"It's just your wishful thinking, isn't it?" Cover to smile of hair ache of belly, thin night cold embarrassed way, "don't forget, the other people all refuse to pay attention to you now."

"It's only temporary." Quan Yao raised a confident corner of his mouth, "she is determined to me, even once, for a reason. As long as I remain unchanged, she will be close to me for the same reason."

"Mr. Quan, don't you think you're doing evil?" Bo Yehan stopped laughing. "It depends on others' liking for you, so if you squander, you will get the same punishment one day."

After that, Bo Yehan continued, "maybe now is God's punishment for you. If I were an shengxia, I would never waste my time on you."

"I'm not good enough?" Quan Yao asked unexpectedly.

"Sometimes, you can't make people see through, not to mention an shengxia, that woman is stupid, and she is always bullied by you." Bo Yehan sighed, "after all, she and Miaomiao are good friends. If something happens between you, I'll have a hard time going home."

"Why do you like Miaomiao? After all, your two families are enemies." Quan Yao asked with a smile.

"When you like a person, there is no reason, including her shortcomings and advantages, you will like it." Eyeground overflow gentle, thin night cold finish saying, oneself also laughed.

Right Yao is the first time to see, thin night cold so warm side.

This is the so-called true love, right?

Three days later.

Quan Yao can't sit still.

He simply stopped an shengxia's car on the way.

To be exact, it's a deliberate turn to let an shengxia hit it fiercely.

"I'm sorry, Mr. quan..." the driving skill is still good, but an shengxia didn't expect to bump into his car.

Fortunately, she has insurance.

In fact, an shengxia wanted to say why he suddenly turned.

"Miss ANN, did you see my car and hit it?" Quan Yao asked with a smile.

"Of course not, I'm in a hurry to go to work, and sooner or later, so I didn't notice..." an shengxia's tongue almost tied.

"I've seen it. It's quite serious. Don't leave. Let's settle the matter first." After Quan Yao got out of the car, he looked down at the scratch.

"Mr. Quan, if you're OK, don't drive such an expensive car, OK?" An Sheng Xia is really angry, but he still wants to hide it and says with a smile, "about compensation, I hope you don't embarrass me too much."

"At least you're also an artist under my banner. How come you're living a miserable life?" Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows and said, "didn't you just get half of the pay?"

"But that's all I have now, and I have to keep a car, an agent and pay taxes, so I have nothing left." An Sheng Xia suddenly stares big eyes, "you should not want to calculate my salary?"

"That's not what I said, Miss Ann." Right Yao business attitude, "since it's your fault, of course, to bear the responsibility, I always have a clear distinction between public and private, unless it is to their own people."

My own people

These three words make an shengxia's scalp numb.

The mobile phone suddenly rings.

It's Shen Qing.

Urge her to go to the set.

"Mr. Quan, I really have a task today. Shall I go first?" An shengxia explained, "looking back, I will certainly apologize to you, but I think you also have insurance. Try not to embarrass me."

After that, an shengxia drove away.

The reason why Quan Yao let her go is not because of her sentence. Why do you apologize to him?

Until dark

An shengxia didn't even fart.

"Miss an, didn't you say you'd like to apologize to me? Why, you're so forgetful?"

When Quan Yao calls, an shengxia suddenly rings, feeling stiff all over.

"Sorry, I forgot." An shengxia wants to dig out her heart and explain again, "you see, it's so late today, or tomorrow, I'll treat you to dinner!"

"Do you want to delay it?" Quan Yao snorted coldly, "do you think I'm such a talkative person?"

"But it's too late. I won't go out to see you!" An shengxia is very alert.

"It's not up to you." Quan Yao lowered his voice and reminded, "I'm downstairs."

"What?" Suddenly stare big eyes, an Sheng Xia a lift curtain.

But at a glance, he saw the man standing downstairs.

The man looks up and counts up along the floor. His deep eyes catch an shengxia's figure in an instant!

"Come down and see me..."

Press off the mobile phone, an shengxia hesitated for a while, then put on the down jacket and went downstairs.

In the evening, it's really not so cold. An shengxia's whole body is full of goose bumps.

He scolded Quan Yao half to death in his heart.

Can see the visitor, an shengxia still smile like a flower, "Quan Zong, you come, how also don't tell me?"

"Don't laugh like that. It's too fake." Quan Yao's deep eyes fell on an shengxia's white face. Just for a moment, he looked away. "I'm hungry now. Please invite me to dinner."

"But it's all like this..." an shengxia said in embarrassment, "if you don't dislike it, then eat the roadside stall?"

"I hate it." Quan Yao's superior attitude, "I never eat those things."

"I remember when you were not a young master before..."

The next second, an shengxia covered the corner of his mouth, "that's your secret, I won't mention it again."

"Let's go." Quan Yao was just in a daze and walked ahead.

"Where to?" Fortunately, the man didn't drive, so anshengxia was willing to go with him.

"I'm really hungry. I don't have time to waste my time with you." Quan Yao's steady step is not slow, but it just allows Ansheng Xia to keep up.

Finally, the man stopped in front of a noodle shop.

"You eat this, too?" An shengxia just feels strange.

"You can fill your stomach." Quan Yao really didn't dislike it, so he entered the noodle shop casually.

"You wait, I clean first, and then you sit, I know you have a habit of cleanliness..." an Sheng Xia Xian was very embarrassed, after sitting down, he was busy cleaning the table and the bench.

When it's cleaned, it signals Quan Yao to sit down.

Quan Yao is content to let an shengxia be busy.

But suffered a lot.

"Girl, you'd better not talk to your boyfriend about this."

"That's right. Why does a big man have to be served by a woman? My mother said, "men are born to protect women."

"Girl, you don't want to break up. Look at me, I'm very considerate. I know how to take care of women..."

Around, many people are laughing.

An shengxia, like a little daughter-in-law, blushed and eagerly explained, "no, you all misunderstood..."

But without waiting for an shengxia to finish speaking, Quan Yao has reached out and held the woman in his arms. "When I go out, she takes care of me, but at home, I listen to her..."

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