Bow, anshengxia hold palace beauty wound, then forced deep suction.

Once the toxins enter the body of the palace beauty, the consequences will be unimaginable.

You know, it's a mountain here. If you want to go down the mountain, it's too late to rush to the hospital.

An shengxia forgets that she is not a doctor, but an ordinary person. If she is not careful, she will be poisoned.

All of them were stunned, especially Miaomiao, who hated the iron and said, "an shengxia, are you crazy?"

Next, I didn't wait for an shengxia. I just felt that I was choked heavily on my neck.

You're welcome to hold down the woman's slender neck, and then the man pulls up her whole body, "what are you doing?"

Looking up, an shengxia wiped the deep red bloodstain at the corner of her mouth, "I want to suck out her toxin, but I didn't swallow it. It's OK."

"You have to wait for something?" The cold hum of Quan Yao's displeasure.

"Now, I'm not doing well?" It's just that it's not very difficult to suck out the poison of the palace beauty. Ansheng Xia purses the corners of her mouth and stares at Quan Yao unhappily. She always feels that this man is making a fuss.

In the next second

The man suddenly raised an shengxia's delicate chin, and the cold thin lips immediately covered her, and rolled away all the breath in her mouth, as if to take away everything from her.

Unbelievable stare big eyes, anshengxia silly stand in place, the whole body is stiff up, but heard him say, "checked, you are not poisoned."

AXA was speechless at Chardon, "..."

Gongjiaren's wound was originally tied up with cloth, and the toxin has not spread to other places yet.

What's more, most of the toxins were sucked out, and the white face of the palace lady gradually recovered a little ruddy.

Seeing the intimacy between an shengxia and Quan Yao, she pinches her palm angrily

Anshengxia, I won't let you get him!

Absolutely not!

Fortunately, the venomous snake just now was of limited toxicity. After she applied the medicine, most of it was cured. But for the time being, she couldn't go out and walk around at will. She needed to rest for a few days.

"It's quiet without Miss Gong!" When eating, Miaomiao was very impolite, "if I were her, I would have no face to come here. What's wrong with me? I have to be a third party!"

"To be exact, Quan Shao is still single so far." Thin night cold also don't know, Miao Miao exactly where come of fire.

"But he and midsummer are all together, which is well known!" Miaomiao is not happy with the cold hum, "if Quan Shao liked her, he would have liked her long ago, and would not wait until now!"

"Well, eat your meal." Thin night cold hold eyebrow heart, "other people's business, you pour is heart!"

"How can midsummer be someone else?" I'm afraid that in Miao Miao's mind, an shengxia's position is higher than thin night cold.

"I've told you several times that I'm your man, and I'm the one who will live with you for the rest of my life. Why does a best friend have more status than me?" Of course, Bo Yehan is not happy. It's not the first time she has mentioned it to Miaomiao, but she doesn't always have a long memory, or she deliberately stimulates him.

"Because midsummer will never betray me, in this world, only she will be good to me wholeheartedly." But thin night cold, actually is once injured her deepest man!

"Can you stop digging up the old accounts? You are really not cute." Thin night cold guilty pick eyebrow, but then again way, "I know you in trouble what, is not because, can't give me a child?"

Seeing Miaomiao's face darken, thin night cold makes persistent efforts, "how many times have I said that? I don't care if I have children or not. I just want you. "

"In fact, I don't believe what men say, especially the sweet words. One day you will regret it. At that time, all the mistakes will be on me, and your relatives will drive me out. Who else can I expect?" Miao Miao's worry is not groundless.

"Time proves everything." The thin night is cold, and the heart is ready.

Miaomiao shakes his head sarcastically. "In fact, when two people are together, there is not only one contradiction. You see less power and midsummer, they already have children, but they are still unhappy. So I think sometimes it's good to be alone."

"So you want to break up with me today?" Thin night cold finally heard Miaomiao's voice.

"I think we're still fit to be friends." Miao Miao emphasizes the word "friend".

Bo Yehan laughs sarcastically, "do you think we can really be friends? Unless you didn't love me

"Then don't contact any more." Miaomiao has never been an indecisive woman. If she wants something, she will strive for it. But once she doesn't want something, she will never miss it.

"You've been planning for a long time, haven't you?" Thin night cold voice questions.

"Well, this is the result of my consideration, and for your own good." Breaking up is really good for both of them. If they are reluctant to get together, they will not get any good results. Miaomiao finally nods and admits that she just wants to break up.

But thin night cold is strangling Miaomiao's neck, every word seems to jump out from the teeth, "but I don't agree!"

"It's not so easy for you to break up. Since you live with me now, I'm used to you, depend on you, and want to separate from me. It's not so easy!"

When Bo Yehan's voice settled, Miaomiao felt that her breathing became more and more difficult, as if she was on the verge of death

She couldn't help but shed a tear when Miaomiao thought that the air in her body would be drained

Bo Yehan is willing to let go

"Cough..." the eyelids were full of tears, Miaomiao wronged Baba pressed his neck, coughing constantly.

On the other hand, there was no extra expression on the man's face, but only a low voice, "what you just said, I just didn't hear you."

He certainly didn't agree to break up.

"You have to be clear, from now on, I will not use my heart to you." At the moment, how indifferent the words are indicates how numb the heart is. Miaomiao observes the cold and iron blue face of the thin night, and at the same time, he breathes deeply, "you pay blindly, and one day, you will regret it!"

"That's my business. It's none of your business!" Thin night cold said, then turned around, with steady steps to the guest room.


Rao is to do a general examination, right Yao but still refused to let an shengxia, "you stay in hospital for two days."

"The doctor has said I'm not poisoned." An Sheng Xia helplessly rolled a white eye, "see appearance, you pour hope I am sick?"

"Food can be eaten, but words can't be spoken."

After that, Quan Yao reaches out his hand again and presses an shengxia's forehead. His magnetic voice is mixed with a trace of helplessness and low voice. "An shengxia, you can go to have another check, so that I can feel at ease."

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