"I'm just like this. Once I lose something, I will never think about it or care about it. After all, if it doesn't belong to me, I will stay away from it and never think about it again."

Cold Jianjia can be silly and terrible, but at the same time, it can also be self-discipline. "Chu Hannian is not my thing from beginning to end, so I don't want to waste time on him any more."

"Are you sure you can put it down?" Repair seven seven funny looking at cold Jianjia, "if still can't put down, follow their own mind?"

"It sounds like you're his lobbyist. I know you're doing business together now, and the relationship is very good. But I think, as my friend, you should help me talk?"

Cold Jianjia not good gas pick eyebrow, "did not expect, you for the benefit, can also betray me?"

"Of course not. You think too much. I just think it's good for you to get back together." Repair seven seven immediately some falter, and very guilty.

"You don't want to get back together with Ling Xi. How can you still care if I want to get back together with Chu Hannian?"

The cold reeds are speechless.

"..." Xiu Qiqi was speechless.

"I'm sorry, I've forced others. I just feel that Chu Shao's recent state is a little pitiful. It's the first time I've seen him dejected for a woman. Even if he did something bad in the past, I can still see that she doesn't have false feelings for you."

Consider the seven seven characters.

"Come on, even if some words are true, I may not want to hear them, because after that time, even the things I once wanted are now worthless."

Cold Jianjia mercilessly shook his head, "he is just a passer-by in my life."

Xiu Qiqi was conveyed in the original words.

"I see." Chu Hannian nodded indifferently and even sneered.

"Don't be like that. In fact, she should not be such a cruel woman, but in the past, you did not treat her well, did you?"

Xiu Qiqi said in silence, "so now you get this result, no wonder others."

"I know it's all my fault, but now I want to make up for my past mistakes. Why don't I even have a chance to correct my mistakes?"

Chu Hannian even laughed sarcastically, "maybe she didn't really love me."

"How could it be that she was willing to marry you at that time, knowing that you were just playing with her."

Xiuqiqi frowned, "as a woman, I can't be more clear, she is just too disappointed, this is separated from you."

"But now I'm a little desperate. I don't know what I have to do to get her approval."

Chu Hannian laughingly looked at Xiu Qiqi, "do you think I can do anything else? Do you want me to dig out this heart?"

"It's not as serious as that. I just think that she just doesn't believe you and doesn't want to move forward, because in case, she will get hurt again."

Xiu Qiqi touched his heart and said, "when a man fails a woman, he never thinks it's his fault."

Also that night, Xiu Qiqi received a call from Ling Xi again.

"Don't you mean to divorce? This time, you'd better invite me to dinner. Seriously, you ask me to dinner again and again. I have to doubt that you want to get close to me on purpose?" Fix seven seven speechless stare at Ling Xi handsome side face, even if said so, can fix seven seven but not really think so, she also know, oneself and Ling Xi is completely missed.

"I just want to talk about divorce with you. You really think too much. I just don't know how to talk with you. As for my assets abroad, it has nothing to do with you. After all, you didn't accompany me step by step. In fact, after I was discharged from the hospital, it was very difficult to be in the company. But at that time, the person who always accompanied me was not you. It was ridiculous, You are my Mrs. Ling, but you left when I needed you. I know that at that time, maybe you were just willful, but you really left. "

Ling Xi always feels very ironic. What's more ironic is that in his heart, he really wants to not divorce.

However, Xiu Qiqi's obvious rejection makes Ling Xi have to face up to it. She really wants to divorce.

"Yes, I was willful at that time." Xiu Qiqi unconsciously lowered his eyelids. "I'm sorry for you. Don't worry. I won't touch your assets after marriage, and I'm not qualified to touch them. Let's just do it like this. Our assets before marriage belong to us, and then we don't want to divide them after marriage. I think it's good to do it like this, This will not cause any trouble to the other party. Don't think about it. I will be greedy for your money. After all, if I build my family, I can't support myself. "

"I know you have money, and I know that you are not greedy for my money. If you are really greedy, I don't think you want to leave me because you can have more money with me." Ling Xi squeezed his arm, "so I really hate you little princesses sometimes."

"What's the matter?" Xiu Qiqi asked in silence, "do you still hate the rich? Don't forget, you are a rich man yourself

"If you are helpless, you will not think about divorce, because you can only rely on me at that time."

Ling Xi suddenly sharp eyes looking at repair seven seven seven, "but not now, you think your wings hard can leave me at any time."

"I just think that it's good for everyone to be separated, and your mind is not on me now. After being separated for so long, my original feelings for you no longer exist."

Xiu Qiqi took a deep breath, and then he continued, "Ling Xi, in fact, I think you are really good. You were good to me at the beginning, and good gathering and good scattering is the best result."

"Remember, I told you when I was close to you. In fact, I spent a lot of time to get close to you and find you. I really have feelings for you." Ling Xi suddenly sneers, "but you want to leave now, don't worry, I will do as you tell me."

"What do you mean?" Xiu Qiqi said suspiciously, "don't you think about putting the fault of divorce on me? Don't you have a new love, so you have to divorce me? Now it's all my fault. Even if I left you first, there is no other man beside me. You have the next candidate for Mrs. Ling. How can you say that you are sorry for me. "

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