Once again open the eyes, an shengxia only feel the whole body ache, as if the machine had been crushed so hard.

Hard deep breathing, an shengxia blinked, and then spit out a heavy breath of wine, which recalled that she was still in the garage.

Cell phones ring again and again, breaking the atmosphere of death

It's the driver's agent.

After that, the cell phone calmed down.

It's estimated that the driver waited too long and left ahead of time.

An shengxia fidgeted to open the mobile phone, dial back, "driver, have you left now?"

"How long have I been waiting for you? You can calculate by yourself. Are you kidding me on such a cold day?" The driver must have waited too long, so he didn't speak very well.

"Well, if you haven't gone far, can you come back?" An shengxia has no strength now, and her steps are fluttering, "I just drank too much."

"So you young people, why drink so much at night?" The driver apologized, "I just thought that you were home, so I took another list. Moreover, I've been waiting for you for a long time. I don't believe you can check it on your mobile phone!"

"I'm sorry to disturb you." After an shengxia apologizes, he cuts off the call and dials Shen Qing.

"Agent Shen, are you there?"

Strangely enough, although the mobile phone dialed, Shen Qing could not hear any response.

"It's Sheng Xia. Let go of me... HMM!"

Shen Qing was forced to cover her mouth and screamed several times, but her voice was swallowed back.

"At this time, what else do you want to do?" Cheng Rui sneered in Shen Qing's ear, "you'd better care about your situation."

"You let me go, asshole!" Shen Qing struggled several times, but he was not a man's opponent.

Shen Qing drank a little too much tonight.

Therefore, her struggle is more like a refusal.

"Now I suddenly find that you have a good taste. Why didn't I realize that before?" A man's mouth.

"If you do this, you will only make people look down on you. If you are still a man, you will not threaten me with those videos. It will only make people feel sick!" Shen Qing deliberately stimulates men.

I thought the director could let himself go.

But he was not angry but laughed, "you continue to scold ah, how suddenly did not speak, the louder you are, the more happy I am."

"You pervert!" As soon as Shen Qing's voice fell, his waist was locked up.

"The more perverted I am, the more you like it, I'm afraid?" Cheng Rui laughs sarcastically, "I've seen too many women like you. They don't like you, but they are honest physically. When are you going to be tough? I want to keep a relationship with me for a while. When I find a woman who can replace you, I will not touch you any more, no matter where you go

"But I don't want to..." what does he think she is?

Delivered to the door?

"Ha ha, if you don't want to, you can't help it, unless you want to lose your reputation. Oh no, even if you destroy yourself, you have to implicate an shengxia. Can you bear such a big price?"

A man's sneer is like coming from hell

"No, don't get involved in midsummer!" Clenching her fist, Shen Qing realized for the first time how small she was.

This man can easily destroy her!

"Shen Qing, now you finally know how to learn?" The man lowered his voice and bit Shen Qing's neck. "In fact, as long as you can learn to be good, I can be very generous to you. If you want to buy any famous brand, you can tell me directly. At that time, I don't know how many women will envy you."

"But I don't want to use your money at all..." she felt dirty!

"You remember it for me, I don't want to!" Shen Qing is a dead duck.

The man's anger is more prosperous, "since you don't know so well, I don't have to worry about whether you hurt..."

"Oh, no!" Shen Qing screamed suddenly.

Just like the fish on the chopping board, it can only be used for his entertainment.

I couldn't get in touch with Shen Qing several times

An shengxia is as anxious as an ant on a hot pot! But found himself in a strange car!

An shengxia is smart all over

No, it's not her car!

And she is not only safe sitting in a strange car, but also wearing a seat belt!

What's the situation?

When an shengxia looks out of the window

But I saw a bloody woman lying straight in front of the car

For the eyes of the woman who symbolizes death, an shengxia can't believe it. He thinks he's wrong

Trembling fingers untie the safety belt, anshengxia boldly get out of the car to confirm.

I found that this woman was the one who was driving to hit me just now.

But how could she

The whole body has blood, and the body has no life features

The woman is dead.

Die in front of an shengxia.

But just now, an shengxia was sitting in the car, just like a murderer

Unless there's a third person on the scene!

A trance of mind, anshengxia suddenly regret, why did she touch the body?

Now her hands are stained with the blood of the dead

Anyone who sees this scene will doubt her!

At the bottom of my heart, I can't help but be afraid, and Ansheng Xiaman sits on the ground with a muddled face.

"Not me, really not me..."

Shaking her head, an shengxia kept lowering her voice and murmuring alone.

Can face a corpse, say not afraid is false, an shengxia stumbles to stand up from the ground.

Suddenly, an shengxia pinches her cell phone tightly and is about to dial 110.

But her back neck let a person suddenly clap!

"Well..." without warning, an shengxia lost consciousness again.

Fortunately, the man behind him held an shengxia's sliding body calmly

However, her mobile phone fell to the ground.

A man hugs an shengxia, the fundus of his eyes flickers with complex light!

"Anshengxia... Are you asleep?" The man called several times.

An shengxia has no consciousness, like falling into a deep sleep.

The man was relieved and helped an shengxia to another car.

Push the door open again and the man wipes all the marks.

Including an shengxia's fingerprints

As long as you erase these, there will be no evidence of an shengxia.

Before leaving, the man also noticed that an shengxia's mobile phone fell to the ground.

Graceful bending, the man picked up the mobile phone, then turned to the car!

The car is like an arrow leaving the garage. It seems that it never appears

When the car broke through the dim light of the garage and drove into the busy street, the street lights along the street could finally brighten the man's handsome face

Deep facial features in the night, some of the amazing untrue, the man's face has always maintained indifference.

It's him

Quan Yao!

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