No man likes to be controlled by women.

Sometimes it's called fun, but often it's boring.

"Anshengxia, you should know what my private life is like." Quan Yao lowered his eyes, "you can rest assured to me. If I don't do well enough, you can tell me directly, but don't fight."

"You mean I'm not in charge of you now?" An shengxia raises eyebrows to question.

"I'm working..." in desperation, Quan Yao seriously sent the video.

"No, your secretary is a woman now. I don't like her being so beautiful." An shengxia is dead.

"You know the Secretary, too. She's married." Right Yao suddenly accident, an shengxia this is deliberately prick, or really jealous?

"Anshengxia, are you jealous, or are you looking for my trouble?" Quan Yao asked jokingly.

Is she doubting his intelligence?

"I don't know. Maybe people will become sensitive and worry about gain and loss when they get back. That's what I am." An shengxia raised her eyebrows, "if you don't like this, forget it."

"What else do you want besides quitting your present secretary?" Quan Yao decided to dismiss his secretary without blinking.

"For the time being, it's gone." After closing the phone, Ansheng Xia felt guilty.

"Maybe if you go on making trouble like this, it will stimulate his desire to conquer..." Xiuhe reminded with a sneer, "an shengxia, if you don't want to be nice to him, just say it directly. It's a waste of time and energy. In the end, you are the most tired..."

"You don't know, he is such a person. If I mention separation first, he will still hate me..." an shengxia sneers, "unless he gives up first."

"So suddenly?" Xiuhe was shocked and asked, "midsummer, what happened?"

An shengxia is just silent.

She had to carry it herself.

This time, no one can help her.

Because she didn't want to involve anyone.

The next day, the secretary was dismissed.

The whole company is full of rumors about an shengxia's affair.

"The Secretary, at least, has been in the company for so many years. Because she was not happy, she dismissed the person!"

"Quan Zong is really blind. How could he want such a vicious woman?"

"It's not that I don't have enough confidence in myself when I like flying vinegar so much. The company is full of female artists who have just graduated. Even if Mr. Quan is a gentleman, she will make mistakes. That day, when I saw her, she must cry more than anyone else. What's her pride now..."

However, such people only dare to talk about an shengxia behind his back.

If put on the table, these people are willing to be dismissed.

An shengxia also knows that her popularity in the company is getting worse and worse.

But she didn't care.

"Midsummer, what they say is true?" Shen Qing doesn't think that an Sheng Xia can be so unreasonable.

"You know, there has never been an airtight wall in this world." An shengxia nodded and admitted, "he didn't mean to be with me again, so it's nothing for me to make trouble. If he really cares about me, don't be afraid of being tested."

Even, an shengxia registered a new wechat to deliberately collude with Quan Yao.

As long as we can get the evidence of Quan yaohuaxin, she can withdraw completely.

Even so, the idea is terrifying.

Unfortunately, Quan Yao did not take the bait at all.

Suddenly, an shengxia didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

In a word, an shengxia didn't smile at the end of the day.

At lunchtime, Quan yaoyan called.

"Come to my office. I've cooked. Let's eat together."

"No, agent Shen and I went to the canteen." AXA Xiadang refused.


"You eat first. Next time, you should say in advance. I'm full now, and as a female artist, I should lose weight. Don't call me to eat next time." Anson Xiasi didn't show her face to Quan.

"You and Mr. Quan have just made up, haven't you?" The corner of Shen Qing's mouth twitches to ask, "how do I feel that your atmosphere is worse than before?"“ You think too much. " An shengxia tilts his head.

"Sheng Xia, are you hiding something from me?" Shen Qing asked curiously.

Seeing an shengxia's pale face, Shen Qing is more and more sure, "because recently, I always see you taking medicine, and the number of times has become more and more, should not be an ordinary cold medicine?"

"I just don't feel well, and some of them are health care products. After all, women are easy to get old. I've been using cod liver oil all the time." An shengxia is vague and perfunctory.

"Don't make trouble. I'm not a three-year-old child. I can tell the difference between health care products and drugs. If you are not feeling well, you'd better go to the hospital for examination. It's bad for you to take medicine frequently." Shen Qing frowned and said, "when I see you taking medicine, I feel uncomfortable. Are you working too hard?"

"No, it's not about work." Ann just shook her head.

"What are these medicines for?" Always feel uneasy, Shen Qing must ask clearly.

"Nothing..." an shengxia was too lazy to explain.

Or she didn't want to explain at all.

Everyone has secrets they don't want to be discovered.

An shengxia hopes that the less she knows about it, the better.

"Since you won't say it, I won't ask much, but..." Shen Qing sighed, "I see that you and Quan are always on and off, and I'm not comfortable. In fact, he treats you well. If you can be together, don't give up halfway, otherwise I don't believe in love."

"Love..." an shengxia squinted, "I believe in love, but I don't believe I can meet this thing, Shen Qing, do you believe it?"

"Me?" Shen Qing is silent suddenly, love, she has never met, can't say believe it or not. If you have to give an answer, you don't believe it.

"Look, you don't believe it yourself. Do you expect to see it from me?" An shengxia shakes his head sarcastically, "don't be silly. Everyone wants to have love, but it's not so easy."

"Midsummer, you say so, I am very afraid..." Shen Qing tears in an instant.

"Fool, what are you crying for now?" An Sheng Xia hugs Shen Qing and says, "did I scare you because I didn't speak well just now?"

"I'm just afraid that you and Quan Shao will be separated..." Shen Qing choked, "I know that when you are divorced, it's not easy to put on the wedding dress, but now that you are together, I hope you can work hard. After all, I can't ask for it, but you still have a chance... A woman must marry love, he is your love!"

"Shen Qing..." an Sheng Xia raised her face and said laughably, "maybe I was cursed by God in a circle..."

Shen Qing, I am Sheng Xia

There is no love.

No more happiness.

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