"No, I just don't!" Little button went back to his little room with the toy in his arms.

Hum, even if you steal Mommy, you still want to steal daddy, right?

Xiaobai doesn't want Qiqi to fulfill his wish!

Dabai also coldly went back to his little bedroom.

"My brother doesn't like me." Seven seven sat on the sofa, dissatisfied with eating snacks, eyes are staring at upstairs.

"No, my brother certainly likes Qiqi, but I'm sorry to say it." It's a white lie. An shengxia feels guilty and caresses her daughter's soft hair.

"What does Qiqi like to eat?" Quan Yao suddenly questioned.

"She's not picky about food..."

Without waiting for an shengxia to explain, Qiqi said positively, "well, I'm not picky about food at all. As long as it's delicious, I like it. Mommy also said that I'm a greedy cat, but I think it's really happy to eat snacks."

"You're too young. You'd better eat less snacks. You should eat something nutritious." Quan Yao is most concerned about his daughter's health.

This is just two years old, so fat, isn't an shengxia can't raise children?

Qiqi is fatter than ordinary little girls.

"Uncle, do you mean I'm fat?" Qiqi is very self-conscious, but he pretends to be pitiful and sighs, "well, they all say I'm too fat, but I was born like this. I didn't eat it at all!"

Qiqi's childlike voice made Quan Yao feel very good.

"What a living treasure." Zhang Ma also smiles.

Next, it's dinner time.

Xiaobai and Dabai came to the table and sat down.

I didn't expect that Qiqi was still there. Xiaobai was very impatient and didn't look askance at all during the meal.

Also don't talk with seven seven what topic, small white is a cold face.

"Brother, I heard you are a child prodigy!" Qiqi starts to talk awkwardly.

"Of course, I'm a little fool like you." In order to show off in front of daddy and mommy and belittle Qiqi, Xiaobai's arrogant little tail almost goes up to the sky.

But seven seven is simply fierce, completely did not recognize that he was belittled, but excitedly clapped, "Wow, brother is really good."

As a result, Xiaobai was not happy, but depressed. Finally, he whispered, "this child, are you stupid?"

"Xiaobai, how do I usually teach you, and how do you treat your sister like this?" Right Yao hold eyebrow, can't help but remind Xiaobai, "she is a sister."

"But I don't admit it." Xiaobai is not happy with the cold hum, Mommy casually brought back a little girl, must say, is it his sister?

Unfortunately, he didn't admit it at all.

Besides, the pupils of 77 are purple.

Daddy and Mommy, how can they have a half blood? Xiaobai still has intelligence quotient. In a word, he doesn't admit to Qiqi.

Xiaobai's meaning is also Dabai's opinion.

"Brother, is there something I can't do well?" Qiqi asked pitifully.

"Stop!" I hate to be looked at pitifully. Xiaobai just feels that all the hairs on his body stand upside down.

"Brother, didn't you like me before?" At such a young age, Qiqi is also a girl. She was born vain and beautiful. She would like people all over the world to like her. Once she meets a cold role like Xiaobai, she will get hurt and become sensitive.

"Who says I like you?" After Xiaobai finished eating, he put down his chopsticks, but he was not in a hurry to leave. He wanted to stare at his father and could not be abducted by this little fool.

An shengxia is paying attention to what her sons like best now. If she is ready to have a chance, she must show her hand.

"77, this is my present for you." Quan Yao sent a delicate Barbie doll.

Qiqi was very excited and immediately ran to the sofa with her doll in her arms. She didn't feel bored.

"Little women are little women." Xiaobai is very contemptuous, but is a doll, can buy her, not a little fool is what?

"Brother, do you want to play with me?" Looking up, he saw Dabai looking at himself indifferently, subconsciously defensive, but generously raised the toy, "brother, let's play together!"

"No." Dabai coldly refused, but just said, "you sit on my coat, you get up."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Qiqi immediately moved his clumsy and chubby body and saw a crumpled suit coat.

Dabai picked up the coat and twisted his handsome brow into a piece of hemp rope!

With another disdainful glance, Dabai threw the wrinkled suit into the dustbin!

"Dabai young master Oh..." obviously aware of her sad face, Zhang Ma went over and patted her on the back to comfort her, "Princess 77, don't be sad, your brother is such a temper."

"I don't have a sister like that!" Dabai snorted coldly.

"Brother, you are so fierce!" Qiqi is a little uncomfortable, but he only dares to roar. Then he hides, buries his face in the sofa and refuses to come out again.

"Well, 77, my brother is joking with you. Come out quickly, otherwise, do you want to suffocate yourself?" An Sheng Xia went to know the whole story of the matter, but she didn't have the heart to blame anyone. Instead, she gently laughed and patted her little ass, "77, are you really disobedient?"

"No, Qiqi is obedient, but my brother doesn't like Qiqi. Qiqi feels uncomfortable." Seven seven crimson eyes, "Mommy, you said, brothers will like me, but they..."

"Of course my brother likes you, but they are boys. I'm sorry to say that." This is a white lie, an shengxia helplessly closed her eyes, she did not expect that Xiaobai and Dabai would hate Qiqi so much, originally thought that they would easily accept this little sister.

"Is it?" Seven seven simple to, as long as you say anything, she will easily believe.

As long as I think that my brother actually likes himself, Qiqi is not so uncomfortable. Instead, I hold my doll and go everywhere to find Xiaobai and Dabai.

"Brother, open the door Qiqi knocks hard at the door.

Xiaobai also pushed the door open because he was too tired, "Why are you here? Get out. This is my room! It's not yours

"Brother's room is so clean and fragrant!" Qiqi poked his head and looked at it curiously.

"Cleaner than yours, of course." Xiaobai is proud of the cold hum.

"Can I go in and have a look?" Qiqi politely asked, but worried about being rejected.

Xiaobai didn't want this little fool to come in at first, but later, seeing her careful appearance, she reluctantly said, "you can come in, but don't dirty my room, or I'll kill you!"

Being scared, Qiqi retreats a few steps, but she still bites her teeth and walks into her brother's room


Quan Yao reached out and knocked on the table. After a long time, he suddenly raised his eyes and looked straight into the woman's eyes. "An shengxia, I want my daughter."

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