The tall figure of the man, the gentleman leaning on the door wall, but no more action, and then took out a cigarette, lit, indifferent biting.

Quan Yao looks at the movement inside the door with a smile

"Cough." After coughing heavily, Xiuhe seemed to be choked by the smoke. He could not help covering his mouth and nose. "Anshengxia, I'm very uncomfortable now. Let's talk next time."

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Xiuhe frown, an shengxia wants to talk and stop several times. To tell you the truth, if Xiuhe hadn't helped her in those two years abroad, I'm afraid she would not be so good now.

"I've been outside these days, something happened..." and he came back with a body injury. Xiuhe's face was pale, and he was about to faint at any time.

"Shall I take you to the hospital? You are seriously injured!" Aware of a pool of blood on the floor, an Sheng Xia's eager way.

"No, you know I never go to the hospital, and I can't go either." Xiuhe just shook his head, and then dragged his painful body to the bedroom step by step.

I really can't see it. Axeng Xiadang helped him. "How can you give yourself medicine when you look like this? Let me help you

"Well, that's fine." The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and Xiuhe even presses all his weight on an shengxia's arm.

She gritted her teeth fiercely. Ansheng Xia turned back to her bedroom and nearly fell down several times. However, she thought that Xiuhe had been ill. If she fell down again, she was afraid that she would press the wound. She hummed and helped the man hard. She walked all the way to the bedside, which was a little relieved.

"Well..." lying on the bed, Xiuhe could see the crystal lamp on his head. He narrowed his eyes slightly. "Anshengxia, you go. I don't want to talk about anything today. I'm really tired."

"In fact, I..." I've already brought the documents. All I need is Xiuhe's signature. An shengxia looks down at her handbag and is about to open it.

"Anshengxia, let me have a good rest. I used to treat you well, didn't I?" Slightly raised his head, Xiuhe one eye then bumped into an shengxia's eyes full of consternation.

"I'll help you bandage the wound first..." finally turned to the first aid box. Although an shengxia's hands and feet were not sharp, and the appearance of bandaging was not very good-looking, he helped Xiuhe stop the bleeding in time.

"You live here alone, are you ok?" Before leaving, an shengxia couldn't help asking.

"Well, it's OK." Xiuhe just nodded, casually mentioned, "I sent Qiqi to a safe place, so for the time being, you can't find her, and don't worry."

"Where is seven seven? Is it a man?" Of course, an shengxia will be nervous and can't help asking, "where is she in the end? Is she unsafe?

"Don't worry, Qiqi is not alone, and there are people to take care of her. She's living well now." Xiuhe raised the corner of his mouth and said, "Qiqi is in a very safe place, and very happy, but sometimes he will ask you... Anshengxia, will you believe me?"

"I believe you!" An shengxia has no suspicion of him.

But for divorce

In any case, it is not appropriate to mention it again today.

When an shengxia turned back to the living room, he saw the man put out the cigarette.

Hearing the movement behind him, Quan Yao turns around and looks straight at an shengxia with deep eyes.

Being looked at with strange eyes, an shengxia felt guilty.

"Well, he signed it?" When the corners of his mouth open and close, Quan Yao is extremely indifferent.

"As you can see, he is seriously injured today. I want to divorce him a few days later..." an shengxia also tells the truth, "I don't want to do things too well today, even if I and he are only fake marriage..."

"When I came here, you promised me that you would ask him to sign. What's the matter? Now I'm not willing to see him hurt?" Biting his teeth viciously, Quan Yao said sarcastically, "an shengxia, since you are so distressed, it's better to stay and take care of him."

"I've bandaged his wound."

I haven't forgotten how I came over in the past two years. If it hadn't been for Xiuhe, I might have died long ago.

An shengxia took a deep breath and explained patiently, "when I was abroad, he helped me several times, so now, even if I am divorced, I don't want to, today, when he was just injured..."

"Divorce sooner or later, why not today?" Standing upright, Quan Yao's tone is too indifferent, "an shengxia, don't let me find that you still have feelings for him. At that time, I will definitely make you regret..."

"Since you know that I married him only for profit, you shouldn't doubt me!" An shengxia also has a temper!

Quan Yao just glanced at an shengxia and turned around immediately.

In a hurry, an shengxia quickly follows out, and then presses the man's wrist and tentatively asks, "are you angry?"

"You're wrong." Break away the woman's hand, the man disdained raised his chin, and then slightly shook his head, "I'm not angry, but also not in a good mood, you let go now, I want to go back to rest."

An Sheng Xia hears speech, eyes a burst of lax, bow head can see oneself to hang in the finger in the air, embarrassed extremely.

Looking up, the man has walked out of three meters.

Anshengxia was in the same place, but still trotted slowly to him.

The man opened the door impolitely, didn't turn around, but gnashed his teeth, angrily ordered, "an shengxia, don't get on the bus soon!"

The vision of the passers-by who come and go is to look at Quan Yao and an shengxia.

Being stared at by passers-by's eyes, an shengxia is even more embarrassed, and his mouth and nose are sour.

When a man cares about you, how can you be wronged and embarrassed?

An shengxia's heart is not balanced. He doesn't want to get on the bus.

But then he thought, he seems to be in a bad mood today

Also, she had promised that she would divorce today, but she turned back and made him lose face.

Ansheng Xia took a deep breath, but still opened the door and sat on it calmly.

When he bows to fasten his seat belt, an shengxia deliberately glances at Quan Yao.

But the man just looked at the front and didn't look at her any more.

An shengxia wants to talk and stops, and finally shakes his head helplessly.

All the way, the man didn't say a word.

Let the atmosphere suppress to the extreme.

"Anshengxia, don't you want a divorce?" Finally, it was the man who broke the silence first.

"Even if I get divorced, I don't want to be today. He helped me. Now that he's hurt, he said he would talk about something next time..."

Pausing for a few seconds, an shengxia continued, "I want to talk to him for two days."

"So you thought about me?" Quan Yao laughably snorted, "an shengxia, how many times have I given you?"

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