It seems that he is sleeping deeply. An Dashan's face is pale and has no blood color at all. He looks no different from a vegetable.

But the doctor said that in fact, an Dashan could hear what others were saying and was conscious. Occasionally, he would wake up and sleep.

Even an Dashan can easily wake up. As for him, he can't sleep for a long time, but he doesn't want to face the world.

Standing by the bed, an shengxia looks at an Dashan for a long time.

Perhaps consciously, an Dashan finally slowly opened his eyes.

"I don't think you want to see me all your life. Even if you live together, you seldom come to my room." Andashan frowned.

"After all, you are my father. I should come to see you." Anson Xia deep respiratory tract, "but you, in the end is old, even the strength to speak are almost no."

"You know I'm sick, everyone is sick like this, besides, I have no reason to continue to live well." An Dashan has no passion for life, and he just doesn't want to die.

"In fact, it's painful for you to drag on like this, isn't it?" An shengxia suddenly questioned.

"Why, do you want me to die now?" An Dashan asked sarcastically.

"Not really. After all, you are my only relative in the world besides my children." An Sheng Xia shakes her head and says, "I don't want to be an orphan, either."

"I know you hate me, because I'm sorry for your mother..." an Dashan sighed.

"Just sorry? She gave you all her best years, but what did you give her? " An shengxia asked, "you didn't give her anything. You just forced her to die. She didn't enjoy any glory and wealth. If there is another life, I hope she doesn't know you."

"Ha ha, there's nothing wrong with you saying that." Andashan nodded himself.

"If my mother doesn't know you, maybe she can find someone who is good to her heart and soul. Besides, she also has an economic mind and can lead a better life. Maybe she is too excellent, so she can't look at men. At least, she's worse than me. At least, I've enjoyed a superior life, but she's not very decent when she leaves, The walk is so ugly, you know, every woman is ambiguous, but she is covered with blood... "An shengxia mentioned these again.

An Dashan seemed to see the woman covered with blood again. He was so shocked that he could not help but close his eyes!

"Are you afraid now, or are you afraid of death?" An shengxia asked unexpectedly.

"Maybe, all of them. I seem to have seen your mother just now..." an Dashan said sarcastically.

"All these years, you should never think of her?" "After all, you have such a good life and a happy new family, but I think that you are really stupid and pathetic."

"Midsummer, I'm all like this..." an Dashan also hopes that an shengxia will take care of himself.

"In fact, an Rumo came to the company to find me, but they just mentioned the family property to me. No one really wants to see you. Dad, do you think it's a failure? You've worked so hard for them all your life, but what have you got?" An shengxia said jokingly, "you are just their money making machine. Do you really think that they will really appreciate you?"

"Midsummer, you don't need time. It's dad's fault and I'm wrong. I don't know what to use to make up for you..."

"Dad, now you give me the feeling that you are really old. You also need me to help you die. You are also afraid that you will die, aren't you?" An shengxia nodded and said, "only when people are afraid can they speak so well. But how did you treat me in the past? You will reach out and hit me for the three of them. You think I'm worthless. You think I'm embarrassing you. You even think that a good woman like my mother doesn't deserve you. But why can't you see us who really treat you? Just before you leave, you say sorry. These three words sound funny... "

"No one cares about your sorry, what we want is not sorry, but real life..." an Sheng Xia laughs.

"Midsummer, I know that I'm not a good father in my life. I've made you suffer." Andashan tried to sit up, but in vain.

Taking a deep breath, an Dashan pressed down his eyebrows and said, "in fact, I also want to leave something for you. For example, this house, I'm going to give you and Yijun one and a half, but I don't want you to sell the house. Besides, they have no place to live. Let them live for the time being."

"In fact, at this point, what you are most concerned about is an Yijun, your good son. Even if he has done many wrong things, you can't see them. You still want to give him back, don't you?" An shengxia just feels funny. What is her daughter?

"After all, it's my son and your younger brother. Although he's ignorant, he's also the one who settled down with me..." an Dashan raised his arm and said helplessly.

"What if he isn't?"


"If he wasn't your son..." an shengxia deliberately lowered her voice, but she was still sure that an Dashan could hear the following words clearly.

"If an Yijun is not your son, have you fed the dog with your efforts and Cultivation for so many years?" An shengxia looks up and is extremely ironic.

"Midsummer, I really don't understand. What do you want to say?" An Dashan asked in bewilderment.

"In fact, a few days ago, I did the DNA analysis of you and an Yijun, but guess what the result is." Having said that, an shengxia raised his appraisal certificate.

An Da Shan Dun when stare big eyes, "midsummer, you in order to get this villa, you actually do this kind of appraisal, do you think I will believe?"

"Dear Dad, you think I'm a unscrupulous person for this villa..."

An shengxia shook his head helplessly. "In fact, I've driven them out now. If you have any more accidents, this house will be mine sooner or later, but I didn't do it. I just hope you can understand that you don't want to be cheated in your life. You'd better look at this appraisal book yourself. It turns out that an Yijun is not your son, You're living in vain... "

His fingers trembled with the identification certificate. When he saw the words "no blood relationship", an Dashan felt that his whole body was shaking violently. It seemed that his heart was going to be separated from his body

"It's impossible, absolutely impossible, midsummer, why do you do that?"

"Please see the signature of the most authoritative doctor at the bottom. Do you think I can cheat you?"

As soon as an shengxia's voice fell, an Dashan suddenly became as stiff and motionless as if he had lost his soul.

"Dad, do you know the truth now?"

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