So far, he can only find this peace of mind in an shengxia.

Enough to make him want to settle down.

"Quan Shao, can you be more specific? What can I do to make you feel at ease? Can I change it?" An shengxia retreats again and again.

"It's a feeling, I can't say." Since it's a feeling, there's no way to think with normal logic. Quan Yao's words are ambiguous.

An shengxia can't help but take a deep breath. He always feels powerless to let him play.

Besides, facing his friends again, an shengxia is always embarrassed.

At the end of the day, she must not be valued, or even despised.

"What, you're not feeling well?" Seeing that an shengxia's face turned white, Quan Yao noticed.

"Of course, it's uncomfortable to be looked down upon by your friends." Miao Miao naturally helps an shengxia.

"You women just don't know how to understand men, as if you are doing everything right." Si yejue holds down his eyebrows. Then he looks at Shen Jiang. He really thinks that he is good enough for her. He has promised to get married. What else do you want to do? Do you want love?

I'm afraid he can't afford it.

When he was young, he never liked anyone, and the one he liked most was himself.

This is a kind of narcissism!

"Why don't you say you have no heart?" Shen Jiang complained more than once and regretted marrying Si yejue. It wasn't because when he was young, he didn't see much in the market, so he thought that he was the best one in the world.

"To be honest, are you dissatisfied with me because there are people outside? Just wait for me to say divorce, right?" Si yejue's heart was really twisted.

"If I had someone outside, I would have asked you for a divorce." Shen Jiang always shook his head, "Si yejue, you'd better cherish it. Maybe now is the peak of your life."

"I still don't believe that if I lose you, I can't find women. There are many women outside." In this world, there is no shortage of young and beautiful women. When a man looks at a woman without sincerity, he just looks at her clothes at will.

"Well, people are after your money, and you think you're making a lot of money." Shen Jiang just thinks it's funny. The heartless man is the most terrible.

"As a child, my father told me that as long as men have money, they can have whatever kind of women they want." Si yejue spoke with such pride.

"If you say this before you get married, I promise I won't marry you even if I'm interested in you." After all, family education is a failure. Shen Jiang disdains it.

"I have to admit, that's the truth." The division night Jue side head, go to ask thin night cold, "do you say?"

"At the very least, we should find a suitable one for ourselves, not casually." Bo Yehan shook his head, "Si Shao, you haven't grown up yet."

"Get the hell out of you." Men most taboo, let a person say grow up, this kind of humiliation.

"Quan Shao..." Si yejue looked at Quan Yao.

Quan Yao is a side head, staring at an Sheng Xia calm face, "don't know, maybe some things, is money pile up."

"I want to go home." An shengxia doesn't want to stay.

"I'll give it to you." Quan Yao certainly won't let her leave alone.

"It doesn't matter. I don't drink. I can drive away." An shengxia doesn't let him follow at all.

"I'm afraid it's not safe for you to go home alone." But in fact, he himself is the biggest insecurity factor.

An shengxia never thought that Quan Yao would be invisible and stick up slowly.

"You don't care what I did to you two years ago?" After entering the elevator, the atmosphere became ambiguous. An shengxia's face became tense and suddenly asked, "you really don't remember what I did to you?"

"I remember." Right Yao stretched out his hand, pointed to his heart, "not only remember, I'm afraid this life will not forget, how cruel you are."

"Then you want to see me?" An shengxia can't understand.

Quan Yao suddenly stretched out his hand, pressed it on the elevator wall, and then looked down at the petite woman in front of him, "maybe, I like to be abused, what do you say?"


Play with the wall, right?

An shengxia kept shrinking her head and said goodbye. "I'm not an 18-year-old girl. I can't easily be cheated. I advise you to put your mind on other women. You should find a virtuous one."

"I don't need a nanny. I don't need anything that ordinary men need." Quan Yao stretched out his hand again, then raised an shengxia's delicate face, "but what Shen Jiang said is right. In the past two years, you have hardly changed."

If you have to change it, you are more and more attractive. Quan Yao can't help squinting. Men are all visual creatures. When they see something they are interested in, they will look at it more. However, he has strong self-control. After only looking at it for a while, he looks into her eyes.

Legend has it that when a man looks at a woman's figure, he just wants to sleep with her.

Look at the eyes, to prove that he may care about her.

Facing the man's eyes, an shengxia feels numb.

"Well, you smell like a woman." It is not a perfume, but a kind of faint fragrance and familiar body fragrance. The right Yao will put the corners of her mouth on the forehead of the woman. "In the midsummer of summer, tell me, I don't believe you will fall in love with others.

"..." an shengxia doesn't know where he got his self-confidence!

"Two years on, your vision is getting worse and worse." Quan Yao raised the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "men are the ones who can't stand comparison. You will always think of me."

Pausing for a few seconds, Quan Yao said again, "I didn't apologize to you that year, but you. I'm sorry to me first. Even if I want you to go back, I can't go too far. An shengxia, do you have a good conscience to say that my words are very reasonable?"

With lax eyes, an shengxia doesn't know how to answer.

Two years ago, she was not strong enough to face such a situation, so she had to run away.

But two years later, she was married, no matter what the reason was

She's already married.

Besides, Quan Yao is like poison

She knew that such a man, not any woman can easily provoke.

Once touched, it's either death or injury.

She couldn't see through his mind or understand him.

"Even if you don't go home at night, your man doesn't care. I don't think he really cares about you?" Quan Yao said sarcastically, "so, do you really think that I don't know what's the relationship between you and him?"

"Don't tempt me." As soon as an shengxia reaches out her hand and pushes the man away completely, she grabs her hair and finally calms down, "Quan Yao, you always think you are very smart."

"Anshengxia, you know what I want. I want you back!"

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