Under the dim light, an shengxia may have just woken up, so his reaction was slow.

So let the man gently hold, an shengxia closed his eyes, feel very at ease.

Cold night suddenly hook up thin lips, kiss the summer's hair, but no next action.

Ansheng Xia suddenly raised her eyes, staring at the handsome face of lengye. She never felt that this man could become so gentle.

Man's eyes at the moment, gentle as if to drip water.

An shengxia has a moment of confusion.

In an shengxia feel strange moment, had been a man picked up, and then throw to the big bed.

"Anshengxia, are you afraid now?" The top of the head is the voice of a man.

After all, an shengxia had eaten pork, and he was very nervous, but he was afraid.

But I'm not afraid, and I'm too active.

An shengxia just stretched out her hand to pull the corner of a man's clothes and shook her head a little.

The cheeks showed abnormal red, and Ann did not think of it in an early summer. She was still a shy old man.

"Why are you blushing?" Men are also aware of this and can't help joking.

"You're wrong. I'm too hot!" An shengxia quickly rolled into the sheet and wrapped his body tightly with the quilt.

"Wear more clothes, then take off..." the man stretched out his hand, then pulled off the sheet, and then extended to an shengxia's thin coat.

Scared to lose color, an shengxia couldn't get away from the man, so he had to reach out to the man, "cold night, don't do this..."

"Are you coquetting with me?" The man put an shengxia's hands together and said, "you are surprised, what am I like now? In fact, men are all the same. "

"Now that you are my woman, I should do whatever I do to you. Even I am a normal man..." even if it seems that I am extremely cold and even ascetic, I can't avoid human nature in private.

When a man turns over and over an shengxia

"What are you doing with me?" An Sheng Xia blinked the corner of her eyes. He said, "my woman, I don't know how many women will lose their way.".

An shengxia finds a little sense and stares at the man's handsome face.

She really didn't know how much emotion she could accumulate in a month.

Can really want to pay, she is willing to.

If you don't experience some things, no one will know the result.

At the moment, an shengxia is willing to gamble for this man.

Bet he will marry her.

When a man's lips fall on an shengxia's neck

Long lost enthusiasm is ignited, an shengxia does not reach out and push him away.

On the contrary, I close my eyes and feel it seriously.

Aware of the cooperation of an shengxia, the cold night can't help but raise the corner of the mouth.

He always has a way to make this woman forget him.

early morning!

The doorbell is noisy all the time. An shengxia was woken up.

I can't bear to be tossed all night.

An shengxia put on the sheet and went to open the door.

I thought it was the cold night when I bought breakfast.

But I don't think it's Lin Ruiya.

"Miss an, it's really inappropriate for you to show up like this. You'd better put on your clothes, and then we can talk?" When seeing the strawberry on an shengxia's neck, Lin Ruiya only feels ironic. Her eyes are red with anger. It seems that if she takes another look, she can't help holding an shengxia's neck.

"Miss Lin, what can I do for you?" Don't feel ashamed, but also don't want to show off what, anshengxia slowly holding clothes into the bathroom, dressed neatly, calmly sitting on the sofa, looking at Lin Ruiya.

Lin Ruiya is a bad comer. An shengxia knows this very well.

"What do you want?" Lin Ruiya asked directly.

"What do you mean?" An Sheng Xia raised her haughty chin, smiling rather than smiling.

"As we all know, I'm his fiancee, so your identity is really embarrassing. I don't care what you get close to him for, as long as you put forward the right conditions and leave him, I can give you what you want." Lin Ruiya held her arms in her arms, and her attitude was very cold.

"Sorry, I don't want anything." She needs nothing.

Comparatively speaking, her any condition, is not inferior than Lin Ruiya.

Except for two kids.

That's her past.

Since he doesn't mind cold night, he doesn't mind.

"What's your identity? You know very well in your heart. You not only have rich marriage history, but also have two sons..."

Slowly, Lin Ruiya should have investigated an shengxia.

"If we use these external conditions, we can pair up, then isn't emotion too simple?" The feeling and attraction between people is simple to say, but it's also complicated. An Sheng Xia's face is calm and calm, and there is no sense of tension at all.

"He said that he didn't dislike it because he wasn't bored. One day, he thought you were just like that. After that, what would you do? Have you thought about it?" Lin Ruiya pressed his eyebrows, "I started with him, which is the same. We all think each other is good, but time is really a fatal thing. It can change a lot of things. As long as we have known each other for a long time, we will not cherish it."

"People eat every day, but even so, they still know that one day, they will leave the world." An shengxia narrowed her eyes. "Everyone knows that there are few long-term relationships in this world, but everyone wants to try."

"That is to say, you would never leave her, would you?" Lin Ruiya suddenly got up from the sofa and stood up straight. Then she reached for an shengxia's hair and said, "tell me, what do you want to do before you go?"

"You let go now." It's not easy to bully. An shengxia also reaches out her hand and grabs Lin Ruiya. She doesn't want to suffer a loss at all.

"Ah..." it's Lin Ruiya who takes the lead, but she's not an shengxia's opponent in strength.

"Miss Lin, you continue to hit me. Come and hit me. What's the matter? Why don't you do it?" With a smile, an shengxia easily restrained Lin Ruiya, then rode on her and grabbed her pigtail, "you dare to hit me, don't you? Do you really think I'm a vegetarian? "

"Anshengxia, are you crazy?" It's Lin Ruiya who asks for mercy. Ansheng Xia doesn't care.

"I thought, Miss Lin, you are a reasonable person. Who knows? When you start, you are not ambiguous. Today, I want you to know that I am not a bully..." an Sheng Xia has to make Lin Ruiya kneel down to sing conquest!

Suddenly, the door is opened

When the cold night came in, she saw that Lin Ruiya let an shengxia bully out of breath, not to mention how wronged and pitiful.

AXA was speechless in the summer. This man came at a bad time!

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