"You are still young and energetic. You don't know what it means to affirm. Besides, there are few women you have contacted before..."

Shen's mother knows her son, but she is surprised that he can force a woman like this.

"No way." Shen Ao's attitude is very strong, "since it's a woman who has been robbed, of course I won't send it back. This time, I'm not joking, or mom. You hope, I'm a person who plays with women. If I've been robbed, I don't want to. I won't really rob at the beginning." Shen Ao has a stubborn attitude.

Shen's mother had some ideas, but now she was almost convinced by her son, so she said, "you know that you are robbed, and you don't know shame, do you?"

"I don't think it's shameful to pursue emotion. I only know that if I didn't be a little bit unfeeling at that time, this woman would not belong to me." Shen Ao suddenly changed the topic, "Dad, didn't you catch up with you in the same way?"

"Can it be the same as before?" Shen's mother was also drunk. "Then I have a heart for your father. We call it love each other, but you are certainly different. You are forced to rob others at their wedding. What's the saying? People still think that we Shen family have no tutor!"

"It doesn't matter. That's also my problem. It's not that you don't teach well." Shen Ao is already a little impatient.

"It's no good trying to turn things around. You should send people back to me as soon as possible, or your father will know about this, and you will lose your skin even if you don't die." Shen's mother sighed.

She is easier to talk, but Shen Fu is not so flexible.

"I've grown up to raise a woman." Shen Ao pressed down her eyebrows, followed closely, and continued, "I want to get married when she recovers."

"You think marriage is a family affair. How can you be so casual?" Shen's mother has to say that Li Ruoxi is too coquettish on the screen, and she is more beautiful. No wonder her son is so obsessed, but how can women in the entertainment industry touch her?

"Mom, I think very clearly. Sometimes anyone you meet is predestined, it's fate." Shen Ao is stubborn at the moment. It's fate.

"Shen Ao, stop for me. If you don't have my consent today, you can't think of this door." Shen did not hesitate to drop her cruel words.

"But you seem to forget that this is my home, not Shen's residence. Mom, I know you love me. Don't let dad know about this for the time being, unless you want to see me beaten to death by Dad." Shen Ao's concession is just to win Shen Mu's heartache.

"If you let your father know that you have to be killed, you really lose the face of the Shen family. For the sake of a woman, you ran to rob her. Why can't you rob her before they get married? It's really useless. How could I give birth to such a worthless son as you..." Shen's mother hates the iron.

"As long as I have people here now, that's enough." Shen Ao smugly raised the corner of his mouth, "Mom, I know you love me most. Let's go shopping first. Please come back."

"You..." Shen's mother also knows that what her son decides can't be changed. She can only accept the result now.

"I think you'd better wait for this woman to change her mind and talk about the future. If she doesn't want to follow you, I'm afraid you will be very tired in the future." Of course, Shen's mother loves her son.

"No, I think it's tiring to be with a woman I don't love." In the past two years, Shen Ao has not been able to make do with it, but he just has no feeling and doesn't see it right.

"I don't want to talk about you. You can do it by yourself. I hope what you insist on is true." Shen Mu has compromised.

"Mom, I know you are different from other people's moms. They are too powerful, and you really want me to be happy. That's why I was allowed to be a policeman before. Thank you, mom."

Having said that, Shen Ao takes Li Ruoxi out for a ride, and does not avoid suspicion at all.

"Would you like some coffee?" Aware that Li Ruoxi likes to be quiet, Shen Ao goes to a coffee shop first, which is also the one he used to go to before.

The environment of this coffee shop is very good. People who know this place are all acquaintances. Those who come here are rich or expensive.

"Mr. Shen, is it still the old dim sum and coffee?" The waiter has a clean smile on his face. When he sees Li Ruoxi in Shen aohuai, he is stunned at first, but he also understands. Sure enough, such an excellent man will surely have a beautiful woman beside him.

Shen Ao and Li Ruoxi stand together, which is very eye-catching.

"No, it's something women like to eat." Shen Ao embraces Li Ruoxi and smiles gently. Maybe she won't like what he used to eat, but he can accommodate her taste.

"Mr. Shen, you are so gentle. You are so enviable..." the waiter saw Shen Ao's gentle smile for the first time.

Shen Ao only led Li Ruoxi to sit on the window. "This is the place I used to like most, because it's quiet. Sometimes I'm bored and tired, and I come here alone. Most of the time, I'm trying to avoid things at home, but later, I still have to give up my career as a policeman and choose to accept my company. After all, I've enjoyed decades of freedom, and I want to repay them for their upbringing. I want to do what my family wants me to do. "

Rao is Shen Ao, but Li Ruoxi is still quiet.

Shen Ao accompanied her to be quiet, and would not feel bored. Instead, he continued, "I know that you can't forgive me for a while, but as long as you are willing to accompany me, it's actually good."

Li Ruoxi ignores Shen Ao's existence.

Later, Shen Ao personally fed her coffee.

Everyone was surprised to see this.

Of course, I envy Li Ruoxi.

Not far away

An shengxia also saw this scene, but he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry.

"What are you looking at?" Cold night asked unexpectedly.

He also noticed that Shen Ao was feeding Li Ruoxi coffee.

Cold night disdain of cold hum, "you also want to like this?"


"No way." Cold night cold pull tie.

A woman drinks coffee and feeds it. What is it?

However, an shengxia still stares at Shen Ao and Li Ruoxi

In fact, Shen Ao is good for her.

But maybe it's the wrong time.

As soon as anshengxia was about to recover, a cup of coffee suddenly appeared in front of him.

An shengxia widens the corner of her eyes, then bumps into the man's deep eyes.

At this moment, an shengxia only felt that he was addicted to these deep eyes, and he could never recover

"Anshengxia, I'll feed you coffee myself. Are you happy?"

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