He immediately picked up his suit coat and put it on. Quan Yao grasped the car key and walked out of the office

"Thank you just now." Standing in the hospital corridor, an shengxia just coldly looked at the man in front of him, "but if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have a mouth at that time, and I couldn't say it clearly."

"Of course you have to thank me, or the journalists will eat you." The man frowned and said, "when did you get pregnant? Did the father know about it?"

"Don't you think you ask too much?" An Sheng Xia raised her stubborn face and said sarcastically, "my business has nothing to do with you!"

"Although you have said so, I still have the right to discipline you." The man looked up and down an shengxia, "you seem to be thin, pregnant people, but also so thin, you are not good?"

"I guess I'm better than you." An shengxia put his arms in his arms. "I just eat and sleep every day. I don't know how comfortable I am."

"That's good." The man's face finally eased, but he took out a card and handed it to an shengxia, "the card has some money. The password is your birthday. I should have given it to you long ago."

"Forget it." Or once, she needed the money, but now, she no longer needed it. An shengxia shook her head firmly, "take your money away, I don't need it at all."

"Don't worry. The money is clean. I have a conscience."

"I don't want that either."

"Anshengxia, do you have to be angry with me all the time?" Man calm face, clearly did not reveal any, but the tone seems to have frozen up, "you are still the same as before, bad temper."

"I just want to really live, not like you, for money can sell anything!" Even that conscience! An shengxia's eyes disdain, "you'd better take this money, I really don't need it!"

"It's said that you have Quan's shares in hand. Sheng Xia, I'm also happy for you." As soon as the man reached out and patted an shengxia on the shoulder, he said with a smile, "now that you have money, your life will be better, but the child in your stomach... Now that you are divorced, how are you going to raise this child? You can't have no father all the time."

"You don't have to worry about that." An Sheng Xia stepped back and said decidedly, "you'd better go. I don't want people to see you standing with me!"

"You can't stand that?" The man bowed his head and looked at an shengxia, "go and have a physical examination now. I'll wait for you here. When I look back, I'm afraid those reporters will trouble you. I can take you home."

"Don't pretend to be so kind. You should know that you are worse than rubbish in my heart." After that, an shengxia turns around.

But the man is looking at that clear and beautiful back figure, lift foot to follow again in the past.

The results of the inspection were fairly smooth.

An shengxia took the list and went on to get to know the doctor for a while, then he was relieved.

"What did the doctor say?" Men seem to care.

"Nothing. It means the child is healthy." The speech is calm, an shengxia is very impatient, "I will take a taxi home by myself, you also go."

"Now that I know where you live, I won't let you take a taxi alone. Stop it. I'll see you off this time." The man wants to hold an shengxia's hand several times, but they are all patted away in disgust.

"Go away, and think you haven't come back." Every hair of an shengxia is full of alienation.

"But now that I'm back, I have the right to take care of you."

When the man's voice just fell, an shengxia almost burst into tears with a smile, "when I need you, you are not there, so now it doesn't matter whether you are there or not."

"It doesn't matter, of course." The man patted an shengxia on the shoulder, "I won't go back this time."

"You should know that I don't want to see you again in my life." So what else did he come back to do?

"Well, of course I know." The man just nodded, then took out the car key, "anyway, you are pregnant now, there are many reporters at the door, if I don't send you out, how can you go by yourself?"

"I'll have my own way." During the whole journey, an shengxia was very uncooperative.

"Anshengxia, who else can you rely on besides me now?" In a hurry, the man simply grasped an shengxia's hand!

Almost at the same time

Quan Yao just walked out of the elevator and saw this scene!

Getting closer, Quan Yao finally stops in front of an shengxia.

Looking down at the woman's white and tender wrist, Quan Yao slowly stretched out his hand and abruptly pulled away the man's palm. "I know you're going to have an antenatal examination today. It's not that you've agreed to come together. Why do you have to come by yourself?"

An shengxia just said nothing.

"Oh, you are the father of the child?" The man looked up at Quan Yao and said, "I didn't expect that you are Quan's second child. It seems that her vision is not too bad."

"Hello." Deliberately showing the gentleman's side, Quan Yao shakes hands with the man, but secretly tightens.

The man's face suddenly changed, but the next second also returned to normal, "I heard that you are divorced, so I will help you raise this child in the future."

"Since I'm the father of the child, of course I raised it myself, and my relationship with her has not completely broken." Of course, Quan Yao has to show his identity.

"You didn't abandon Miss Li for the sake of her?" Now it's good to say that the relationship is not broken? Men don't believe it.

"Of course you, an outsider, don't know that she and I meet every day." Of course, it was intentional. Quan Yao bit the word "outsider" very clearly.

"It's just a meeting. I think it's after your death." No longer pay attention to right Yao, the man knows very well, and then looked at an shengxia, "let's go."

This time, however, an shengxia reached out and grasped Quan Yao!

"Go on your own." This is no doubt an order to leave.

"Anshengxia, you don't want to take back the grass just to annoy me. A woman with a little brain knows that even if she looks back, it won't be that feeling, and he won't care for you. I hope you can be more rational." A man's painstaking reminder.

"I know what I'm doing." Ansheng summer heavy key head, again slightly hard.

Quan Yao leads her into the elevator.

"Nothing to tell me?" Standing in the elevator, Quan Yaogang broke the silence.

An shengxia pulls away her arm and stands far away from him.

Obviously, I was just acting in front of men.

Just after taking advantage of him, just let it go?

"Anshengxia, explain it to me."

With no breath, Quan Yao suddenly lowered his head, put his hand on the wall, squeezed an shengxia in his arms, and asked fiercely, "what's the relationship between that man and you just now?"

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