First, Shen Ao was stunned. He never thought that Li Ruoxi could be so persistent.

"It's OK. I'll come back even if I leave. You'll have a rest here first. I'll find special people to take care of your food and daily life..." arrange Li Ruoxi's life properly, and Shen Ao patiently explains, "don't worry. I'll come back because of my work this time. If you need anything, you can tell the person who takes care of you directly."

"But I always feel that it's hard for you to come back this time..." women's intuition has always been very accurate, Li Ruoxi is not groundless.

"What are you talking about?" Shen Ao couldn't help laughing. He thought Li Ruoxi must have thought too much, so he thought for a while. Then he explained, "it's my responsibility to take care of you. After all, you are also a victim. Besides, Quan Shao asked me to take care of you, so how can I not come here?"

"But your mind is on the domestic case. You are anxious to catch the murderer, but the case is too complicated. If you can't find out clearly, you won't be willing to come to me." Li Ruoxi pressed the man's arm hard, she also had her own pride, but at the moment, she couldn't help raising her voice, "the only way is not to let you go, anyway, there are many policemen in the world, even if you go back home, it can't help."

"Miss Li, please respect yourself..." the man's face has changed slightly.

"I won't let go!" Humming coldly, Li Ruoxi would not let go of anything.

"You don't really like me, do you?" The facial expression suddenly changes, Shen Ao has no language of interrogate.

"I think you have a good character. No matter from your appearance or from your family, I think you are very good..." Li Ruoxi told the truth.

"So I feel good about myself, too." Shen Ao pressed down his eyebrows and forced himself to be patient. Then he said clearly, "so men like me actually have a lot of choices. If they are still you in the past, maybe we still have the possibility, but now you..."

"What's the matter with me now?" Li Ruoxi asked eagerly, "what do you think I need to change? Just say it directly. I will pay attention to it in the future!"

"You know, you're disfigured now. You're different from before, aren't you? Although I don't look at my face, at least I should be able to see it. What I said at the beginning was just to encourage you, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously... "Shen Ao lowered his eyes." some words, although they are ugly, I think it's more shameful to lie. "

"So, you just don't think I look good now?" Li Ruoxi asked.

"In fact, we don't have much contact with each other. Frankly, why do you like me? It's not superficial?" Shen Ao sneered, "you're just because I can watch, and the family conditions are good, suitable for marriage."

"Don't you believe in love at first sight?" Li Ruoxi asked jokingly.

"All the love at first sight is just a matter of color. In fact, I'm not as good as you think. I'm also a normal man. How to say, I also like beautiful women with temperament. I don't like a woman casually. If you don't have external support, it's hard for any man to notice these inner things." Although Shen Ao was helpless, he could not help saying it.

"I'll get better in the future. Aren't I undergoing plastic surgery now?" Li Ruoxi stretched out her hand and held Shen Ao again. "I used to be natural, which means that I have a good foundation and can regain my appearance. You have to believe me."

"If you can restore your appearance, many people will be happy for you. At the same time, I will also be happy for you..." Shen Ao shook his head and said, "but compassion and tenderness are not feelings."

"Anyway, you can't go now!" Since the soft is not good, Li Ruoxi comes to the hard, "believe it or not, if you want to leave now, it is estimated that you can't pass the security check. Do you think that Quan Shao is a vegetarian and can let you return home freely?"

Shen Ao didn't believe it at first, but when he came to the airport, he found that all his documents had been withheld.

In desperation, Shen Ao had to go to the hospital again.

"I knew you couldn't go back." Li Ruoxi is very proud.

"You know, before you love someone, you have to love yourself..." Shen Ao is very upset, even disgusted with Li Ruoxi's control of himself. "If you think that controlling my whereabouts can get my favor, then you must be wrong. I will only hate you more, and hate you more, because you make me feel that I can't breathe, and men hate you most, If I like you, I will take the initiative to get to know you instead of waiting for you to control me... "

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I just need to get what I want. You're not so good now. You can only stay by my side?" What Li Ruoxi wants is the result. As for the process, she doesn't care. She is such an extreme woman. She has to get what she wants, even by any means.

"You will meet someone like me in the future..." Shen Ao only hopes that Li Ruoxi can let go.

"But now you are the only one, who let you attract my attention?" Li Ruoxi said with a smile.

"What do you think is good about me? Can I change my profession? " Shen Ao is almost driven mad.

Later, Shen Ao finally contacted Quan Yao.

"I'm going back to China now. I heard that there's something wrong with the police station. Lu Yaoyao is in a coma..." Shen Ao said urgently, "I knew she wasn't the murderer."

"It's no use worrying about someone taking over the case now." Quan Yao pressed his eyebrows, "someone is more suitable for investigating this case than you. You stay abroad and take good care of Li Ruoxi."

"Why, I always feel that you are deliberately supporting me!" On the surface, he has the right to continue the investigation, but he is cut off from getting in touch with China, so Shen Ao has to think wildly.

"Li Ruoxi is also a victim. It's your job to protect her." As soon as the voice fell, Quan Yao cut off the call.

Shen Ao then wanted to contact again, but the phone couldn't get through.

He can't help laughing. Shen Ao always feels that Quan Yao seems to be hiding something from himself.

Otherwise, Quan Yao would not deliberately let him go abroad at such a time.

Walking back and forth in the same place, Shen Ao wants to contact an shengxia in a hurry.

But unexpectedly, an shengxia couldn't get in at all!

What's the situation?

"You call an shengxia." Looking back, Shen Ao signals Li Ruoxi to contact an shengxia.

But similarly, Li Ruoxi could not get in touch with China.

Rao is Li Ruoxi. They all feel creepy

"Why, he didn't let us contact an shengxia?"

"I don't know..." but the only possibility is that Quan Yao is protecting an shengxia in this way.

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