Can't be more surprised. An shengxia stares at the deep facial features in front of her

Shaking his head, an shengxia always feels that it's impossible, right?

"It's me." He grabbed the woman's wrist and stuck it on her face. Quan Yaosheng said coldly, "why don't you believe it?"

"But why you?" Can't accept, has been living in their hearts idol, actually was ex husband, an shengxia almost crazy, don't want to accept this fact.

"Why, because it's me, you can't accept it?" Quan Yao is cold.

"Yes." An Sheng Xia nodded foolishly first, but then shook his head.

Perhaps an shengxia's confused appearance made Quan Yao feel good, so he reached out and stroked the tip of the woman's nose, "how can you be so stupid, even I don't know."

"Don't pinch my nose. I didn't have a facelift. It's true." Yasunari patted the man on the wrist.

"It's not the whole thing. After all, it doesn't look good."

"If you don't think it looks good, don't look at it!" Unexpectedly because of a nose, and quarrel, an shengxia is also speechless.

You know, the man in front of you is an idol. An shengxia keeps doing ideological work for himself, but he still can't connect king with Quan Yao.

"Are you looking for me?" The man asked, "come in."

"No, I'm not looking for you now!" Now that I know the identity of a man, I have no sense of mystery. When AXA shakes her head, she thinks about the history of cooking which he once oppressed, and she unconsciously gnashes her teeth.

"You scold me secretly in your heart?"

"I dare not."

"Is there anything else in the world you dare not do?" Even betraying him, she dares!

Seems to hear the voice of the man, an shengxia fell into silence.

"What can I do for you?" Quan Yao asked curiously.

"I wanted to see you." An Sheng Xia coughed for a while, and then explained, "I always thought that you are an old man, but I didn't expect it to be you, so I have no doubt now."

Quan Yao lowered his head and held an shengxia's chin with his hand. "You can see me clearly. I'm the one in your heart“

Bridal dressing room.

No matter how rich the makeup is, it can't cover up the loneliness of a woman's heart. Lin Ruiya sits in front of the mirror, but there is no joy in her eyes.

At this point, even the makeup artist can't help, "Miss Lin, you are a bride today. You have to be happy. You can't give a bitter gourd face. People will be unhappy."

"It doesn't matter. When I go out to socialize, I'll laugh again. Otherwise, I'm afraid I won't be able to laugh."

Smell speech, makeup artist is also sigh, so good-looking bride, but want to marry a 70 year old man, who can be willing to ah?

"Isn't it for the money?"

"That is, for the sake of money, even marriage can sell a woman, what can be good, you still don't sympathize with the wrong person."

"But I think the bride is really unhappy."

"I heard that she was forced by her family..."

Only when several makeup artists are in the bathroom can they whisper.

After turning off the mobile phone, Lin Ruiya is equal to cutting off all contact with the outside world.

From this moment on, her life is destroyed

You can almost imagine how the guests would laugh at her when she walked in the Church

Tears, lonely across the corner of the eye, Lin Ruiya just finished crying, but worried to wipe away the tears, otherwise it will destroy the perfect makeup.

It wasn't long before someone came in and urged linria.

"Bride, get ready, come in!"

"Well, I see." She lowered her eyelashes and nodded her head cleverly.

The wedding scene.

It is said that the bridegroom is also a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, so many big names have come here today.

When Li Ruoxi appeared on the stage, she instantly attracted a lot of attention. She stood on one side without arrogance and rashness. She just rolled up a glass of red wine, with a faint smile on her lips and looked at it from a distance, just like a beautiful picture.

An Rumo appeared later, but she lost most of her momentum. However, she didn't want to fight. Instead, she went to Li Ruoxi and said, "two years, you still can't get what you want. Even I'm ashamed to see it."

"At least, I'm more valuable than you." Li Ruoxi did not stimulate an Ruo mo.

"Now anshengxia is back. This time, she brought her daughter. You know, he likes her very much. Even for the sake of this child, he will get back together with anshengxia. Then, what are you?" On the contrary, an Ruo Mo embarrasses Li Ruoxi.

"After all, she is just relying on her children..." Li Ruoxi is very unconvinced.

"Are you stupid? If they didn't sleep, where did they come from?" Is that the point?

An Ruo Mo reaches out his hand and pinches Li Ruoxi's face. "You, you just don't know how to win. Haven't you let Quan touch less?"


"Well, I don't think you can make it!" An Ru Mo languidly don't cross a face, the line of sight falls in the crowd, but one eye saw an Sheng Xia!


It's the scream of women's pain!

Xiuhe suddenly turned his head and turned around again. First, he saw an shengxia fall down. Then, he heard a dull hum.

In a daze, everyone turned around and looked at the ground. It was an shengxia's crystal high heels

Impartial, just fall at the foot of Quan Yao.

People can't help but take a breath

This shoe has its own idea!

Quan Yao looks down at it

With her hands on the skirt, an shengxia stands in the same place. But when she walks, she doesn't stand firmly. She falls down. Can her shoes fly out?

She's really talented!

Holding down the skirt, an shengxia closed her eyes. It's a big deal. She went to pick up the shoes and put them on again!

But under the people's gaze, an shengxia's whole body is stiff and unable to move.

An Rumo looks at the shoe with no extra expression on her face

Li Ruoxi nervously looked at the shoe, and even suspected that an shengxia was intentional!

Chutian also looked at the shoe, but quickly reacted and walked straight.

However, it is still a step slow.

Quan Yao saw Chu Tian's action with Yu Guang, then coldly raised the corner of his mouth, "Chu Shao, don't move."

"..." pause, Chutian immediately raised his eyes, deeply staring at Quan Yao.

But the crowd saw that Quan Yao bent down without expression and picked up the high-heeled shoe.

Looking at an shengxia's little snow feet, Quan Yao thinks while walking.

In everyone's eyes, Quan Yao casually walked a few steps, half squatted down, and then conveniently gently holding the woman's snow feet, carrying shoes, gently put on for her!

"Anshengxia, it's me who puts your shoes on."

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