Perhaps in men's eyes, marriage is the biggest handout to a woman.

But from a woman's point of view, if marriage is only about children, it's better not to.

"You don't think that if you can give me a marriage, you will be great, but you should know that all these suggestions are based on the children..." an shengxia just thinks it funny, "Quan Yao, you'd better think about it for yourself. Are you with me because of the children or because of me?"

"Because of you." Man's answer, without thinking.

"..." an shengxia fell into silence.

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't look back." Quan Yao said, then went to the study, but said to an shengxia, "you have a rest early."

"Well." After an shengxia lay down again, he fell into a doze soon.

Bo mansion.

"Miaomiao, I don't want to quarrel with you any more. No matter how good my temper is, there are limits." Standing at the door, Bo Yehan has a pillow in his hand. Obviously, he wants to sleep with Miaomiao, but the woman refuses to agree.

"I told you that I can live with you, but only if you don't touch me." Miaomiao said coldly, "don't blame me for not reminding you, Bo Shao. If you dare to come in now, I'll move out immediately and go to a place you can never find."

"Even if you want to hide, you need to spend money. Moreover, I can always find you. If you don't believe me, you can have a try. Haven't you run several times, but in the end, I caught you?" Bo Yehan said sarcastically, "we've been walking around for so long. We're not young anymore. To tell you the truth, I'm really tired. I want to grow old with you. Miaomiao, my words are true."

"If you believe the man's mouth, it's estimated that the sow will be able to climb the tree. You think I'm so easy to cheat, don't you?" Miaomiao sneered, "when I first met you, it was because you would cheat a woman's heart. Now you are still the same. You have not made any progress. What you said is still those old-fashioned love words."

"If you have to turn over the old accounts, then I can't say it. I can only say, Miaomiao, I am sincere now. But if you refuse to move forward at all, or even go backward, you should know how tired I will be." Thin night cold pressed eyebrows, "as such, you sleep in bed, I rest on the sofa next to, I promise not to touch you."

"Bo Shao is really joking. This house is all yours, not to mention the sofa?" Miao Miao's heart is not easy.

Unfortunately, she can't get pregnant.

It's the death of her life.

Otherwise thin night cold come together, perhaps, still good.

"Since you agree, then I..." Bo Yehan actually slept on the sofa.

"Why don't you go to your own room when you are so old?" Deliberately back to thin night cold, Miaomiao helpless question.

"If you really know the answer, you won't ask me now. Maybe you will accept me." The cold sigh of the thin night.

"No way." Miao Miao is also helpless, "I now tell you directly, I will not really be with you, in the past two years, I just blindly, you can be bored with me."

But who ever thought that Bo Yehan was more and more attached to her.

"I think there's something wrong with you?" This is what Bo Yehan can't understand and accept.

"Well, because I don't need it, no matter what you do to me, I can't see you and I won't take you to heart." Miaomiao sighed helplessly, "thin night is cold, can you let me go from now on?"

"Of course not." Thin night cold smile, "I will not let you, of course, will not let yourself."

"Miaomiao has never seen such a shameless man!

"Why don't you listen to me when I talk to you?" Miao Miao wants to take out her heart. "I'll tell you the truth, I don't feel you anymore, and maybe I like women now. Do you believe it?"


"I'm serious. I like women now, and I feel sick when I see men, so you don't mind?"

"Well, I don't mind, and I have the confidence that I can make you come back. Miaomiao, I'm sincere to you." Thin night cold said more and more strength, I'm afraid that he is the saint of love.

Miaomiao felt sick all over, and immediately covered his head with the quilt, so that he could sleep peacefully.

early morning.

Slender waist, let the man steady hold down, an shengxia tired open the corner of his eyes, but saw a constantly close handsome face, "wake up?"

"How can you wake up before me?" An shengxia asked strangely.

"No way, the biological clock is like this, no matter how late you rest, you can easily wake up." Quan Yao made himself a cup of coffee, "are you going to the cast today?"

"Well, I haven't been there for a long time. There are still a few scenes left. I can finish them." Anshengxia nodded.

"If you feel tired, you can find a stand in for you. I've asked. Most of the following plays are fight plays, which are easy to get hurt. Besides, generally speaking, martial arts plays can find a stand in, which is an open secret..." Quan Yao disagreed. "You don't need to learn how to hit people..."

"I'm also curious, so I want to learn." An shengxia continued, "besides, maybe I will use it in my future plays. I want to learn more."

"Learning to play is better than pleasing me. After all, I can try my best to make you popular." Although Quan Yao's words are direct, they are also true.

But an shengxia still blushed, "can you be more serious?"

"I'm serious when I talk to you. As long as you make me happy, all the resources are yours." Quan Yao stretched out his hand and squeezed the woman's delicate chin. "Anshengxia, do you believe it? Men seem rational, but they are not, because they will do some crazy things for the woman they want."

"You've made an exception to buy me a role. For the rest, I want to work hard on my own." An Sheng Xia shakes his head.

"This circle is not as simple as you think. Do you think hard work is enough?" Quan Yao shook his head helplessly, "an shengxia, your mind should not be so simple."

"I can't be a heroine, even a supporting role." An shengxia is serious.

Hearing the speech, Quan Yao's whole body is stiff. He is extremely shocked by an shengxia's words. His deep eyes are full of depth.

In this circle, how many women make money for resources.

She was different.

It's different from other women.

"Anshengxia, you are different from them."

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