Since that day, Ling Xi often arranges time to have lunch with Xiu Qiqi, which is almost deliberate.

"In fact, you are so busy with your work that you don't have to eat with me. I have a lot of time, so I can come to the company to find you." Xiu Qiqi held up his cheek and said, "I'm just worried that someone will gossip about me. After all, there are many people who don't know who I am

"Do you mean that I would like to hold a wedding here to let everyone know your identity, or invite people to dinner, hold a banquet and introduce your identity?"

Lingxi funny looking at repair seven seven, in fact, this method, is not not bad, but now, really can't find time.

"And you just need to stay with me, otherwise, I'm worried that my brother will target you. He likes to rob my woman. If you know that you are my wife, you will be unkind to you. I'm born to be a bully. If I see you approaching, I'll be unhappy."

Lingxi this is not a joke, "so I always want to return home, leave here right and wrong, because I don't want to fight, maybe these things, originally belong to my brother."

"If you don't want to fight, people will think you want to fight... That's what your mother said at the beginning, right?"

Xiuqiqi always feels that Mrs. Ling is always deteriorating the relationship between the two brothers. Although she is a half brother, she knows that Ling Xi has no bad idea about that brother.

"In fact, she doesn't have any malice. She just thinks that being around me will distract me, but it's also your ability to distract me." Ling Xi lightly smiles a way, the mood is very happy.

"I'll go back by myself later. I won't delay you." Xiu Qiqi doesn't want to make trouble for Ling Xi either, so he drives back by himself. On the way back, he bumps into Feng Jiaojiao.

For this woman, Xiu Qiqi didn't want to provoke her. After all, she didn't seem to be a kind person.

However, Feng Jiaojiao almost deliberately stopped the car in front of Xiu Qiqi, which made people want to ignore it.

"I know you. Brother Lingxi followed you that day. Hello, my name is Feng Jiaojiao."

She introduced herself positively.

As a result, he didn't care at all, "Hello, but we are not familiar with each other. What can I do for you?"

"Well, I'm usually alone. I don't know if I can be a friend with you? I always treat brother Lingxi as my brother, and I have a good relationship with my aunt. " Feng Jiaojiao said with a smile, "I just saw that day when you left together. I always thought I should explain it to you. I'm afraid you might misunderstand it's just that my aunt said that you're not so stingy. Later, I thought, too, Miss Xiu should be a generous person. Knowing that this is the most critical moment for brother Lingxi, she won't make trouble intentionally."

"If I trouble you, it's to make trouble for Ling Xi? So what do you mean to trouble me on purpose? "

Xiuqiqi never put a woman like Feng Jiaojiao in his eyes. Compared with lengjianjia, there is really no comparability.

"Miss Xiu, it seems that you still misunderstand me. I just have a little contact with brother Lingxi at work. Unfortunately, I can help now. That's why my aunt is very polite to me and occasionally has dinner together." Feng Jiaojiao almost said that she could help Ling Xi, but xiuqiqi was useless at least in this area, and it had no value at all.

"He had dinner with me just now." Xiu Qiqi is also too lazy to get angry with Feng Jiaojiao, "so I always feel that a woman always needs to know her identity and position. Otherwise, after working hard in vain, she still thinks she is very powerful. You say that Mrs. Ling is very kind to you. Unfortunately, he doesn't think so."

Feng Jiaojiao looked at Xiu Qiqi calmly, and finally said, "why don't I invite you to drink something, let's sit down and continue? Because it's about inheritance, it's going to be very complicated. "

"I heard that you and Ling Dashao have contacts." Repair seven seven suddenly road.

Feng Jiaojiao was stunned at first, and then her eyes were in a bit of panic. "I have nothing to do with him. He is always pestering me. Brother Lingxi also knows about this."

"In fact, you have many choices. Ling is very special to you." If there's something to be said about it.

"How do you know?" Feng Jiaojiao said angrily, "you actually investigated me."

"Some things can be known without knowing the investigation at all. Besides, what I can know, do you think Ling Xi can not know?"

Xiu Qiqi thought that Feng Jiaojiao was stupid sometimes, or he was just deceiving himself.

"Do you think Ling Xi will approach you? Of course not, because he won't allow his people to approach Ling Dashao. He warned me not to approach Ling Dashao. However, he doesn't restrict you so much."

Xiu Qiqi thought it was very interesting.

But Feng Jiaojiao frowned, "the shares in my hand can directly affect the selection of succession rights. Do you think I'm joking?"

"Just a Ling, I haven't paid attention to it yet." Xiu Qiqi thought that Feng Jiaojiao's sense of superiority was too ridiculous.

Besides, what's so proud of trying to approach a married man?

Even when she pursued Chu Hannian, she did not know that he was secretly married.

After Chu Hannian divorced, she was in a hurry.

Xiu Qiqi felt that he looked down on a woman like Feng Jiaojiao.

"If you want to be a junior, you have to pretend to be a sister. I've never seen such a shameless woman as you. You have the guts to do it. Why, don't you dare?" Xiu Qiqi thinks that Feng Jiaojiao is really worse than herself. "If you have seed, you can admit it. At least, I think you are because of love."

"When you say that to me, have you forgotten what happened between you and Chu Shao? I've also investigated you, Xiu Qiqi. In fact, you're ridiculous. Brother Lingxi may not really like you. At the beginning, you just got married because of a joke. "

Feng Jiaojiao frowned, "so your marriage, I don't admit at all, I like brother Lingxi so many years, how can I lose to you?"

"Time will tell."

Xiuqiqileng hum, "I get along with Lingxi every day, and it's not strange to have a long life, OK?"

"You are just looking for your own steps. Brother Lingxi is not your pawn."

Feng Jiaojiao looks very angry.

Repair seven seven helplessly press and hold eyebrow center, "I just like him, how, you are angry, simply angry to death you."

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