"No, I can walk!"

Eager to dig a hole in the ground to get in, an shengxia covers her face.

The audience laughed.

"Wow, she is the ex-wife with less power. Why does she look so young?"

"That's to say, the rumor is really untrustworthy. I thought she was ugly!"

"Ha, if I were a man, I would choose this ex-wife. I think it's more charming than Miss Ruoxi!"

It's all in my ears.

"Ruoxi, they are just compliments. Don't get angry." The agent lowered his voice to warn.

Li Ruoxi found her reason, "don't worry, I'm not going to do anything at the wedding."

Pausing for a few seconds, Li Ruoxi said, "actually, I'm not afraid of their marriage. It's easy to get married, but it's difficult to stay together. Once an shengxia loses his sense of security, it's the end of them."

"Ruoxi, you finally know what happened. That's what I mean. How many men can withstand the temptation of the outside world?" The agent's quiet way, "men make mistakes, only zero and countless times."

"I know what you say." But now, how can Li Ruoxi not be jealous of an shengxia?

"You're a good hand. You're a poor player." An Ruo Mo doesn't know when to stand beside Li Ruoxi.

"Come to see my jokes?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile, "miss an, we are all like each other."

"In fact, I didn't expect that the last choice of Quan Shao was an shengxia. After all, she was married for two years..." this is what an Rumo couldn't figure out.

"Don't you know, the best way for a man to remember you is to hurt him once."

In the two years, Ansheng Xia seriously injured Quan Yao once. Even after two years, Quan Yao will never forget it. Li Ruoxi tilted her head and said, "Ansheng is like foam. It's ridiculous to fight with Ansheng Xia with your head."

"And you." With the same scornful tone, an Rumo shook her head and said, "now, aren't you and I the same?"

"We'll see." Li Ruoxi lowered her eyes and said, "she can't be so lucky all the time!"

The ground is covered with romantic rose petals

On both sides of the red carpet, there was a busy crowd.

Ansheng Xia, holding her skirt and bearing the sour feeling under her body, went to the priest step by step.

As a bridegroom, Quan Yaoli stands beside the priest, but he holds an shengxia in his hand for fear that she will fall.

When people saw this scene, they all said excitedly that they would believe in love again.

"Miaomiao, don't you think it's good for them to be together again?" Thin night cold side head, looking forward to Miaomiao, "you don't think, fate can wait, maybe this wait, is a lifetime, occasionally see the people around you, for example, I'm good."

"We are different from them." Miaomiao's mouth turned up calmly.

"What's the difference between us?" Bo Yehan asked angrily.

"There is no emotion between us." Love is the most afraid, has been dragging, since there is no possibility, do not want to give thin night cold any fantasy possible.

Miaomiao shook his head and said, "at least, I don't have any love for you, but an shengxia and Quan Shao are happy with each other."

"It's said that women want to find a man who is good to them. It's only a lifetime that they won't be too tired. Do you want to find someone you love?" Bo Yehan gripped Miaomiao's palm and said, "it's hard to love someone. Why don't you just enjoy being loved?"

"At least I want to choose what kind of people I love." Miao Miao said with a smile, "Bo Shao, I really can't control a man like you. I still have self-knowledge."

"When are you going to hide? Give me a deadline." Everyone's patience is limited. In recent years, Bo Yehan's side has not seen others, but he has chosen to ignore them.

"I don't know." Miaomiao lowered his head, but a drop of tears passed by, "Bo Shao, don't wait for me."

"..." pale and pale, manager Bo Yehan knows what it means that you can never wake up a woman who has been pretending to be sleeping!

Shaking off his arm, Bo Yehan stepped back two steps, then turned around heartily, "Xu Miaomiao, if you think it's interesting to hurt me, then your goal has been achieved."

All the way forward, Bo Yehan never looked back this time, did not see Miaomiao one more time.

I don't know why, at this moment, Miaomiao feels as if there is a corner in her heart, sour and astringent. She can't help squatting down and reaching out to surround herself.

I am doomed to be unable to get happiness, but midsummer

You want to be happy!

I just want to, so quietly looking at you, get the happiness you want!


When Bo Yehan came to the door, he ran into a familiar face.

It's the beauty of the palace!

With the same style of wedding dress that Ansheng Xia wears, as soon as the palace lady appears, it attracts people's attention!

"My God, who is this woman? Are you sure she's not in the wrong place?"

"You see, as like as two peas, Miss Anne's wedding dress is the same as the shoulder straps, but there should be no such coincidence in the world."

"I think she did it on purpose?"

"Isn't she a fan with less power?"

The whole wedding hall is in a mess!

"Now, it's really interesting." Si yejue also saw the palace beauty, slightly pick eyebrows.

"Who is she?" Shen Jiang asked in surprise. It seems that Si yejue has seen the palace lady.

"Don't you know that she is the only daughter of the palace family. It seems that she has something to do with Quan Shao." Si yejue put his arms in his arms and showed his attitude to the play.

"Well, it's not a big deal." These days, there are countless women who are jealous for Quan Yao. Shen Jiang doesn't care.

"Bridegroom, Mr. Quan Yao, are you willing to take care of the bride, miss an shengxia, all your life, no matter she is old or sick, poor or rich?"

Everyone is looking forward to seeing Quan Yao!

An Ru Mo gnaws his teeth with hatred, unwilling to look at Quan Yao!

Li Ruoxi's face, also did not look where to go, even if the delicate makeup, also can't her at the moment of embarrassment, lost to see right Yao!

AXA raises a happy smile and looks to Quan Yao!

Next to him, someone was carrying a tray.

On the tray, there are two exquisite diamond rings.

Quan Yao looks down and takes one of the rings in silence.

An shengxia's heart beat, suddenly accelerated!

The smile on the face, more and more strong, just like the blooming rose so bright red!

I still remember two years ago, Quan Yao deliberately left the wedding scene for Li Ruoxi's sake, making her a laughing stock

And this time

"Quan Yao, put on the ring for me..."

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