"Anshengxia, as a man, I always want to face, eh?"

An shengxia: "I know. I'll get a divorce."

"When exactly, eh?" The man asked.

"What do you want?" Staring at the bright water eyes, an shengxia just collapsed.

"I just want you to divorce." Xiuhe can give her, he can also give, even more.

"Tomorrow, you'll have a showdown."

early morning!

"Get out of the car, make it clear to him, sign it and come back to see me." Slender fingers, handed an shengxia a divorce, right Yao is really experienced.

An Sheng Xia just saw the three words of divorce letter, and his heart was in a trance.

I can't help but think of the scene of the last divorce.

When receiving the divorce letter, an shengxia hesitated.

It's really hard to forget the memory of the last divorce. An shengxia's whole body is stiff, but he just stays in the same place.

Seeing an shengxia's hesitation, the man stretched out his hand and steadied her shoulder. "An shengxia, don't forget what you promised me last night. You are going to divorce now, and we are together."

"That's not your attitude when you divorced me that day." At that time, Quan Yao didn't know how heartless she was. An shengxia took a deep breath. At the moment, she really hesitated.

Even if you divorce Xiuhe, is that right?

An shengxia is very confused.

"The past has passed. It's really boring to have to go over the past." Who hasn't gone that far? Quan Yao clenched an shengxia's soft palm, "after all, it's you who promised me. Go now, don't hesitate, and don't quarrel with me. I don't like it."

With her head down, an shengxia seems unable to pass the pass in her heart.

Divorce twice

It's a big blow for any woman.

Even if, the second divorce, not how heavy.

An shengxia is very clear that once she chooses to divorce Xiuhe, it means to re accept quanyao.

It's not the kind of simple acceptance on the surface, but the devotion of the whole body.

If this step is wrong again, an shengxia doesn't know how to continue his life in the future.

Quan Yao, don't let me down

"Anshengxia, don't you say it's just a fake marriage, or are you ready to do it now?" Seeing that an shengxia is still indecisive, the man's face is completely dark.

Quan Yao immediately gets out of the car, hoping to hold an shengxia in his arms and enter the door, so that he can sign a divorce with Xiuhe.

"I didn't inform him when I came, and I don't know if he was at home." But just as anshengxia imagined, Xiuhe was not at home.

"Then wait. I'll wait with you. In a word, you are divorced today." Even Quan Yao has figured out where to celebrate tonight.

"..." an shengxia didn't expect that Quan yaoning would put down his busy work and sit on the sofa with her to wait for Xiuhe to go home.

"Otherwise, you'd better go to the company for a meeting first. I'll call him now, and he'll be there in a minute." An shengxia's tentative suggestion.

"No way." Right Yao is shaking his head, he must witness, they are really divorced, not be perfunctory.

"It's just a divorce. I'll never go back on my promise." Straight back, AXA Xiabao testifies, "you have to believe me!"

"It's not that I don't believe you, but I know that I made you sad when I asked for a divorce that day. Now you are in love, and it's hard to know what will happen." Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows and said in a low voice, "an shengxia, I'm afraid that you'll regret it and then refuse to divorce. After all, if you divorce now and get married three times later, you'll be afraid."

Mind, completely by the right Yao poke, an shengxia raised his chin, "I will not be afraid."

Quan Yao still refuses to go. He just sits on the sofa and holds an shengxia's palm, looking up and down.

An shengxia simply pulled back his arm, "forget it, you can go to the company or not, I'll go back to the bedroom to get some sleep first."

"You go to the guest room." No man can tolerate his own woman sleeping in another man's bedroom.

What's more, Quan Yao, this man is not sure how strong he is.

In fact, an shengxia knows his own weight and goes straight to the guest room.

Lying on the soft sheet, an shengxia falls asleep subconsciously.

But I had a strange dream

Specifically, I don't know what I saw. In a word, the corner of an shengxia's eye is always full of sad tears.

It's hard to get out of the low mood. When an shengxia slowly opens her eyes, she is already full of tears.

Why on earth is she crying?

What kind of dream was that just now?

Shaking his head, an shengxia couldn't remember at all, so he rushed to the bathroom and washed his face carefully.

When lifting eyes again, an shengxia sees some embarrassed himself in the mirror.

And the tall figure behind him.

"What are you crying for?"

"I don't know." An shengxia shakes her head cleverly.

"I heard you cry, and I came." Holding the woman's body from behind, Quan Yao put his chin on her shoulder, but he didn't exert himself. He just touched it slightly. His low voice didn't know how charming it was. "An shengxia, it's better not to let me find that you can't bear him."

However, in the end, Xiuhe did not come back that day.

Quan Yao's mood, of course, is not happy.

Even if you take an shengxia to the party, your face is still not good-looking.

"Quan Shao, do you want to be dissatisfied?" Bo Yehan can't help asking questions.

"Go away." Quan Yao clenched his glass and gritted his teeth.

"Don't drink it." Seeing Quan Yao drink three cups in a row, an shengxia can't help holding down the man's wrist.

Right Yao but deep breath, and then get rid of the woman's touch, the fundus of the dislike, stabbed ache an shengxia's pupil, this is a few meanings, don't want to see her at all, right?

An Sheng Xia was stunned at first, then he thought that he was angry, so he didn't agree with him.

Holding the man's wrist again, Ansheng Xia took two deep breaths and tried to stabilize his mood. Then he said, "Quan Yao, you don't want to drink. Do you want to have something to eat before you drink?"

But he didn't want to, Quan Yao just raised his indifferent eyes, held an shengxia's chin in front of the public, and then broke the wine cup in his hand. What followed was not only the sound of the broken wine cup, but also the cruel tone of the man, "an shengxia, you stay away from me!"

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