Let him down?

An Sheng Xia hears speech, also just slight Leng Zheng, then light smile, "this time, won't."

Since an shengxia and Quan Yao came near again, they almost became conjoined babies.

Quan Yao takes an shengxia with him when he goes to any place and meets anyone.

In other words, Quan Yao never hides an shengxia.

He wanted to give her the simplest sense of security.

Even at this moment to participate in a grand banquet, Quan Yao did not forget to bring her.

"You eat first. I'll talk to someone about business later. You just sit here and don't go anywhere." Let an shengxia sit in the controllable range of vision, Quan Yao bows his head to fasten the button and turns to leave.

"Anshengxia, long time no see."

When a familiar voice came from behind, Ansheng Xia suddenly turned around, but Chutian had a brilliant smile on her face.

"Mr. Chu, you are so busy all day. Of course, there are not many opportunities for us to meet." Anshengxia tilted his head, naive way.

"I went abroad before, but I prepared a gift for you. I wanted to give it to you tomorrow, since I met you today..."

After that, Chu Tian took out a velvet box from his trouser pocket, and then continued, "open it and have a look."

"Thank you..." hesitating for a moment, an shengxia still reached for the exquisite gift box and opened it slightly.

It's a necklace.

"This gift is a little valuable, I..."

Without waiting for an shengxia to finish her speech, someone answered coldly, "I'm sorry, she can't accept it."

"It's just a gift." Chutian side head, but only see right Yao gloomy face.

"She won't take anything from others." Cold and arrogant tone, full of a strong possessiveness, Quan Yao cold hum, "anshengxia, you dare to take a try."

AXA Xiadang is silent, "..."

What's your attitude?

Even if they are together again, she is not his accessory!

"Anshengxia, you talk!" Seeing that an shengxia is silent, Quan Yao is deeply upset.

"Mr. Chu, thank you for your gift..." in the end, an shengxia reached for the gift box.

Almost at the same time, Quan Yao reached out and knocked over the gift box, "an shengxia, you have seed!"

When he's dead?

Actually in his eyes, accept other men's favor!

That exquisite necklace, instantly overturned on the ground, Chutian frown, immediately bent down to pick up.

But Quan Yao took the first step, stretched out his shoes and crushed them fiercely, "President Chu, some things you can't get without thinking about them all the time, whether they are things or people, they are the same."

"Sometimes, the tighter you grasp, the faster you lose. I hope you can understand this truth." Looking up, Chutian's words are full of satire.

Quan Yao certainly knows what Chutian means.

Women are like sand. You can't hold them too tight.

But he is used to strong, everything belongs to him, just want to control.

Unwilling to attend the banquet, Quan Yao pressed on an Sheng Xia's shoulder and said, "go home with me."

"I'm still hungry!" Hungry, of course, an shengxia refused to leave.

"Go home and I'll cook for you myself." With Quan Yao's guarantee, an shengxia is satisfied.

Except two years ago, this is Quan Yao's first time to cook in person.

It's all like a dream.

"You stand on the side of the road and wait. I'll drive over." Quan Yao took the car key and went directly to the garage.

An shengxia embraces herself, always feels that tonight, seems particularly cold.

"Are you alone, miss?" A man in the car, passing by Anson Xia, suddenly braked.

"..." an shengxia glanced at her and made no sound for the moment.

"Well, you don't think I'm a bad person. I just want to see you home." The tone of a man is gentle.

"Thank you, but not at all." Looking back, I don't see Quan Yao's figure. An shengxia frowns unhappily. He doesn't go to pick up the car. Why has it been so long?

"Miss, I'm really enthusiastic. I don't mean anything else to you." The way of a man's pleasant face.

An Sheng Xia nodded politely, "thank you very much, but go home first."

"Why don't you give me your contact information?" The man says so, an shengxia doesn't know how surprised it is.


"I want to meet you."

An Sheng Xia was a little embarrassed when he heard that he said, "I'm sorry..."

"Miss, you really don't give face. Since we met, we were destined, so I really want to know you." The man continued, "just as an ordinary friend, give me your phone number, and I won't often come to annoy you. In fact, I'm an outsider, and I don't have many friends here. I just want to have dinner and chat with you once in a while..."

Facing the men's offensive, an shengxia always keeps a reasonable smile, "I'm sorry, I..."

Without waiting for an shengxia to finish his speech, dazzle the black private car and stop at an shengxia's leg.

Don't guess, also know what's the situation now, Quan Yao face iron green push open the door, "an shengxia, get on."

"I'm not asking you to stand and wait for me, but also attract bees and butterflies?" Once upon a time, Quan Yao didn't think that an shengxia was very attractive.

But after the year of the waves, the rotten peach blossoms in anshengxia are in a flood.

Even if you stand on the street, you can be accosted.

"I don't know that man." An Sheng Xia's mouth is murmuring.

"What did he tell you?" Men are curious.

"In fact, it's nothing. Just ask me for contact information, but I didn't give it." An shengxia shakes her head.

"If I hadn't arrived in time, would you have given it?" The man is not happy to pick eyebrows.

"Don't you see that I've been refusing?" An Sheng Xia hums coldly, "I am not so casual person, besides, the other people are only a passer-by, I still have the guard heart."

"Oh, I thought that if you see people's cars are good and have some money on hand, you will develop them." Cool hum of Quan Yao Department.

"Shut up if you can't talk, or stop now and let me down." An shengxia can't hear men's sarcastic words.

In his eyes, is she so casual?

The car, drive safely to Quan mansion.

"Young master, miss an, didn't you go to the party?" Therefore, mother Zhang did not prepare the food.

"Well." Quan Yao got off the bus first, but his face was not good.

"Another fight?" Zhang Ma just asks an shengxia.

"When I went home, I was very happy. I don't know why he was angry." An shengxia shrugs helplessly.

"The young master has been very busy for work recently. Miss an, I hope you can bear more." As soon as Zhang Ma grasped an shengxia's palm, she said, "a man, sometimes he needs to be coaxed. Just think of him as a child who hasn't grown up."

"I know. I won't see him the same way." Of course, I know Quan Yao's temper. It's only two years later that this man seems to be going too far. An shengxia is also helpless.

But since you are a man you like, even if you kneel down, you have to wait on him.

An shengxia walked into the kitchen and saw the busy figure of the man.

At this moment, no matter how many grievances are gone.

Ansheng Xia quietly walked away, then suddenly from behind, gently hugged the man, "Quan Yao, are you jealous?"

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