If you know this man, it's just playing with her

She would never, just in the dressing room with him

At the moment, his body is full of kisses, and he can even recall his scalding temperature. An shengxia feels that he is so dirty!

It's dirty everywhere!

"Miss ANN, are you all right?" Seeing that an shengxia was in a trance, the lady couldn't help saying, "Miss Xu, why don't you take her away?"

If an shengxia still has to face

It's better to leave than to stand here in disgrace!

An Sheng Xia insists on staying. What is this?

Bo Quan Yao's sympathy and tenderness, right?

Looking back, the palace lady nervously looks at Quan Yao.

At the moment, the man's deep eyes, no waves, but also revealed some dark.

No one knows what he's thinking at the moment.

"Midsummer, let's go..." constantly coaxed, Miaomiao also knew that the scene was ugly.

But if an shengxia doesn't leave, she can't help it!

Want to talk, want to explain, in the end, an shengxia just pinched his neck.

"Midsummer, what's the matter with you?" Miao Miao noticed that an shengxia didn't make a sound from beginning to end!

"..." shakes his head, and an shengxia turns around in loss.

"Midsummer!" Miaomiao chases out in a hurry!

Oh, the lady of the palace was relieved.

Anshengxia, she's gone at last!

"Next, it's our engagement banquet..." she took up the man's arm, and the palace lady was proud.

The man didn't say a word, but he didn't refuse, which is the default!

Leave the wedding

An shengxia walked and cried all the way.

When I cross the road, I know how to look at the road.

After all, she didn't want to be killed by a car!

But in the eyes of outsiders, an shengxia is not afraid of death, and suicides!

"Midsummer, don't be impulsive!" At the bottom of his heart, Miaomiao is suffocating. He runs over eagerly, but is stopped by the car. In addition, there is a red light. He can only see an shengxia's back as he goes farther and farther!

"What's the situation now? Who is she?" When Qin Sheng comes out, where is an shengxia?

"I don't know. She went ahead just now. I'm just afraid she can't think of it..." Miaomiao pressed her heart. "Didn't you find that she didn't say a word just now? It shouldn't be. Why doesn't she talk? "

"Maybe it's too sad..." it's the second time for an shengxia to hold a failed wedding. It's all because of Quan Yao. Qin Sheng pinched his arm and wanted to chop him to death!

"I always feel that I'm curious. Even if I'm sad, I can't say nothing. If it's me, I'm sure I'll ask you less!" Always feel an shengxia abnormal, but do not know, because of what, Miaomiao can only do anxious!

The most urgent task now is to determine the whereabouts of an shengxia!

As a last resort, Miaomiao could only find Bo Yehan, "let your people go out to look for it. I'm afraid she will have an accident!

"Don't worry, I've sent someone out to look for it, and the result will come soon. It's just a woman. She can't disappear out of thin air." Thin night cold patted Miaomiao's shoulder and comforted him.

"You're with Quan Shao." Miaomiao doesn't trust him.

"Miaomiao, even if you feel uncomfortable now, you can only choose to believe me. You have no other choice!" Thin night cold down cruel words.

Miaomiao just woke up like a dream. Yes, who else can she expect besides relying on the cold night“ After all, there is no grudge between an shengxia and me. It's just looking for someone. It's extremely simple for me. " Bo Yehan said this to reassure Miaomiao.

"It's no use for you to be worried now. Come back with me and wait for the news." Stay and wait for the engagement? Miao Miao is not in the mood.

Thin night cold also don't want to see right Yao toss, then lead Miao Miao on the car.

"I really don't know where else to go in midsummer." At the bottom of his heart, Miaomiao was very upset. He was afraid that Ansheng would be upset in summer.

"I always feel that an shengxia is not as vulnerable as you think. Maybe she just wants to be alone and doesn't want to be disturbed." When people are extremely sad, they often like to be alone. It's cold in the thin night, but we can understand an shengxia's practice.

"Before in the wedding, an shengxia did not make any noise. Maybe, she has already looked at it." Thin night cold press eyebrow.

"No, I don't think she can speak..." of course, it's just Miao Miao's guess.

"Is it?" Bo Yehan was surprised.

"Yes, I saw several times that Sheng Xia wanted to speak, but she couldn't make a sound. I thought it was her own illusion before, but now I calm down and think that she is not the kind of person who is wronged but doesn't explain." What's more, this is betrayed at the wedding. How can an shengxia swallow his anger like a receiver?

Even if an shengxia is too lazy to refute the palace beauty, he will question Quan Yao.

However, none of them, an shengxia didn't say a word in the whole process!

"It's just your idea." Thin night cold first frowned, then shook his head.

The night passed.

But still can't find the whereabouts of an shengxia.

"Bo Yehan, you really look for it. It's just a person. How can you disappear out of thin air?" Miaomiao is like an ant on a hot pot.

"Don't worry." Walking around in the same place, Bo Yehan was also irritable, but he said with reason, "the person I sent out has not come back yet, that is to say, there is no news for the time being. However, there is no news, which can be regarded as good news. If there is any accident in anshengxia, she will be found long ago. She has to hide for the time being and doesn't want to be found by anyone."

"She alone, in case of bad guys..." women's emotions are always easy to collapse. Miaomiao is sitting on the sofa now, crying or crying.

"You don't want to think about the bad, perhaps, she is now in a very safe place, but we can't find it..." Bo Yehan tried to comfort a few words, but it didn't work at all.

"Oh, you men..." Miaomiao gritted his teeth, "if an shengxia has any accident, I will kill Quan Yao!"

"Well, if you want to move him, I'll help you..."

In front of the beloved woman, even brothers and brothers are nothing.

Thin night cold at the moment bent over, see tight Miao Miao angry face.

Then he reached out and pinched her chin. Bo Yehan's every word was very clear, with strong penetrating force. "Miaomiao, in my heart, you are more important than anyone else. If you don't believe me, you can try. Time can prove everything. As long as you give an order, even if you fight with Quan Yao, I can do it, because for you, I never care about the consequences, No matter what I lose, I just want to pay for you... "

At this moment, Miaomiao can't be more shocked!

Bo Yehan said that he wanted to fight with Quan Yao for her!

This man is either crazy or crazy!

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