Since praised, the smile on an shengxia's face is more obvious!

Even, an shengxia made a big face at the man mischievously, "in fact, it's not bad when I don't laugh!"

"I hope you can know what it means to be low-key and connotative." The man pressed his brow and said nothing.

"But I think, when people praise you, they should accept it, or they will pretend too much." An shengxia's mind is simple.

If at work, she needs to disguise herself, but in the face of the closest people, it doesn't matter at all.

As soon as he got off the plane, an shengxia was full of spirit.

But unexpectedly, I will receive a call from Xiuhe.

"An shengxia, I know the news about your going abroad from Shen Qing. You are my artist. You have to report something to me." Xiuhe gritted his teeth.

"Don't you hope that I can find the right person, but now I tell you that this person has appeared and is very similar, so the guilt in your heart can be gradually eliminated." An shengxia said sarcastically.

"I'm worried about you. You don't know this man at all. If you are together easily, you won't be afraid..." Xiuhe asked irritably, "an shengxia, what are you going to do and when will you return home?"

"Naturally, it's for my own life. Xiuhe, I'm your employee, but I'm not your dog. I've made a lot of money for you over the years, so I hope you can let me go. When my business is settled and I return home, you can give me the contract." An shengxia repressed, "because in the future, I want to do what I like instead of being an artist for you."

"Isn't it good to be famous? In this way, you will have more wealth. An shengxia, the opportunities you have now are enviable by others, but why can't you see these I have prepared for you?" Xiuhe's funny questions always feel that an shengxia is deliberately making trouble.

"Han Enya is pregnant, I congratulate you again..." an shengxia pauses for a moment, and then continues, "I hope you, even for your own children, accumulate virtue."

"Anshengxia, you are not afraid that I will not give you the contract if you speak so badly?" Xiuhe asked angrily.

"Even if you are angry again, you still owe me in front of me." An shengxia knows very well.

"So anshengxia, if you just use my guilt to do these things, it's really not worth it." Xiuhe looked up, "you can ask for more money."

"You want to make up for your inner uneasiness, and at the same time, you are afraid of what your child will encounter..." axeng Xiadang immediately shut up, "sorry, I shouldn't say that about a child..."

Even if Xiuhe's not, but the child is innocent, and an shengxia doesn't want to continue to make use of the excuse, so he says, "I just got off the plane, and now I'm with him..."

Having said that, an shengxia directly hands over the mobile phone to lengye.

If this matter can't be done well in the cold night, an shengxia doesn't expect to have any future with this man in the future.

"Mr. seuher, she's with me now." Lengye said frankly, "I'll be responsible for her in the future. I hope you don't worry too much. Your focus should be on your wife. No matter how generous Miss Han is, she doesn't want her husband to care about her employees all day long."

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