This man is really overbearing.

He directly ignored the dislike of an shengxia's eyes, and seemed to take her face as an object. He rubbed it around until it was perfectly clean.

"It's not like a child. How can you eat anything? You can eat everything?" Quan Yao seems to have a headache.

"If you think I'm ugly, don't look." An shengxia lowers her head and rubs against the paper towel, then continues to eat.

"Right little, you really don't eat a little?" Miaomiao is so scared that people are always staring at him.

"I think you can eat less. She's been eating a lot lately." Quan Yao's eyes are like a radar, looking up and down at Miaomiao.

"I'm so thin. If I get thinner, I'll be dead." What's more, she didn't eat much. It was an shengxia who ate it. Miaomiao felt aggrieved.

"Why can't you eat the food made by others?" Raising his chin, an shengxia deliberately bumps Quan Yao's shoulder open.

"I'm afraid that if you don't have enough, you'll be hungry again." Seeing that an shengxia has a little girl's temper, Quan Yao is very happy. He has rarely seen an shengxia show such a harmless smile.

He just wanted to save this moment.

"Quan Shao, you have to have a hard time with me, don't you?" Thin night cold people, just outside the door, see right Yao appear, thin night cold of course impolitely forward, a hand hold right Yao's collar.

"Well, people don't want to follow you. It's interesting that they have to be dogged. You've made people suffer." Quan Yao is just a casual attitude, "do you want Miss Xu to die in your hands?"

"It doesn't matter, as long as she's by my side." Thin night cold tone, let Quan Yao sarcastic smile, "if you want just a pile of bones, then it doesn't matter, thin little, don't blame I didn't remind you, women are made of water, you too much, she will ice up."

"There's a lot of truth, but I haven't seen you catch it." Thin night cold hum, "right little, is you bad my good thing, this account I will give you always remember!"

"Don't remember, I'm just helping you. Instead of locking a woman, you'd better let her live a good life. You'd better give yourself a way to live." It's true that Quan Yao is just watching a play. If it's him and an shengxia in the same situation, it's estimated that what he does is better than thin night cold.

"In fact, Quan He has been contacting me recently. If you have to make trouble with me because of a woman, I don't mind. Let you lose everything!" In other words, if Quan Yao doesn't hand over Miaomiao, I'm afraid even his brother will not be able to do it.

"If I start to feel scared, I won't help her." I had expected this for a long time. Quan Yao was not afraid.

"I hope you don't regret it in the future!" Put down cruel words, thin night cold but had to take the people under first!

Just before leaving, Bo Yehan smiles, "I'm afraid you don't know what secret an shengxia is hiding from you?"


Sure enough, it has something to do with an shengxia. Quan Yao wants to know.

"I don't think she told you. After all, she thought you were a trouble." Distressed, thin night cold deliberately said half stay half.

"How do you know?" Quan Yao immediately sank his cold eyes and asked sarcastically.

"If you have time to ask me, you might as well ask her if she is pregnant." There are also many contacts in the hospital. Bo Yehan wants to know that an shengxia is pregnant. It's easy, but seeing Quan Yao's face at the moment, he doesn't know.

She's pregnant

An shengxia is pregnant!

Sitting in a private car, Quan Yao wanted to smoke, but he pinched his cigarette.

The next day, a steady stream of supplements began to be moved into the apartment.

An Sheng Xia was awakened by the doorbell in the morning. Of course, she didn't look good.

"Miss an, I'm sorry to disturb you. These are all supplements you ordered."

"What, I didn't buy it."

"But the delivery address and name are all right. You'd better sign first."

Seeing an shengxia standing still, those who received the money had to move the tonic into the living room.

"Wow, what are these ghosts?" Grab the tonic to see, Miaomiao suddenly surprised, "right less know?"

That is, only he can do these things.

He didn't show up himself.

I guess she didn't want to see him.

Touching the position of the lower abdomen, an shengxia has a stomachache.

How did he know all of a sudden?

"I guess Bo Shao said it." The more anshengxia thinks, the more angry he is.

"Midsummer, what are your plans now?" On one side, Miaomiao asked seriously.

"This child, I don't want to..." breathing deeply, an shengxia doesn't want to be bound by Quan Yao again because of this child.

Only by giving up the child can we draw a clear line with Quan Yao.

Just ask, when a woman doesn't want that man's child, of course, it's because her heart is dead and she doesn't love her.

In order to let Quan Yao see this clearly, an shengxia is willing to give up.

But in the end, her stomach is also a small life

With a reluctant mood, an shengxia walks around in the same place, and finally decides to go to the hospital to kill the child!

"Otherwise, you go through the back door and I'll stand at the front door, so no one knows you're out." Miaomiao's suggestion is exactly what an shengxia thinks.

An shengxia immediately put on Miao Miao's usual clothes and drove straight to the hospital from the back door.

After arriving at the hospital, an shengxia didn't see anyone familiar with him. Besides, he had already come to this step, and there was no turning back.

After ten minutes, an shengxia has arrived outside the operating room, but he is not so nervous, just not willing to give up the baby in his stomach.

This kid

It's not the right time!

Maybe, she has no chance with her children!

The tip of his nose is sour, but he can't cry. An shengxia keeps breathing deeply, hoping that all this can pass as soon as possible!

Even if you stand outside the door, you can hear a woman's sad cry. When Ansheng Xia is anxious, she is even more flustered. It is said that abortion is very painful. Moreover, when she thinks about it at night, she can't sleep. She always thinks that the child will come to find herself

But again, had to stand in place, anxiously waiting, because the child can not stay!

During the period, an shengxia looked around curiously. The youngest pregnant woman is not yet an adult!

So no matter what happens, is it women who suffer the most?

Those people are also surprised to see an shengxia

I found that an shengxia also came to miscarry. Instead, they had a tacit understanding. They didn't ask each other anything, but were silent.

"Miss ANN, it's your turn."

The sound came from her ear. An shengxia was numb. She held her list and hesitated a little, but she went to the operating room

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