Such as Shen Ao such a man, really like a woman, do not need to worry, as long as a little initiative.

But he is willing to play hard to get for a woman.

"Impossible. How did you know each other before?" Li Siyu didn't believe it at all.

"I've known her for a long time. At that time, I was a little policeman. In a word, she and I were predestined." Hold the brow, Shen Ao is too lazy to talk nonsense.

"What's good about her? Don't you know that women in the entertainment industry can't have it? What's more, she's had her face adjusted, and her fiance, Mr. Shen, your eyes are not so bad, are you Li Siyu only finds it funny that a man like Shen Ao only looks at the appearance of a woman. Maybe Li Ruoxi has long been a rotten woman. It's OK for such a woman to come to play, but she's definitely not the right person to get married.

Li Siyu can also accept that men can play on occasion.

But what makes Li Siyu puzzled is that Shen Ao is so infatuated with Li Ruoxi that he does not simply like her, but wants to marry her.

"She will never slander any woman in front of me. You can't match her with that." Shen Ao shakes his head playfully. Li Siyu's personality is too general for him to have any desire to conquer.

"Mr. Shen, I didn't mean to slander you. I just told you the truth. As a woman, I can see people accurately. I also think that our conditions and marriage are suitable for us. This is the only way to contact you. You gave me a good impression before..."

Li Siyu explained several times, trying to add points to himself.

"What impression did I make on you?" Shen Ao doesn't remember at all. When he recalls, he didn't seem to say a word at that time. He just bowed his head and drank half a cup of coffee and left without even introducing himself. Such ignorance can be twisted into favor by Li Siyu. It can be imagined how narcissistic Li Siyu is.

"Miss Li, I think you totally misunderstood me. I didn't want you to think about it at that time, so I didn't speak. I didn't expect that you could think so..." Shen Ao shook his head. "When a man is not interested in you, I'm afraid he won't say a word. It's either cool or because he doesn't like it."

"So are you playing with me?" Li Siyu finally realized this.

"Blind date? There are successes and failures. When I stopped contacting you later, I thought you already understood, and I didn't take advantage of you." Shen Ao coldly involved thin lips, "sometimes, don't disturb each other, is also a virtue, Miss Li, don't call me, I'm very busy at work."

When the mobile phone screen completely black sink down, Li Siyu's heart, as if also followed a black, she really can't think of, where can't compare with Li Ruoxi.

"Can I spare you some time for dinner?"

When Li Siyu appears at the door of the company and has to find Li Ruoxi for lunch, Li Ruoxi is also upset.

"All right." Li Ruoxi readily agreed.

"I'm losing weight recently. I'd better eat salad." Li Siyu found a shop with good reputation.

"Just say what you have to say." Li Ruoxi has no appetite.

"Last time I was at home, it was inconvenient for me to speak because of my elders. This time I'm looking for you, I just want to know what's the relationship between you and Shen Shao, why he said that you've known each other for a long time." Li Siyu just wants to understand.

"Well, I met two years ago when I was disfigured. He was the policeman investigating the case." Li Ruoxi's understatement.

"It's more than that." Li Siyu narrowed his eyes and asked suspiciously, "what else must have happened between you."

"It's my private business, so it's not convenient to tell you." Li Ruoxi immediately stood up and said, "Li Siyu, it's not like chasing men. Women need to love themselves to have the ability to love others."

"Everyone loves himself, but the world is just unfair, because I also want to be loved." Li Siyu just felt ridiculous, and then he grabbed Li Ruoxi, "between you, what's going on?"

"I chased him later, but I didn't get together." After that, Li Ruoxi said, "I have a fiance now. I'm not interested in Shen Shao. If you like it, you can go after it yourself. It doesn't matter to me. I'm going to get married next year."

"Why don't you get married early?" Li Siyu eyebrows, "I remember, you are not very anxious to get married, also, the elderly women, are very hate to marry."

"Li Siyu, you don't have to rely on your youth to be unscrupulous. Who hasn't been young yet?" Li Ruoxi confidently lifted the hair around her ears and turned to leave.

"Everything at home has been settled, and he didn't embarrass me." Li Ruoxi can't wait to contact an shengxia, "shengxia, when are you going back to China?"

"For a while." An shengxia looks at the sleeping man not far away. His handsome facial features are more profound in the night, so he says, "I've been very happy recently."

"I can tell from your voice, but I'm really curious why you're so interested in a man you've just met." Li Ruoxi asked curiously, "is it because of the same face?"

"Because we feel very comfortable together, not very nervous, not very sad, just very happy, happy every day." An shengxia's response made Li Ruoxi feel stunned.

She didn't seem to have met such a man who made her laugh all day.

"Midsummer, you are very happy." Li Ruoxi's envious way.

"Aren't you, too?" An shengxia asked curiously.

"We're not the same." Li Ruoxi just shook her head.

"It can be anything different." Ansheng Xia raised her chin, "you have found the man who is good to you, Fu Zisheng..."

"Well, he's very kind to me." Except for no love, everything is perfect. Li Ruoxi's eyes suddenly become empty.

She thought that she really can not care about love.

But after hearing what an shengxia said, I realized that I was longing for love in my heart.

"Midsummer, be happy. You will marry love."

"Well, I will." Anshengxia nods deeply.

In her dictionary, there has never been grievance and accommodation.

"I'd rather live alone than be with another person because I'll make do with it."

"If one day, I'm not alone anymore, it's because..."

"I found love."

Having said that, an shengxia just feels that his back is suddenly hugged tightly

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