As a man, he doesn't need to be outdone.

Especially the Han family.

"Quan Zong... What do you mean by that? You even want to protect this little bitch?" If it wasn't for the confirmation, an shengxia and Quan Yao would have been separated long ago. Even if an shengxia came to see Han's joke, Han's mother would not have moved her hand to an shengxia.

At the moment, he has the right to support an shengxia. Han's mother's heart, of course, is afraid.

"Miss an, what I said just now was unintentional, and I didn't mean it. As you know, my daughter is missing, and now her whereabouts are unknown..." she knelt down on the ground and rubbed against an shengxia's feet. Han's mother is really flexible and flexible. If she hadn't been pinched just now, an shengxia would have sympathized with this woman.

"My wife's temper is a little hot, but it's not intentional." Although Han's father is angry and anxious, he doesn't dare to show it. In the past two years, the development of the Han family is not good, and he has been suppressed by the same industry. Although Quan Yao doesn't take the lead, he also has a bad relationship with the Quan family.

Because of Quan He's downfall, companies in the market are suppressing Han one after another in order to please Quan Yao.

If you count up, it's Quan Yao who really influenced the development of Han family.

But in business, there has never been an option to sympathize with the weak.

You can only blame yourself for being incompetent.

"Miss an, you may not know how difficult our family has been in the past two years, so this villa is worth more..." Han's mother finally knew that she was afraid and hugged an shengxia's calf.

An Sheng Xia can't help frowning, "you misunderstood, it's useless to talk."

"No, Quan is always angry because of you." Han's mother said excitedly, "as long as you help to persuade, it will be OK."

"So people, really should stop a little temper, this world is never what you want, just what you want." Just now, I wish I had strangled myself and said all kinds of ugly words. Now it's too late to be soft?

An shengxia is not a virgin. She doesn't easily sympathize with the weak. Besides, Han's mother doesn't know how to scold her.

It's just that Han Enya is missing

An shengxia squints at Quan Yao tentatively and says, "will you forget it?"

"If you ask, I can think about it." Quan Yao's words were very short, but they surprised everyone.

No one thought that even two years later, an shengxia and Quan Yao still have an intersection.

Even an shengxia can be said to be a disaster for Quan Yao.

For a long time, there was no news of Han Enya. An shengxia almost forgot this man.

But in a shopping time, the accident saw Han Enya's figure!

But an shengxia can't believe it!

And before hospitalization, completely different, Han Enya dressed in fashionable women's clothes, face is also radiant smile.

"Isn't that Han Enya?" In the crowd, an shengxia saw Han Enya at a glance.

"You can't be mistaken, can you? How could that person be? " Miaomiao shook his head and said, "are you wrong?"

"How can it be, clearly the figure is so like, the face is so like..." an shengxia does not believe that he is wrong.

"She's been missing for so long that even the police can't help it." Miao Miao sighed helplessly, "it's really strange, an shengxia. How can you worry so much about Han Enya?"

"I don't know." Anshengxia is also depressed.

"Maybe she's a little bit like you." An shengxia grabs Miaomiao's wrist and says, "your body now, what does the doctor say? Can you still be pregnant?"

"It's been two years, but there's still no result. Although he doesn't say it on the surface, I know very well in my heart that the people of the Bo family don't like me very much. Don't say I'm from the Xu family, just because I can't get pregnant, they are angry enough." Miaomiao just thinks it's ridiculous. In fact, Bo Yehan has an unshirkable responsibility for her becoming like this.

"But I think he is obedient to you now." An shengxia's lax way.

"But you can never expect a man to be nice to you forever, because this kind of kindness can be taken back at any time." Miaomiao raised his chin. "Who knows when he will not want me?"

"But I think he thinks you are." An shengxia smiles, "it's not very good for you to live like this. It's not easy to find someone you know."

"But you know, no one wants to make do with it." Miaomiao looks down at her fingers, which are no longer smooth and delicate. Every time, she tells herself that she is no longer the old miss of the Xu family.

"It's just your way to make do with it?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly, "don't you love him?"

"Perhaps, we are each other's make do with it, he doesn't want to bother to find a suitable woman, and I don't know who can accept my past, especially my inability to get pregnant." Miao Miao's words make an shengxia feel frightened. It turns out that Miao Miao thinks so.

But in the eyes of outsiders, she and Bo Yehan clearly have incomparable love.

"Anshengxia, if you are always affectionate to power, you should grasp it well."

Almost everyone is persuading an shengxia, even Miaomiao.

"Why are you all persuading me?" An shengxia asked jokingly.

"Just two years later, he didn't choose to get back at you." Miaomiao has to remind an shengxia.

Who can match Quan Yao in terms of means?

But discerning people can see that Quan Yao still secretly takes care of an shengxia.

"I don't know what you are worried about, but I also want to tell you that when you wait for a long time, you will feel tired, not to mention that you are too headstrong to remarry." Miaomiao tilted his head and said naively, "an shengxia, try to approach Mr. Quan. Maybe you will find that he has not changed."

Lowering his head and raising his mobile phone, an shengxia fiddles with the familiar number, but he still can't make up his mind.

Sneer, AXA summer is about to take back the phone, but the unexpected phone screen suddenly rings.

Seeing the caller ID, an shengxia couldn't say what he felt inside, but felt that his heart seemed to jump.

Naturally open answer, and then cover in the ear, an shengxia eyes lax for a moment, then hear the man's steady voice.

"Anshengxia, where are you?"

"Shopping with Miaomiao." Looking around the shopping mall, I didn't see the familiar figure. Should he not be nearby? Anshengxia was relieved.

"Oh, I thought you would come to our company and have lunch together." Quan Yao, is this a disguised invitation?

An shengxia is not stupid. Of course, she can hear it, but she doesn't know what to say. She can only suppress her silence.

"Anshengxia, last time I was in the hotel, I really wanted to, but I restrained myself."

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