"Before you, you didn't agree all the time. How suddenly did you agree today?" With his head down, Quan Yao's back was stiff. The hand that opened the door also stopped slightly.

"Although I've just divorced, the law doesn't say it's impossible to hold a wedding." An Sheng Xia tilted his head, "since we must be together in the future, it's better to feel it in advance."

"Anshengxia, you should know that if you don't agree now, you can enjoy a few more days. I will pursue your joy." But after the wedding, what will happen, no one knows, Quan Yao indifferent way, "you don't like to let me chase?"

"Like is like, but people can't always live in love?" Seeing that Qin Sheng and Lin Ruiya are still happy even though they are married, an shengxia is also moved.

"It doesn't matter. You are still young now. You can enjoy my kindness to you for a few more days. When you think about it later, you will at least feel that I used to treat you fairly well."

In power, Yao's voice is settled, while an shengxia's voice is treacherous.

It's him who wants to hold the wedding on his own initiative. How can he shrink back now?

"Do you regret it?" Although an shengxia is uneasy, she still tries to sound her voice impeccable.

"How?" With a slight sigh, Quan Yao looks back and looks at an shengxia carefully.

Back at the Quan mansion, an shengxia is still depressed.

"Miss an, have you quarreled with the young master?" It's not convenient to ask some questions, but Zhang's mother is a passer-by. Of course, she has to ask clearly.

"It's nothing." Sitting at the dinner table, an shengxia raised half of his cheek, "it's not really me who forced me to marry. He said that he was in a hurry to hold a wedding with me. How come he still refuses now?"

"What did the young master say?" Zhang Ma asked curiously.

"He said that he wanted me to fall in love for a few more days. Why didn't I know that he was so hypocritical?" An shengxia is depressed lying on the dining table. "I don't know who he used to be. As soon as he knew me, he was anxious to ask me for a license, but now he has changed."

"I think there must be a reason for you to say that. Don't think too much. You are the only woman who can live in the residence, which shows your identity and status. Maybe you really want you to enjoy a few more days of love?" Zhang Ma didn't know how envious she was. "You know, when a woman gets married, she doesn't have much chance to feel the sweetness of love."

"What I want is to live." An shengxia is a traditional woman in essence.

"So you are suitable for marriage, and it's worth waiting for you for two years!" Zhang Ma's mouth is as sweet as honey.

Yasunari summer beauty Zizi smile, "of course, I such a little daughter-in-law, where to find?"

After dinner, Ansheng Xia wanruo deliberately avoids Quan Yao.

"Anshengxia, are you bathing in it?" And for more than an hour, was it a bath or drowning?

Quan Yao can't help knocking on the door, "you come out, let's talk about it."

"I'm still washing." Standing in front of the mirror, an shengxia carefully wipes the skin care products.

"But I didn't hear the water." When he's stupid?

"Soap, you know?" An shengxia is not very cool.

"You come out, I know you're not washing."

In the right Yao can't help angry next second, an shengxia really opened the door.

However, Anson summer is not wearing a bath towel, but a black miniskirt.

White face, also turned the most enchanting makeup.

"Are you going out?"

"Well." Anshengxia nodded, "a few friends asked me out."

"Do you know what time it is?" Quan Yao's lazy body leans lightly on the cold wall, and his handsome features are not real under the cover of the night.

"It's only half past ten." An shengxia shrugged and said, "it's just early. The nightlife hasn't started yet."

"You know where a bar is. Men and women go there to drink, but only for the sake of beauty." After that, the man's body approached step by step, "anshengxia, do you have to be so restless?"

"I just go out to play, not to do anything, not to mention Miaomiao. Although I'm back with you, I have my own circle. You can't let me stay at home all the time?" An Sheng Xia said jokingly, "besides, sometimes you also socialize. Why can't I go?"

"You know, I'm socializing. What about you, what kind of wine does a woman drink?" Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows and said, "an shengxia, did you do it on purpose?"

"Well, how can I say that? I went to the bar on purpose. It was my friend who wanted to play with me, OK?" An shengxia helplessly embraces her arms. Right now, Quan Yao seems to be the one who makes trouble out of nothing.

"Don't go." Thinking, Quan Yao reached out to stop the woman's way, "if you go, what am I?"

"I'm just going out to play. What's the matter? Do you think I'm going out to look for a man?" An Sheng Xia acne smile, "not as it, after all, you such a man is perfect, even if I want to find, also can't find better than you ah!"

"Anshengxia, I'm not in the mood to joke with you now." Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows, "I said, you are not allowed to go, you have to be obedient!"

"I'm not your plaything. Why do you have to be obedient?" An shengxia tilted his head, "Quan Yao, I have to go today."

"If you go today, anshengxia, I will not want you." After putting down the cruel words, Quan Yaoding looks at an shengxia's every expression, then takes out his cigarette and smokes it calmly.

"..." silent, an shengxia just said nothing.

"Are you going or not?" The end of a cigarette, Quan Yao impolite questions.

"I want to go." But also dare not go, anshengxia simply sitting on the sofa, "I will go for an hour, and then go home on time?"

"You didn't go to bars before." Why do you have to go today? Right Yao rubs the eyebrow of hair ache, "do you want to enrage me?"

"I don't want to piss you off." An Sheng Xia Du wears a mouth, "we are very difficult just compound, how can I angry you?"

"Then don't go." After all, he would be angry.

"When you care about someone, you don't want to make him angry at all!" At the moment, the man's tone is almost full of frustration.

To make such a superior man aggrieved, an shengxia is also a cow.

Quan Yaoming wants to be comforted by an shengxia.

However, an shengxia is sitting on the sofa.

Quan Yao pinches the palm of his hand and wants to break the neck of the woman in front of him. However, he can't help it.

An shengxia carefully observed Quan Yao's face. Seeing his gloomy and uncertain appearance, he laughed from the bottom of his heart.

Until the man finally couldn't help saying, "an shengxia, if you want a wedding, I'll give it to you!"

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