No one knows that an shengxia secretly identifies an Yijun's DNA.

Besides Shen Qing

"Come to 1668 tonight and you'll have the surprise you want."

After receiving this message, Shen Qing subconsciously frowns, always feel that this news, maybe just a dispensable, boring prank.

But who in the end can be sure to know her mobile phone?

I think they are acquaintances.

But since she is an acquaintance, it seems that there is no such boring person around her, right?

Is an shengxia making fun of her?

Originally did not want to go, but in some inner drive, Shen Qing still went.

Standing in front of the hotel door, Shen Qing's heart is full of ups and downs.

I always think it's impossible.

He assured himself that in the past, his life was really rotten.

But he's learned to change and not to mess around.

It's just, is human nature really so easy to change?

Shen Qing doesn't know.

She is hesitating.

If you wait and see what you shouldn't see, what will she do?

Is it better to leave now and pretend to be a fool?

With a touch of irony in the corner of his mouth, Shen Qing's eyes are gradually confused.

Just as Shen Qing turns to leave, the door is opened.

But see an Ru Mo whole body up and down surround white bath towel, this moment Shen Qing whole body Lengzheng.

"Did you come to me?" Shen Qing asked funny.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..." an Rumo shrugged, "maybe I sent the wrong message."

"Why did you come to me?" Shen Qing questioned.

"Because of what, in order to make you unhappy..." an Ru Mo next second, but pretended to be like a little white rabbit, crying, "Shen Qing, how did you come?"

"..." Shen Qing was silent for the moment.

After that, he saw Cheng Rui standing behind an Rumo in a stiff suit.

"What are you doing here?" Cheng Rui is also a questioning tone, "Shen Qing, are you following me?"

Why do people who always do wrong question first?

Shen Qing just thought it was funny, "I'm sorry, did I disturb you? I just went wrong and didn't mean anything else. If I disturb you, I'll apologize to you again now. You can go on, just think I haven't been here."

"Shen Qing, you stop for me, I ask you, why are you here, are you following me, have you never believed me?" Cheng Rui questions fiercely.

You see, when a man makes a mistake, he always looks so righteous.

If it wasn't for Shen Qing's clear mind, he would have thought that the person who was arrested was himself.

Shen Qing just sneered.

"Why don't you talk?" Cheng Rui asked irritably.

"I just don't know what to say, because I really didn't expect that your relationship is so good now..." Shen Qing tilted his head, "can I ask, how can you be here?"

"Well, when I was filming, I accidentally fell into the water, so I came to clean myself. The director was probably worried about me, so I came to have a look..." an Rumo explained carefully.

"Is it?" Shen Qing nodded hard, "the director is so good."

"You don't want to talk so weird here. I didn't do anything." Cheng ruiba said in a loud voice.

"Do you know what I want now?" It's not yelling, it's explaining and respecting, but Cheng Rui doesn't give it. Shen Qing feels disappointed.

However, Shen Qing never had any hope for Cheng Rui.

Imagine that the most important thing in the world is beauty.

Why does this man give up a large forest for her?

Even Shen Qing himself would not do it.

In this case, Shen Qing is very open-minded.

"What do you want..." Cheng Rui calmed down.

"Forget it, it's nothing." It's not only inappropriate to talk about respect with such a man, but also inappropriate for the atmosphere. Shen Qing simply shut up.

"All my clothes are good. What else do you think can happen?" Cheng Rui tries.

"Maybe it's too late for something to happen?" Shen Qing just said it casually.

But unexpectedly, the man suddenly came, and then reached out to hold her wrist, "you come with me."

After entering the elevator, the man still refused to let go.

"You hurt me, and I'm afraid people will be disappointed if you just leave. Look at an Rumo, she's still good-looking, and now she has no chance to be independent, and she doesn't even have a place to live. It's time for you men to be courteous. In fact, it should be very easy to take her." Shen Qing's indifferent statement.

"If you're not happy or jealous, just say, I don't like your tone now. What do you think I am?" Cheng Rui's dissatisfied questions.

"She just came to wash and use my room." Cheng Rui's saying seems to be that what to eat today is so simple.

Shen Qing's eyes drooped. In their opinion, it's nothing to go to a man's room to wash, isn't it?

"If I were a normal woman, I would not go to a man's room to take a bath." Shen Qing frowned, "if you don't have extra thoughts, how can you let her in?" As for the room number, it was sent by an Rumo on purpose.

"In fact, it's nothing to be seen by me. The main thing is that if I'm seen by reporters, it's likely to be a peach affair. In this case, an Rumo can finally get back on the top..." Shen Qing clapped.

"I know she has a bad relationship with an shengxia, but after my observation, I don't think she is a casual woman. She has been working hard, but no one holds her up..." when Cheng Rui helps an Rumo talk, Shen Qing only feels nauseous and nauseous.

"So I think she's a good woman, isn't she?" Shen Qing asked jokingly, "in this case, why don't you marry her?"

"Shen Qing, can you talk well?" Cheng Rui pressed down his eyebrows. "Do you know how ugly you look when you are fighting now? If you have to give me face, I'll take you home now to calm you down. "

"Forget it, I'll go by myself. What a woman can rely on is not the co pilot's position, but her own steering wheel." Shen Qing immediately pushed the door open.

"This car is also a gift from me..." Cheng Rui said sarcastically.

Shen Qing immediately opened the door and got off again. Then he took a taxi and turned around without looking back.

At first, Cheng Rui thought that it was easy for women to forget when they were angry.

But I don't want Shen Qing to avoid contact with him for several days.

Enough to show that Shen Qing is not simply angry, but really do not want to pay attention to him.

Oh, this is the woman.

Cheng Rui also wanted to apologize, but he always felt that if he did so, Shen Qing would step up his surveillance.

Cheng Rui is also a big director. How can he allow himself to be watched?

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