At first, an shengxia could not understand the meaning of Quan Yao's words.

Until I got an ambiguous picture

Suddenly, an shengxia couldn't believe what he saw.

"I, please..." immediately dial back the number, and Anson Xia takes a deep breath, trying to stabilize Quan Yao's temper. "She's a girl, and it's easy to suffer losses, and you know, the circle is very chaotic, especially the director and the actress, she's just an agent..."

Considering that Shen Qing is one of her own, an shengxia certainly doesn't want her to suffer.

What's more, Cheng Rui already has Li Ruoxi in his heart, just playing with Shen Qing.

Everyone knows this truth, including Shen Qing himself!

As a result, Shen Qing has already broken off contact with Cheng Rui.

At the moment, it seems that Cheng Rui is crazy, forcing a woman who has no power to bind a chicken!

He's not a man!

"That's how you begged me?" Men disdain questions.

"So, what do you want?" An shengxia gritted her teeth viciously.

"If you're reluctant to ask for someone, forget it." Quan Yao is about to hang up.

An shengxia said immediately, "Quan Yao, I beg you now. As long as you help Shen Qing this time, I will take it as if I owe you a favor."

"I'm not short of human feelings. Well, you owe me a request. I haven't thought of it yet. When I think about it, I'll ask for it from you. You don't have room for bargaining, do you know?"

This time, Quan Yao cut off the call without waiting for an shengxia to nod his head.

The rest room.

Far away, I heard a woman crying.

"Fortunately, you're ok now." An shengxia patted Shen Qing on the shoulder. "Well, don't cry. Keep a distance from him in the future."

"I really didn't go to him. He suddenly went mad!" Shen Qing's heart is extremely aggrieved, "I also know that I don't deserve the director, so I let it go, but where do I know that he is a madman, he actually!"

"It's better to know him now than to be dragged down by him all the time?" An Sheng Xia sighed, "you've already got out."

"If it wasn't for Mr. Quan, maybe I would have been..." the consequences would be unimaginable. Once rumors spread in the circle, Shen Qing's face would be gone.

Moreover, it's in the woods again. In case of being filmed, Shen Qing's life will be over.

"When I think about it now, I want to smoke my mouth. I'm really blind, so I'll take a fancy to that kind of man..." but I can't help it. Once a woman falls into love, her IQ will quickly fall to negative, and she will lose her sense. Shen Qing regrets it now, and it's not helpful.

"Apologize to her." An shengxia opens the door and looks at the director calmly.

"Are you kidding?" Cheng Rui laughably looks at an shengxia.

If it wasn't for Quan Yao's face, Cheng Rui would never buy an shengxia's account.

Can an midsummer's request, too much!

Ask him as a director to apologize to his agent

If spread out, won't it make people laugh?

He is also an excellent director. How can he lose face in front of a woman?

What's more, he was a woman who was not worth mentioning.

He just treats Shen Qing as a plaything, so even the sneer at the bottom of his eyes is so contemptuous.

"I feel like I'm joking now?" An shengxia's face is serious, "as a director, I admire your professional ability, but now, outside of work, you force me, so I hope you can seriously apologize, this matter can be turned over, otherwise, I will choose to call the police."

"Miss ANN, what do you think is good for you? Or do you want it to turn into a scandal to help you hype it up? Are you using your agent? " Cheng Rui holds a skeptical attitude, nothing more than to pick out the relationship between an shengxia and Shen Qing.

"I know that Sheng Xia is not such a person, otherwise he won't help me out. Director, please use your brain when you speak. Don't just treat women as stupid idiots." Shen Qing can't help refuting.

"Shen Qing, it's not for you to interrupt. You didn't take the initiative to send it to me. Otherwise, you think I can touch you?" The director raised his haughty chin, "to tell you the truth, I'm also unlucky to meet you. You don't obey the rules of the game at all."

"The rule is, if I want to quit, you can't touch me easily. In the past, I was willing to do it myself, but this time, I really don't want to, instead of playing hard to get with you!" His eyes are full of satire. Shen Qing feels cold all over, as if he had pushed the deep ice cellar. Then, he just feels funny.

If she wanted to play routine, she would have.

Why wait until now?

Keren, it's all like this.

Never pay attention to what you get easily.

But if you are sincere, you will not come to a good end!

"Cheng Rui, you apologize to me now!"

Rao Shi did not expect that Shen Qing, who had no self before, would insist on his apology.

It's ridiculous.

"I'm not voluntary. If you don't want to apologize, it doesn't matter. I want your saliva on my body. It's the proof that you bit me. I'll call the police!"

Shen Qing's straightforward attitude is not a joke.

Cheng Rui's eyes finally twinkle. He points to Shen Qing's eyebrows and smiles sarcastically, "OK, I'll apologize to you, but even if you strip off and climb onto my bed, I won't touch you again“

"That's impossible." The moment of inner panic, Shen Qing is more and more forced to calm down, and then, finally see something clearly.

You can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep.

Since it is a game from the beginning, how can we ask him to pay attention?

So, it's not his fault.

It's because she doesn't know self love and reserve that she will come to such an end.

Shen Qing is not good to anyone, including Cheng Rui.

When to their own life, a lesson.

"How are you now?" Ansheng Xia originally wanted to comfort Shen Qing.

Shen Qing just put her face on the back of an shengxia's hand. Although her eyes were moist, she forced herself to suppress the bitterness and gradually lowered her crying voice. "I'm so tired now. I want to know how you got by when you were disappointed with him."

"Women should be kind to themselves. As long as you forget his occasional care and casual commitment to you, you just think about what kind of face he was when he was the most cruel to you. Slowly, there will be no love in the bottom of your heart."

It's like in an shengxia's mind, almost every day, Quan Yao quits his marriage at that time.

As long as we deeply remember a man's face when he doesn't love himself, it won't be difficult to forget.

So forget a person is actually very simple, don't cheap, can!

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