddled his long legs and took the initiative to stop the road of xiuqiqi. "I haven't seen you for a few years. Your temper hasn't changed as before."

"Because of what I decide, no one can stop me." Xiu Qiqi said irritably, "don't you think it's wrong to force others?"

"I only know that I will not let go of what I want." Ling Xi, holding his trouser pocket in one hand, got up and stood up, "it's just dinner with me. You don't need to be so vigilant. Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, but you have to make trouble with me. I don't mind making it known to everyone. You guess, you are eating with me, and then you are dragged away by me and photographed secretly. I don't mind being discussed, But it seems that you don't have any relatives here, even you don't have many familiar friends... At that time, I'll bribe media reporters. Do you think your father will be disappointed when he sees our news, eh? "

"Don't you think it's boring?" It is not tough to leave, repair seven seven to sit down again.

"These are all your favorite foods. I'll order them for you." Ling Xi can certainly remember what she used to like to eat.

"Time can easily change a person, before like to eat may not like now." Xiu Qiqi has no appetite.

Ling Xi sees in the eye ground, feel irritable only, "OK, do not want to eat need not eat."

"Can I go now?" Fix seven seven anxious to leave, make Lingxi more unhappy.

"Are you happy when he's with you?" Ling Xi, of course, refers to Zhao Zeyang.

Xiuqiqi wanted to explain at first, but he held back and nodded, "yes, I'm not very happy with you."

"At that time, I was disappointed with you, and I thought you were terrible."

Ling Xi suddenly said, "so I want to leave you, I'm afraid you will do more crazy things because of me."

"When people are young, who hasn't been crazy?" When Xiu Qiqi looked back at the terrible things he had done in those years, he felt very ashamed.

"To die and live for a man is what a little girl can do." Xiu Qiqi pressed his eyebrows and said, "fortunately, I've changed now. It's different."

"Do you think people can change easily? It's just an act. I know your mind. You can't give up on me easily." Adult's emotion is just good enough to hide. Ling Xi believes that Xiu Qiqi still has him in his heart.

After all, he's her first man and won't come out so easily.

He always felt that he was different from Chu Hannian in essence.

Chu Hannian is just the persistence and habit in his heart, which may not be true love.

And he is the man who xiuqiqi experienced, which is unforgettable.

"Don't be so confident. When I liked Chu Shao, I'm afraid you didn't know where it was." Xiuqiqi glanced at Lingxi lightly, "if at that time, even if you look back at me, I would be willing to go abroad with you. Unfortunately, at that time, you probably thought that I was a burden. You thought I was a madman, but now, why do you care if a madman has you in his heart?"

"Because I don't mind now, whether you are a lunatic or not."

Ling Xi suddenly reached out and pressed Xiu Qiqi's wrist, "as I said, if you are willing to be with me, you will be my Mrs. Ling, and the bride at the wedding can be you."

"It could be Miss Lin, too." Xiu Qiqi struggled to get rid of the man's wrist and held his arms in his hands with a smile. "Miss Lin is so nice to you. She is still so young and beautiful. Don't let others down."

"It seems that you won't come back to me obediently." Ling Xi suddenly saw through the indifference of Xiu Qiqi hiding in the deep smile.

Repair seven seven at the moment also lift Mou to look back at Ling Xi, "I am just a, you once don't of woman, how dare to want to return to your side?"? You are just a time of misjudgment. I don't want you to make the wrong choice. At the same time, I don't want to be with the wrong person. Ling Xi, maybe I really loved you, but now... I don't love you any more. "

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