Xiu Qiqi stopped the car carelessly. The meaning is very clear.

Just wait for Ling Xi to take the initiative to let the driver stop.

But unexpectedly, Ling Xi just told the driver, "drive the car away."

"..." even the driver felt that Ling Xi was too unfeeling.

"Ling Xi, are you avoiding me? I think it's private time after work. Even if we meet in private, it's nothing, isn't it? "

Xiuqiqi simply lowered the window and yelled.

”You said it yourself. When you were in the company, you just wanted to talk about work, and then you don't need to meet in private, because it's unnecessary. I didn't expect that you are the one who wants to break this relationship now. I advise you to have more or less face. You are also a woman. It's bad for you to stop my car in public“

Ling Xi's explanation of indifference.

”I don't understand. Even if I meet you in private, it's nothing. Everyone is in the same circle. And I remember that when I divorced, I didn't ask you for anything. Now I feel that I'm losing money. Anyway, I followed you for a while, didn't I“

Xiu77 didn't feel blushed at all, and talked seriously about alimony.

”If it's for money, you can go directly to my lawyer or assistant. They will give me your requirements and conditions. Moreover, you didn't want anything at the beginning, not that I didn't want to give it“

Ling Xi reached out and pressed his eyebrows, as if feeling very ironic, "besides money and interests, you should have nothing to talk about, don't you“

”Even if I wanted to talk, you wouldn't talk to me“ Xiu Qiqi knows this very well.

"If I give you a chance, what would you like to talk about?" Ling Xi asked with a smile.

"It's nothing. I want to have dinner with you. I don't know if you are free. You invited me to dinner at noon. I just want to return it. Don't think about it too much."

Xiu Qiqi just wants to fight for the chance to get along with Ling Xi alone. He just says that he doesn't want to be looked down upon.

"You've been waiting for me so long, just want to have dinner with me?" Ling Xi was so surprised that he didn't believe it at all.

"Of course, what else do you think I can do to you? I always don't like to owe someone something. You know that, so even if it's a meal, I want to give it back to you. "

Xiu Qiqi almost bit his tongue.

"No, if you have to treat, just transfer money directly." How much does Ling Xi dislike her?

"Too much?" Xiu Qiqi put his hands on his waist and said, "don't you think that I have any motive for you that I shouldn't have? Are you so defensive against me? After all, I'm a woman. What else can I do to you? I advise you not to think too much. "

"I didn't think much about it. I just didn't want to meet you alone. As for lunch, I thought it was polite to invite you to dinner. I didn't expect you to think too much."

Ling Xi raised his chin haughtily, and there was black mist between his eyebrows.

"All right, you give me the number and I'll transfer it to you later." Repair seven seven angry finish saying, then gnash teeth to drive away.

"Miss Xiu seems to be angry. I always feel that Miss Xiu has come to make peace recently, but Ling Shao, you are a little unkind." With that, the driver did not dare to see Ling Xi's face.

"You talk a lot." Ling Xi hummed coldly, "she's just playing with me."

"..." the driver's eyes suddenly widened. To his great surprise, Ling Xi felt that Xiu Qiqi was the kind of woman who liked to play with her feelings, but it didn't look like that.

"Maybe, what's your misunderstanding about Miss Xiu? I've heard about some things about Miss Xiu. I always think she's the type who dares to love and hate. She shouldn't play so much." The driver shook his head and disagreed with Ling Xi.

"I know her better, or do you know her better?" Ling Xi sarcastically way, "she exactly what kind of, I am very clear."

The corner of the driver's mouth twitches. It seems that in Ling Xi's eyes, Xiu Qiqi's image is not so bad.

”He directly rejected me today. Maybe my purpose is too obvious. I just want to have dinner with him after work. I think he should not be aware of dating on the pretext of eating. But unexpectedly, he was rejected directly“ When Xiu Qiqi communicated with lengjianjia, he was very sad.

”Well, he can see that you want to pursue him“

Leng Jianjia felt that things became complicated in a moment.

"I didn't expect that he was so deep now. Even if he was close to him, he would be guarded." Xiu Qiqi held his arms in both hands. "I didn't see that. He and other women kept the same distance. After all, he just refused me."

"Don't think too much. Men are all the same. The more active you are, the less he knows how to cherish. But if you are a little colder, maybe he will be worried." Lengjianjia frowned and winked.

"Or don't, he doesn't like me very much. If I give up easily, he will feel that I'm playing with him, and his impression of me will be even worse."

Xiu Qiqi shook his head helplessly. "I'm just like this. Since I'm seen, it's no big deal. What's the matter? Who says women can't pursue men? Ex wife can also pursue ex husband. After all, they have been together. I think that no matter what, some of his habits will not change. Moreover, I'm not afraid to be ridiculed. It's a wonderful thing to pursue the person I like. I don't feel any shame. "

"It seems that you are not afraid of being looked at differently."

Lengjianjia is also admired, can't help but reach out and hold eyebrows, "if you hurt after, how to do?"

"Since it's my choice, even if I get hurt, I deserve it. I don't know how to cherish it, and then I will lose him."

Xiu77 felt at the moment that compared with losing a man he liked, maybe his face was not so important.

"It seems that you really like Ling Shao." Leng Jianjia was surprised. "At first, I thought that you were just not reconciled, so I wanted to pursue. I didn't expect that you were so serious, or even not so proud."

"Maybe love is cheap."

Xiu Qiqi said with a smile, "if I can come back to him again, I am willing to put down my self-esteem and face."

Leng Jianjia held his breath in an instant. "If he really knew, he might be soft hearted and look back. After all, you..."

"Even if he doesn't look back, I'll wait."

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