Everyone knows the purpose of Quan Yao.

But it happened that an shengxia was so alienated.

It was hitting him in the face.

"Anshengxia, you are so kind."

An Sheng Xia's attitude of not inferiority and not uttering a word when he hears a word.

Quan Yao suddenly felt that he was fighting against a mass of air, as if he was powerless in hitting cotton.

If you don't stay much, Quan Yao will drive away!

Let people see this scene from a distance, just like two people separated in discord!

"Did you fight?" Shen Qing asked.

"Which eye do you see?" An shengxia is speechless. It is clear that Quan Yao is quarreling unilaterally.

"Two eyes can see that Quan is always angry. Are you so calm?" Shen Qing just thought it was incredible.

"He's the one who's bothering me." An shengxia shrugs helplessly and expresses her innocence.

"I hope you don't regret it in the future“ Shen Qing reached out and patted an shengxia on the shoulder. "No one will be waiting for you in the same place all the time, not to mention the general manager Quan!"

"Seriously, I understand that, and I won't wait for him in the same place." An shengxia just feels funny, "are you afraid that I can't get married in the future?"

"Midsummer, I'm afraid that in the future, you can't find an excellent man like Quan Zong. Maybe you'll regret it. Although you're not afraid now, when you get older and have no advantage, the man is still handsome. You can find a younger one." All of a sudden, I feel that the world is very unfair. Why do men grow old so slowly? Shen Qing is extremely depressed.

"It's not only about the conditions, but also whether he has a sense of responsibility. I've long passed the age of looking at faces. Otherwise, how can I give up?" An shengxia would not feel sorry if he had seen it for a long time.

In the future, there will be such a person, standing in place waiting for her.

Just, she must endure the loneliness, to quiet and so on.

"Although I know it's not good to look at faces, isn't it the face that attracted me in the first place?" Shen Qing guilty way, "only get along for a long time, can see is slag male."

"It's not a shame to be attracted by the appearance. I got married for the first time, in fact..." an shengxia doesn't think she is any better than Shen Qing.

"I thought you really didn't eat fireworks!"

After listening to an shengxia's words, Shen Qing suddenly gets up.

"As long as you're sure you want to let go, don't let go. It's not good for you or him." An shengxia's serious advice.

Shen Qing also thinks so, her deep nod, "I won't have redundant contact with him again."

However, Shen Qingyue thinks so, but Cheng Rui refuses to let her go easily.

"Have you seen all these things?"

Ear is a man's fierce voice, Shen Qing fingers trembling looking at the photos in the mobile phone.

"You can't be so out of style, can you?" Shen Qing asked sarcastically, "why do you take my videos and photos?"

"In the beginning, it was because of interests and personal preferences." The man chuckled, "my room is monitored, so every time we do, we have evidence. Guess what personal impact these things will have on you if they get out?"

Pause a few seconds later, the man then continued, "outsiders will think, you this agent in order to upper, no discount means close to me."

"It's all in the past. Can you spare me once?" Shen Qing knows that he can't irritate Cheng Rui right now.

"Don't you take money every time?" The man jokingly asked, "so, you know now that you are afraid, ha ha, playing with men, you will be played in the end, do you know?"

"You can't be so shameless. At the beginning, we agreed not to pester each other any more!" Shen Qing didn't expect to be filmed.

"When I'm so talkative?" The man stretched out his hand and frivolously pinched the woman's delicate chin. "Shen Qing, let me tell you, I've never been the only one to stop. No woman can easily escape from my hand."

"You didn't want me first!" Shen Qing funny way, even if it is tired, but also he said first tired.

"But when I want to, you have to come back obediently. How can you not understand such a simple reason? I have to teach you hand in hand?" The man tilted his head back and saw Shen Qing's more and more pale face. He seemed to be able to get the so-called happiness, so he continued, "how, you are angry when I say this?"

"I'm not angry..." but feel sick, but Shen Qing dare not tell the truth.

"I don't think that's what I look like." The man snorted coldly, "if you think it through now, tell me what you think in your heart."

"What else can I think of?" Shen Qingsi wanted to go, decided to ease the man's temper first, so he said, "well, you delete the video first, let's have a good chat."

"If I delete these things, what else can I threaten you with?" Men are not stupid.

"Don't you think I'm in your hands now?" Shen Qing raised her determined chin and said, "I'm still in your room. Are you so afraid?"

"Don't irritate me. I'm not something you can afford." The man stretched out his hand and pushed Shen Qing away easily.

Shen Qing was forced to retreat and immediately sat down. Fortunately, there was a sheet behind her and she didn't feel pain.

Just eased over, in front of me is a constantly enlarged, familiar face.

The man approaches easily, then suppresses on Shen Qing's body, "before plays tired of thing, now picks up, looks like also is good."

"I'm not a thing!" Being insulted by words, Shen Qing feels embarrassed.

"Ha ha, do you know how to resist now? It doesn't seem too boring. " Shen Qing reaches out and rubs the woman's nose dye, followed by cherry lips.

At the moment that Shen Qing didn't expect, the man grabbed the two corners of his mouth and rubbed them repeatedly.

"Well Suddenly stare big eyes, an shengxia can't believe what he saw.

He's kissing her!

This is his first time, kiss her!

Everything that followed seemed to come naturally

The sky is clear!

"Midsummer, before the company is not exposed the news of the tragic death of female artists?" Shen Qing seemed to know the news of Tianda and continued breathlessly, "I just heard that the female artist was close to Quan Zong when she was alive. It's said that it was love killing!"

"What do you mean?" Ansheng Xiaman asked casually.

"Someone joked that it was an admirer of the general manager of power..." Shen Qing said as she stretched out her hand to her neck and put on a posture of beheading.

"Do you believe that?" An shengxia thinks it's ridiculous!

"Really, that female artist is the female artist that President Quan brought out when he went abroad!" Shen Qingleng snorted, "at that time, I didn't know how many people were envious, so they died!"

As long as you think of it, I went to the company building that night for no reason, and AXA felt numb when I was in Chardon

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