"Less power, you say so, but she admitted it." The thin and cool voice is full of endless satire, and Chutian is extremely confident.

Of course, an shengxia won't admit him... Chutian.

In the next second, an shengxia's mobile phone, which belongs to Chutian, suddenly rings.

"Chutian, it's me." That's Li Ruoxi.

"I saw him just now, but he..." the voice is extremely pitiful. Li Ruoxi seems to be crying in a low voice. She doesn't dare to cry like a little rabbit. It's a pity that people don't know how distressed it is. But unfortunately, the mobile phone is in an shengxia. She purses the corner of her mouth, "Miss Li, I'm an shengxia."

"How could you have his phone?" Li Ruoxi's eyes were misty. "Explain to me clearly, what's going on?"

"If you want him, I can get him to talk to you." An shengxia didn't say anything else.

But Li Ruoxi seems to let people viciously hit the face in general, hot pain.

Why even Chutian began to help an shengxia?

At the beginning, Chutian asked her to return to Quan Yao and want to see her happy.

Is it so that Chutian feels that he owes an shengxia?

"He just feels he owes you." Funny and angry, Li Ruoxi suddenly coldly said, "Chu Shao is not serious to you. You don't think he really wants to be with you, do you? I tell you, don't dream! He's just pitying you! "

"I think it's not just your legs, it's your brain." Having said that, AXA xialisuo closes her mobile phone and lets Li Ruoxi, who is on the other end, go mad with jealousy.

It's not a fool. Quan Yao can see that an shengxia and Chutian exchanged their mobile phones.

It is said that a person's secret will be hidden in the mobile phone.

Chutian, do you have to fight me?

"Anshengxia, we exchange." In this way, Quan Yao takes an shengxia's mobile phone and abandons his own to an shengxia.

"..." hands suddenly more than a man's mobile phone, an shengxia extremely strange.

Moreover, the next second, there will be countless calls pouring in, nothing more than to talk about business.

"This joke is not interesting at all. I don't know how to do business with others." An shengxia just wants to change back with Quan Yao.

"You use mine." Right Yao is proud to leave the car.

All day long, AXA was annoyed by his mobile phone.

Until later, Li Ruoxi kept calling in.

An shengxia had to answer, "sorry, he is not this number now."

"..." Li Ruoxi can't bear it any more. Why is an shengxia everywhere?

"Why are you again“ Li Ruoxi asked with gnashing teeth.

"We changed our cell phones." Others, an shengxia did not explain, only remind Li Ruoxi, "you dial Chu less phone, estimated to find him."

Then Quan San came in“ It's me... "On this day, apart from eating and sleeping, an shengxia is answering the phone and receiving soft hands. He doesn't know how he usually deals with his daily affairs.

"Have you made up with my second brother?" Quan San asked excitedly.

"Of course not." An Sheng Xia rubs the eyebrow that sends ache, "you know how to find him, I want to change mobile phone back."

"At this time... I'm supposed to be in the palace. Let's talk business." Quan San shrugged his shoulders and said, "just go and have a look."

AXA Xiashi couldn't tolerate the mobile phone, so she drove over.

And the front desk seemed to have expected an shengxia to appear, so he went to meet her from a distance, "are you miss an?"

"Well, I am."

"Quan is always waiting for you in the private room."

"Private room?" An Sheng Xia asked suspiciously, "is he alone? Or... "

"Not only that, but also Chu Shao and them."

An shengxia nodded and went to the private room.

She reached out and pushed the door open.

Only in the private room, smoke shrouded.

A group of people sitting together, only Quan Yao sitting in the central position, motionless, indifferent staring at the hands of the mobile phone.

"Total power."

When an shengxia's mouth was crisp, the man slowly raised his head, "shut up."

Then, no one dared make a sound.

Also at this time, an shengxia did not see the figure of Chutian.

I'd better get my cell phone back as soon as possible.

She changed with Quan Yao first, and then with Chu Tian.

"Give your cell phone back to you." An Sheng Xia discontented way, "I received a little phone call, are tired to death."

"So you know how I get here all day?" Quan Yao holds the center of his brow and asks in a funny way.

"They're looking for you, so they're not afraid of the wrong business?" An shengxia asked scornfully.

"I'm being informed by a business secretary." Quan Yaoshen eyes, "but you use my mobile phone, to know the real me, is how, for example, my mobile phone has a lot of secrets."

"Isn't there a photo of the fruit?" All of a sudden, someone laughed, and the rest couldn't help laughing.

Quan Yao's face is not good immediately. Even if he is teasing, he can only collude with an shengxia. When will he let others talk?

"Get out of here."

The simple three words are very powerful. As soon as Quan Yao's voice fell, the crowd scattered in a crowd and did not dare to stay for another second.

The door was closed again.

The only thing left in the private room is an shengxia and Quan Yao.

"Have you seen my cell phone?" Quan Yao questioned.


"Go through my cell phone and find my secret." Quan Yao said that, an shengxia only felt that Zhang Er monk was confused.

"If you can find my secret, I'll trade it with you."

As soon as Quan Yao's voice fell, an shengxia immediately pinched his mobile phone and went to check his communication tools. However, he found that he had few contacts, most of them in business, even few beautiful women.

Sure enough, rich people only know money. It's not urgent for them to make money. How can they have time to tease girls? Looking around, Ansheng Xiashi didn't find any effective clues.

Even his travel tools are all about stocks.

There is absolutely nothing of color.

If he didn't know it, he couldn't help thinking that he was a scavenger!

"There is nothing in your mobile phone..." an shengxia helplessly put the mobile phone on the table.

"Why don't you look at my pictures?"

After Quan Yao's reminding, Ansheng Xia stares big eyes!

A few meanings

Is there a photo of fruit in his mobile phone

And he forced her to watch?

"We are all adults, and it's not that we haven't eaten pork. To tell you the truth, those pictures of little brother on the Internet are more eye-catching than you. Look at your photos, I'm not so hungry!" She only goes to see his private photos if she's crazy.

"Do you have a bad memory and forget how strong I am?"

After that, the man reached out and unbuttoned his coat, but again, his slender fingers fell directly onto the woman's wrist

"An shengxia, why don't I help you remember how strong I am now..."

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