Repair seven seven also don't bother to argue with Ling Xi, simply take him to eat roadside stall.

When she was at school, she would occasionally eat roadside stalls with her friends. She felt that they were good and cheap.

And this time, the roadside stall is the busiest.

Repair seven seven also no matter how Lingxi face, see roadside spicy hot immediately stop.

Ling Xi frowns a little, but he doesn't say anything. He just follows Xiu Qiqi to get off.

However, as soon as Xiu Qiqi sat down, he saw that Ling Xi didn't seem to like that and frowned tightly.

"If you don't like it, we'll go home now. It's so late. It's good to have a hot bite. I hope you don't be choosy."

She is not stingy.

"I'm sick. It's not good for me to eat these. I'd better go home and cook for me."

Ling Xi seems to be really disgusted.

"I think you are too difficult to serve. Besides, I don't harm you when you are sick. How can you bully me? I'd better tell you to come and cook for you. Anyway, she is your person and should be able to cook." Xiu Qiqi didn't mean to mention quietness. She just thought that such a perfect and gentle woman could cook.

"You are really virtuous. You call other women to serve me so late. People who don't know think that I cheated on Xiao San. I think you are eager to send me out." Lingxi's face was more gloomy.

"I didn't mean that at all, and you are really a double standard. Why do you just keep quiet, but I can't." Repair seven seven hands embrace an arm, "but so late, call her to come over also really inconvenient, you still hasten to eat."

"..." Ling Xi seems to have no excuse to dislike.

Just as Xiu Qiqi was relieved, he heard the deep and magnetic voice of the man around him.

"Well, do you have time now? Come and have supper. My wife's treat."

"..." Xiu Qiqi didn't expect Ling Xi to be so shameless.

"My wife will treat me to supper tonight. Everyone who comes to eat will work twice as hard this month."

As soon as Lingxi's voice fell, xiuqiqi clenched her fist. She really wanted to beat Lingxi.

This man a few meaning, pit her money, so excited?

After a while, a lot of employees rushed to the small roadside stalls, and even brought their own small benches and tables.

"Ling Shao, Mrs. Ling, I wish you have a good son early. You have such a good relationship that you probably have good news."

People have heard about Xiu Qiqi's affair with Chu Hannian before. They only know that it was Chu Hannian who left the wedding scene.

So xiuqiqi and Lingxi are likely to be fake marriages.

But who would have thought that with so much money, they could sneak out for supper in the middle of the night?

It's a show of love!

Xiu Qiqi is speechless. Originally, she just wanted to take Chu Hannian back. Suddenly, she was cheated for a night, but in the end, she was cheated for a lot of money.

This account, she has long been recorded in a small book!


"I think it's better to send your mother back. I can't get along with her normally. I always look up and don't look down, and I have a bad relationship. I will always be depressed when I live here. And I think she must have the same feeling as me. It's really hard for her to look at her eyesore all day long."

Leng Jianjia doesn't want to face Zhang Huifen all day.

Last time I was dazed, I suspected that it was designed by Zhang Huifen.

Lengjianjia doesn't want to be trapped.

"You asked her to come, so you have to stick to it. Besides, if I send her back now, my mother will inform the Leng family of your location. Maybe that's what you think." Of course, the Chu cold year will not let lengjianjia Ruyi.

"There's nothing wrong with you living here, and I don't care what you do behind my back." Chu Han young lightly rubs the woman's soft hair, "in fact, as long as you are clever, maybe I can treat you."

"You won't, you just need an obedient wife, and you don't know the relationship between me and your mother. I can't obey you, and I can't obey the whole Chu family. You say, my mother owes your mother, but why let me repay it?"

Cold Jianjia eyes crimson, "I and you together, really not happy."

"I can make you happy. It's good for you to be with me before. Besides, I'm planning to have children."

Chu Hannian's idea is perfect, "of course it's me and your child."

"I won't agree to have a baby with you."

Cold Jianjia refused to shake his head, "if there is no emotional foundation between us, even if we really want a child, how will the child live in the future? Children need to grow up together in a healthy environment, or they will become extreme like you. Now you have no idea what you are doing, and at the same time, you are already hurting me. "

"No, you can stay here after you have children. I just don't want you to leave." Chu Hannian said in a low voice, "as long as you don't leave, this child can have a normal family. You always think too much of yourself. When I got married before, I thought it was good to continue."

"Marriage is a design. How can you feel at ease?"

Leng Jianjia smiles coldly. For Chu Hannian, she may think that giving birth to a child is no more simple thing, but what she wants is something he will never give or will not give. It's emotion.

What she wants is emotion.

If there is no such thing, she would rather stay away from this man.

"What I want, you never know, or pretend not to know, you are not a normal person, and you can't give me what I want."

Cold Jianjia funny way, "since we are doomed to no results, why bind me?"

"Sure enough, you've changed your mind. Otherwise, you won't react like this when I asked you and my children. You know, there are many women who want to be Mrs. Chu, but you don't want them."

Chu Hannian's tone was a bit of abnormal anger, "don't make me angry, otherwise, you can't change anything, it will only make your situation worse."

"If we have children, how do you plan to arrange for me? Do you want me to follow you casually, or do you want me to follow you without fame? Women are very important to position. If you can't give me anything, what's the point of keeping it?"

Leng Jianjia is very clear that if she enters the door of the Chu family, Zhang Huifen will force her to die.

This is not what Chu Hannian wanted to see.

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