All the lights in the villa are out.

An shengxia had to turn on his mobile phone to light up.

Closer and closer, after an shengxia entered the living room, he turned on the wall lamp. Then he sat on the sofa and thought quietly.

Ear even a needle fell on the ground, can clearly detect.

I guess everyone is sleeping.

Not sure whether her dream is true or not, an shengxia only feels cool at her fingertips.

At the same time also feel funny, absolutely impossible!

Dreams and reality are generally opposite, aren't they?

An shengxia can't help but feel annoyed. If she wants to go home, she should at least say hello.

I came back so rashly

See familiar people, I'm afraid she will acid a few words.

"Miss ANN, when did you get home?" When the old housekeeper saw an shengxia, he thought he was wrong.

"Just came back to have a look..." an shengxia explained.

"Miss an, you haven't come back for a long time. I heard that you and Mr. quan... Are together again." The old housekeeper was quite pleased, "after that, your good day finally came."

"I don't know." Ann just shook her head.

"You young people, it's not easy to get together, but you don't know how to cherish it. If it's really suitable and fate, don't give up easily." The old housekeeper sighed, "I also know, miss, it's not easy for you. When you are abroad, you are all alone, but the past has passed. In the future, you should be open-minded. Life is not as perfect as you think. Occasionally, you have to accept the imperfection. Only in this way can you live a long time."

I'm afraid old people will blush when they talk about their feelings.

After a few seconds' pause, the old housekeeper continued, "I don't know what pure love you are pursuing. I only know that when I am with my wife, even if we quarrel, we are happy. Every time I coax her, because I think a man can't make his woman feel aggrieved, so every time I quarrel, I think, When she had children for me. "

An shengxia remembers that the old housekeeper's wife passed away a few years ago.

But his heart, still remember her.

"How have you been recently?" An Sheng Xia asked easily.

"It's good, too." The old housekeeper nodded and said, "although she's gone, I still remember her appearance in my mind."

"Have your children come back to see you?" An shengxia asked curiously.

"Neither." The old housekeeper shook his head, rather helpless, "the child is old, so he has his own life. I don't want to disturb them. Miss an, you should go home often when you have time. The master is old, and he is not the same as before. Sometimes, he will think of your mother."

"People are like this, until lost, will know precious, if my mother is still, to him will be very good." Anshengxia hummed coldly.

"When the master was young, he did make a lot of mistakes, but he was still your father. Recently, I feel that his health is getting worse and worse..." the old housekeeper shook his head and said, "well, there's no way. Since the company was gone, there's no money at home. Besides, young master Yijun and miss Rumo have been asking him for money all the time..."

"Isn't this the family he wants?" Can't say is happy, or pity, anshengxia just cold face.

In order to marry Li Meiyu, an Dashan didn't know how much she gave her mother.

I even killed my mother.

An shengxia will not sympathize with this family.

"Since the road is his own choice, even in the dark, he can only go on." An shengxia said with a light smile, "even if he knows regret now, my mother will not come back."

People are killed by them, and now they pretend to be poor. Who can we show them?

"Miss an, can't you forgive the master?" Asked the old housekeeper with a sigh.

"I have never thought of forgiving, but I will not always paralyze myself with hatred." An shengxia shakes her head helplessly. Let everything go.

"In fact, the master always thought about your coming back, but he was too embarrassed to speak. Later he learned that you and Mr. quan... He was relieved." The old housekeeper continued, "it can be said that the biggest expectation of my life is that I hope you can live well."

"Why didn't he say that to me?" An shengxia laughingly raises eyebrows, "he knows that I'm with Quan Yao, so he deliberately borrows your mouth to send a message to me. Do you want to ask for money with me, but you can tell him that I have no money on me, and I won't ask for money with Quan Yao for the sake of my family. Anyway, these money will be defeated by an Yijun!"

"Miss an, you really misunderstood me..."

"Well, you don't need to explain. I know what the truth is. The more you explain, the less I want to hear." An shengxia waved her hand impatiently, but suddenly she thought of something and asked, "by the way, I remember there was a basement at home?"

"Miss ANN, why did you mention that all of a sudden?" The old housekeeper asked unexpectedly.

"It's nothing, just curiosity." An shengxia squinted, "can you take me there?"

"The so-called basement is actually the place where the sundries are put. The servants all know where they are. But it's miss an. Are you sure you want to go down? I don't clean it all the year round. Maybe it's a lot of dust. " The old housekeeper explained respectfully.

"Well, I'm going now." Anshengxia nodded her head firmly.

Although the old housekeeper did not know why an shengxia insisted, he still insisted.

The underground secret room is actually in an shengxia's room, from the back of the study.

"I didn't know I was here before..." an shengxia was very surprised.

"In fact, there is another way to go in from the master's room, but at this point, it is estimated that the master has had a rest, and it is not good to wake him up rashly. After all, the old man's sleep is easy to wake up..." the old housekeeper reminded.

An shengxia naturally agreed with him.

All the way behind the old housekeeper, an shengxia carefully observed everything he saw.

"Miss an, be careful at your feet. Some places are rough." Old housekeeper reminds a way.

"I didn't expect the basement to be so big..." an shengxia whispered, "I'm still down for the first time. Is there many people at home who know about the basement?"

"It's almost as big as the back garden. As for those who know, they are all old people. So far, few of them know about it, because many servants have been dismissed." The old housekeeper said happily, "when it was built, it was also your mother's idea."

"My mother?"

An shengxia felt a sudden headache and blurted out, "old housekeeper, let's go up."

With a slight step, the old housekeeper turned around with a puzzled look on his face and suddenly looked at an shengxia!

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