Rao Shiquan Yao asked himself, but Shen Ao did not.

After all, anshengxia has left the dance floor for the first time.

Only left a man turned back.

"Mr. Quan, who is the person in your heart?"

Ear, is liruoxi through the voice of suffocation.

"Quan Yao, do you remember the first time we met?"

Leaning over her head, Li Ruoxi asked naively, "at that time, we were all young, but you were the most conspicuous one among all people. I saw you at the first sight, and you saw me too. Every time someone bullied me, you would stand up to protect me..."

"If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't get these lights now..."

Breathing deeply, Li Ruoxi raised a bright smile, "every time I am driven out by my family, you will accompany me, even if you don't say anything, you will stand beside me."

If not once together, too good.

Li Ruoxi will not miss it till now.

"Even family members think I'm a loser, but you never will. Later, you told me that you think we are the same kind of people. Even if you have family members, you will feel lonely."

In the past, it was my company that made you not feel lonely, but now, even in the same company, I can see you every day, but I still feel lonely. I heard that you and an shengxia are together again, but I feel lonely, You are not really happy... She may not know how to cherish you. "

But Li Ruoxi thinks that what she can do is more perfect than an shengxia.

"You've been waiting for the person who is most suitable for you, but maybe that person has already appeared, but you haven't looked back to see me all the time..."

Li Ruoxi gritted her teeth and said, "after so many years, you are the only one in my heart."

"But Ruoxi." Quan Yao listened quietly, but finally said, "some things can't be forced, but before some people appear, they may be able to make do with it, but until some people appear, they can't be forced."

"She's just deliberately hanging your appetite..." Li Ruoxi reaches out and grabs Quan Yao's wrist.

All of a sudden, all the lights went out!

The whole party is black!


It's the shrill cry of a woman!

"My God, what's the situation?"

"How can a sudden blackout happen to such a big party?"

Shen Ao was the first to react and found that the power supply was deliberately cut off.

Wait for the light to come back

But everyone saw that Li Ruoxi's face had a cut.

In addition, her neck was severely strangled with something similar to steel wire.

"Ah Unable to accept the scratches on her face, Li Ruoxi lost her original elegance.

When people see Li Ruoxi at the moment, they dare not speak at first.

But the next second

The whole banquet hall, burst out a sensational scream!

We all see the same ghost, crazy to the door!

"Everyone be quiet, don't move, stand in the original position!"

Sharp out of the police card, Shen Ao hand signal, "I'm a policeman, are not allowed to move!"

Smell speech, the public just calms down a little!

"Just now, who was close to you? Did you see the other side?" Shen Ao asked eagerly.

"I don't know... I don't know anything..." Li Ruoxi has been sent to the ambulance.

No matter what Shen Ao asked, Li Ruoxi shook his head and said, I don't know.

"The other side didn't leave any clues, and didn't make any sound?" Shen Ao asked.

"I really don't know..." taking a deep breath, Li Ruoxi subconsciously touched her earlobe.

But the unexpected discovery, full hand is bright red blood.

"Ah...!" Li Ruoxi grabs hard again, only to find that one of the earrings has been lost.

"It's OK. Don't panic. The doctors and nurses will take good care of you. When you have a good rest, I'll come back again..." Shen Ao said, "at that time, maybe I'll ask you something. At that time, you just tell me the truth."

"Why, why would someone kill me?" Li Ruoxi cried, "I didn't get into a feud with anyone!"

"I'll arrange for the police to stay and keep you safe..."

"Can he stay?" Li Ruoxi side head, fixed to look at the silent right Yao.

"Otherwise, I have no sense of security in my heart..."

Shen Ao hears speech, but helplessly shakes his head, "believe me, in order to ensure your safety, he won't stay for the moment."

"Why?" Li Ruoxi couldn't figure it out.

Shen Ao can't say that they are using Li Ruoxi to lure the murderer to appear, can they?

Now Li Ruoxi is not only frightened, but also openly injured

"Miss Li, I don't want you to stay. It's also for your own good. Let's have a rest." Shen Ao said apologetically, "as for the wound on your face, don't worry, there is a doctor in, there should be no traces left, and today's news, will be blocked, won't let people report out, your image won't plummet, for the moment, you have to stop some business activities on hand, claim to the outside world to go abroad for further study."

"..." Li Ruoxi was a fool.

It's the upsurge of her career.

Even if you retire for two months, it will be extremely unfavorable.

What's more, who will be responsible for those endorsements and advertisements?

Presumably, Li Ruoxi himself knows it.

"It must be an shengxia, it must be her, it must be her, if you destroy my face, she can be on the top..." Li Ruoxi is crazy.

Shen Ao and Quan Yao didn't stay much, so they left the ward.

"Someone is acting under your eyes. It seems that they really know you well..." Shen Ao asked suddenly, "are you aware of nothing?"

"No Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows and said, "my thoughts at that time were not on Li Ruoxi, so I didn't see anything..."

"Did you really not see it?" Shen Ao always feels that Quan Yao seems to be hiding something.

"Are you doubting me?" Quan Yao laughably asked, "Shen Ao, you can not believe me, but if I don't want you to check, there are many ways."

"If I say something wrong, don't be angry..." Shen Ao shrugged, "I'm just used to doubting everything, even the person I trust the most."

"It's up to you." Quan Yao turned to go.

But Shen Ao stopped him, "maybe the killer has been watching you all the time, so you can't go anywhere..."


Sitting in the rest room, an shengxia doesn't know what happened in the hall.

I just heard that Li Ruoxi was disfigured and injured.

After a short rest, an shengxia felt much better.

Subconsciously spread out the palm, but unexpectedly saw a dazzling red

Then he lowered his head and looked carefully at the palm of his hand, but it was an earring stained with blood

Looking at it, it seems a little familiar

As if it was the one Li Ruoxi was wearing today

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