"Wuwuwu, it's really hot..."

Constantly twisting his soft body, an shengxia is about to cry.

"Anshengxia, what's the matter with you?" At this moment, Quan Yao of course realized that an shengxia had drunk something.

"You came to my room on purpose, drugging yourself?" Quan Yao snorted coldly, "an shengxia, I didn't expect that you were really willing to go out!"

Even if you come to his room, you have to take medicine

Quan Yao's face was black in an instant, and his eyes were covered with dark clouds.

"I don't know, I just had a drink, and then... And then... It's like this." An shengxia said intermittently, with a trace of pain in his voice.

"Damn it

All night long!

early morning.

The comfortable wind came in through the window.

I have a splitting headache. I don't remember what happened last night. When an shengxia wakes up leisurely, she feels as if she was crushed by the wheel.

Breathing deeply, in an shengxia's mind, he vaguely recalled some moments, but immediately shook his head. He always felt that it was impossible. It should be a dream. Otherwise, how could Quan Yao's shadow appear?

But when an shengxia looked down, he saw that his body was full of kisses in different depths


In an instant, the whole room echoed with an shengxia's roar of killing pigs!

Ten minutes later

A little calm down, anshengxia has been dressed up, looks and usual no different, indifferent sitting on the bedside.

Just after the bath, the man's fresh face, eyes will see an shengxia's hesitation“ How can I sleep in your bed, and you still put me... "

"This is my bedroom. You came in yourself."

As soon as Quan Yao's voice fell, an shengxia realized that it was his room.

Did she come in on her own initiative?

Shouldn't be. Is she so short of men?

Frowning, an shengxia looks warily at the man, "are you..."

"I fell asleep. You came to my room." Quan Yao has to reiterate that he doesn't need to be strong about which woman he wants.

"Anshengxia, I didn't come to the room with you."

Since Quan Yao emphasizes that, it's not him.

An shengxia almost searched her whole mind. Then she remembered that she had drunk a glass of milk last night

Is it the milk?


I'm being schemed by my son!

Anshengxia can only be dumb to eat Coptis, there is no pain to say!

"Since you had a relationship last night, let's get together." Xiaobai stood at the door, serious, "Daddy, you have to be responsible for her, maybe mommy has a baby in her stomach now."

"So you gave her something to eat, and you put the medicine?" It's really his good son. How can he do that?

"It's also because the progress between you is too slow. I can't see any hope. If I don't stimulate you, I don't know when you will make it." Xiaobai has no sense of guilt.

"Come here, Xiaobai. I will never kill you!" An shengxia twisted her wrist, hoping to blow up her son's ass.

"Mommy, domestic violence against children is against the law. Are you law blind?" Xiaobai is not afraid of anything, and he is proud to stand on tiptoe. "If you have domestic violence, I will go to the police with my brother now. Oh, yes, it's not my idea. My brother is also involved. Do you want to lose us?"

"What do you want, son?" Quan Yao holds his eyebrows and looks at Xiaobai on guard.

Although his son is only seven or eight years old, he already has an adult way of thinking.

"Of course, I hope you'll be together, and don't do it again." "Xiao Bai Leng hums a way," all a person of age, still make separation, spread out also not afraid of shame. "

"She's second married." Quan Yao has to point out.

"So Mommy, would you like to divorce and go back home?" Xiaobai has a serious face.

In fact, even if Xiaobai does not ask, an shengxia will divorce sooner or later.

An Shengxi had to nod, "I will get a divorce, but it will take a few days. He is very ill now. I can't ask for a divorce at this time, at least until his condition is stable."

"I think so." Xiaobai nodded, "that uncle should have helped you a lot, waiting for two days for divorce, it's the same."

"Xiaobai, you are the most reasonable. I'm really glad that you think so." An shengxia finally turns his grief into happiness.

"It's just Mommy, I hope you don't just talk about it. Since you want a divorce, you have to be prepared." Xiaobai patted an shengxia's wrist. "In fact, my dad, although he has a bad temper, he is still a good man. Don't miss it. Otherwise, you will regret it."

When Xiaobai slipped away.

The whole room, only an shengxia and Quan Yao.

"Well, I'm sorry." Does an shengxia know how to apologize? Quan Yao laughingly asked, "what do you do to apologize?"

"I thought it was you at the beginning..." forcing her, an shengxia felt embarrassed at the moment, and wanted to dig a hole in the ground to get in immediately.

"It doesn't matter." Quan Yao shrugged and sneered, "it's not the first time I've been misunderstood. It's nothing."

In other words, he said he was innocent.

"I didn't mean to, but you were not a good person before..."

Speaking of this, an shengxia is more embarrassed.

The man's face, which had been softened, turned pale again. He snorted with disdain, "an shengxia, you really can't talk. Since you can't talk, don't talk."

"Oh." An shengxia finally cleverly shut up, then kept silent, did not say a word, just like the students who made mistakes, do not know how wronged.

"I told you not to talk, and you didn't talk?" The man finally did not angry smile, he found, really do not understand this woman.

With the car key in his hand, Quan Yao walks away and passes an shengxia calmly.

Almost at the same time.

An shengxia grabs her wrist and says, "I will visit Xiuhe today."

"Whatever you want." First is a Leng, for a long time, Quan Yao side head, set to look at an shengxia, "if you want to take care of him, then go, I won't stop."

It's just the man's face. It doesn't look good again.

"I'll go to see him. If his health is not serious, I'll talk to him about signing..."

I don't wait for an shengxia to finish.

Quan Yao said in time, "an shengxia, it's your own business. When can you put the divorce certificate in front of me and come to me again..."

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