As long as you think that this man may have to go, an shengxia will not give up.

But even if they don't give up, what can they do?

An shengxia laughs and immediately opens the door and walks in indifferently.

Later, an shengxia didn't know how to communicate between Dabai and lengye.

In short, when Dabai came out of the room, his eyes were red.

Since Dabai had cried, he had to go on a cold night.

Xiaobai is also sad, as an exception, did not eat this man's breakfast.

"It's all what you like to eat. Why don't you eat it?" The man was astonished.

"Hum." Xiaobai don't cross face, angry, "uncle, I heard that you are going to leave, in this case, this is the last meal, I don't want to eat."

"Don't waste food." Cold night calm way, "so truth, you don't know?"

"Uncle, what do you think I'm doing is not good enough? If you don't leave, when you get old, my brother and I will honor you together and help you provide for the aged. Anyway, you don't have a wife or children. If you continue to stay, you must earn money, but if you leave now, we will never know each other." Xiaobai is very determined.

Dabai was lying on the table and didn't know if he was crying secretly.

Can let two children, so sad, that is cold night.

"Since you don't want to eat, go to school early." An shengxia's mouth is cold and proud.

"Mommy, uncle is leaving, and I'm not in the mood for dinner. Did you quarrel?" Xiaobai smart asked, eyes straight at an shengxia.

AXA has a hard time in Chardon. How dare she fight with this man?

"Your uncle, because of work reasons, so must go, you two little, should learn to be sensible..." an shengxia scolded his son.

"So uncle, you just have to leave because of your work. Will you come back later?" Dabai asked chokingly.

It seems that I am very reluctant to give up the cold night.

It's really strange that the child didn't spend much time with the cold night, but when he heard that he was going to leave, he was very sad.

"I don't know for the moment, but I'll fight for it..." cold night took coffee and took a sip.

"Well, you go to school first." An Sheng Xia said jokingly, "uncle said it, maybe, I can see you again."

"Mommy, uncle, goodbye..." when Xiaobai and Dabai turned to leave, they turned back and looked at the cold night heavily.

On the surface, an shengxia looks calm and calm, but on the inside, he is sour and astringent.

It's also a good thing that my son likes cold nights so much.

But there is no banquet that will never end.

When it comes time to separate, there will always be.

As soon as the children left, there were only an shengxia and lengye left on the table.

When eating, the atmosphere is very quiet, but it seems very depressing.

Without the child's words as a tonic, an shengxia only felt like chewing wax.

Low head, anshengxia deliberately slowed down the action of eating, hoping to eat cold night can go first.

But the cold night also seems to be struggling with the slow meal.

Calm for a few seconds, anshengxia becomes calm instead.

This man eat, originally chew slowly swallow, action is also very good-looking, eat slowly, is also normal.

An Sheng Xia pursed the corners of her mouth, and had something to say in her heart. But when these words came to her mouth, they became a mass of air.

In a word, an shengxia finds that she can't make any sound.

It's like a pantomime.

The man pulls away between, slowly wipe the corner of the mouth.

Since an shengxia has nothing to say, he is also silent.

After arriving at the company, AXA Xiadang immediately shut down and only concentrated on work.

"Anshengxia, you are really powerful. I thought you would not come to work today... After all, your mind is not in work. I know you are in a bad mood today. You can tell me anything you have." Shen Qing looks at an shengxia's careful make-up and finds it funny.

"Nothing." An shengxia looks into the mirror and looks carefully, "do you think my face is not symmetrical?"“ There's something wrong with your own eyes Shen Qing really admired, "an shengxia, how can you calm down like this, or do you say that your heart died two years ago?"

"I guess so." An shengxia nodded, "Shen Qing, are you very angry? Miao Miao said the same thing. She said that everyone is worried, but except me, I don't know what I think. I think I will suffer. But this kind of suffering doesn't make me feel helpless. The most painful moment for me has passed, that is two years ago, When I learned of his death... Later, I felt that no matter how hard it was to bear, it was nothing. "

"The death of Quan Shao two years ago really took away your heart." Shen Qing expressed her understanding, but she had to say, "but you have to know that Quan Shao has gone. You have to live well even for your children. Since you choose to stay in this world and take care of your children, why don't you think more about yourself?"

"You mean I should keep looking for someone to marry?" But you know, no one likes to be taken as a stand in. From the beginning, he told me very clearly that I can't help it. If I completely abandon his shadow, he will always be a stand in

"Anshengxia, there are some things, how can you know the result if you don't try?" Shen Qing advised, "if Quan Shao looks at you in the sky, it's also hope that you can have a person to take care of you in the future."

"No An shengxia shakes his head. "It's good for him and me to leave."

"What do you mean?"

"He also has a fiancee, and he deserves to be loved. A man like him, proud and proud, should find a woman who loves him wholeheartedly." An shengxia said bluntly, "if it were me, I would not be able to do this."

"An shengxia, since it's your choice, I hope you can bear all the consequences..." Shen Qing reminded, "I won't arrange any work for you today. You just sit here and think carefully about what you want. After all, after passing this village, there will be no shop. You don't want to fight for it now, and you don't want to cry later, Because this is what you give up and don't want, because you don't even try to fight for it once... "

"I'm not working today?" An Sheng Xia asked irritably.

"Well, I won't arrange any work for you..." after that, Shen Qing turned and left.

Before leaving, Shen Qing deliberately closed the door, leaving a quiet space for an shengxia.

An shengxia sits calmly and looks at herself in the mirror

As long as she thinks of the cold night, she will leave tomorrow, and some confused looks will appear in her eyes.

What should she do?

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