"Why, I'm really sleepy now. I want to sleep."

The delicate face, buried in the sheet, an shengxia did not want to cater to the man's requirements.

"Because I'm afraid you don't know who you're sleeping with." Man's funny way.

"Well, what do you mean, why don't I know?" An shengxia just feels so annoyed that she doesn't want to hear the voice of a man. She just wants to have a quiet sleep.

What's more, her head really hurts. Sure enough, she shouldn't drink too much.

Her drinking capacity is always blown out.

Otherwise, at that time, Chutian would definitely stop an shengxia and never let her drink more.

"Anshengxia, you look at my face..." when the man reached out and pressed anshengxia's neck.

An shengxia felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Deep frown, anshengxia subconsciously want to breathe, will continue to open the man's fingers.

"What do you want to do?" An Sheng Xia asked.

"I want you to be my own." The idea of cold night is so simple.

However, he felt that an shengxia could not do this.

Because the human heart is a very complicated thing.

It's going to hide a lot.

A person's secret is not always in the mobile phone.

But, hidden in the bottom of my heart.

"Don't bite me..." an shengxia even thought that she was having a terrible nightmare. She dreamed of a shark. She seemed to swallow her.

"Don't hide..." he just wanted to kiss, but unexpectedly, anshengxia would have such a big reaction.

In the end, an shengxia looks aggrieved and wants to cry, but tears and snot fall together.

"Don't cry, I'm not bullying you..." later, cold night is also unable to start, but can't let this woman go so easily.

I had to hold her and go to sleep together.

When an shengxia woke up the next day, he felt sore all over, as if he had been crushed by a truck.

There is no strength at all.

I don't even have the strength to open my eyes.

I stayed up for a long time, and then I slowly opened my eyes.

But see, oneself don't wear inch wisp.

I don't think it's new for a long time. I think it was taken off by him.

But unexpectedly, on his arm, a burst of green traces.

What the hell is this?

It must have been a cold night!

"What did you do to me last night?" An shengxia is on fire.

"In fact, it's nothing. I just took a bath for you." Cold night is cold hum, also owe this woman, know to come to settle accounts.

"Did I fall later?" Otherwise, how did the trace on her body come from?

"Anshengxia, I think you are stupid for drinking." The man can't help humming coldly, "I ask you, who is Chutian? You drink too much and your mouth is the name all the time. Is this person very important to you? How many men did you have before? "

"Really?" An shengxia can't help frowning. How can she always call Chutian's name after drinking too much? It's very unscientific!

"I have nothing to do with him. He's just my former boss, that's all." An shengxia raised her hand and swore to heaven, "if I have two hearts, I will be punished for not eating good food all my life."

"So anshengxia, are you teasing me now?" Cold night sarcastic question.

"No, I'm serious now. For me, eating is above everything." An shengxia tried to explain.

"What am I?" Cold night pressed eyebrows, "since you mentioned the name of this person, today, I would like to see."

"You want to see Chu Tian?" Although an shengxia was surprised, he agreed, "I originally wanted to introduce you to meet, and you look like Quan Yao. Chutian will be surprised to see you. You were good friends before."

But really see face to face, the atmosphere between the two men is not right.

"Are you Mr. Chu? I heard Sheng Xia mention you. Nice to meet you. " Cold night, even if one hand raised, the other, but firmly clasp an shengxia's waist.

Even if an shengxia thinks that it's too intimate to do so, he doesn't give up on the cold night and insists on showing his love under Chutian's eyes.

"Don't you think it's naive?" An Sheng Xia asked in a low voice.

"I don't think so." Cold night cold hum way, "we are together, so show love outside, very normal, unless it is you, don't want to be seen by some people."

"I don't think it's funny what you said?" An shengxia is very upset with her small ears.

"You think too much." Cold night suddenly raised his eyes, as expected to see the cold awn of Chu Tian's eyes, "I heard that I look like that man, do you think so?"

"If not, seeing the strangeness in your eyes, I will think that you have less power." Chutian frowned and turned to an shengxia, "they are not the same person?"

"At the beginning, I thought it was, but later, I was sure it was not. Besides, when he left, everyone went to participate in the autopsy..." an shengxia lowered her head and said silently.

"That's true. I was there at that time, so what happened to me just now?" Rao is Chutian feel that he must be crazy, right Yao is dead, there is no doubt.

But this familiar face is too consistent.

Chutian is a rational man, but at the moment, what reason, what logic, all is not important, but directly staring at the cold night's facial features.

"It's really like that." Therefore, Chu Tian as like as two peas, he thought that the cold night was like the image of the power, but at the very least it was the same face. No wonder that the summer of the AXA would lose its heart.

Chutian doesn't know what kind of mood an shengxia brings when he faces the cold night.

Did you regard him as Quan Yao?

If so, Chutian can comfort himself.

This man is just Quan Yao's double, and he has nothing to show off.

As like as two peas, I know why you choose Mr. cold. "Chutian deliberately said so, and what he did was cold.

"Why are you like Hughes?" An shengxia tilts his head and laughs sarcastically. Then he takes lengye's arm. "In fact, it's not. He doesn't look like Quan Yao at all. His personality is almost two extremes. Quan Yao likes to say everything, but he puts everything in his heart. It's harder to guess..."

Although several times, it is wrong to regard the cold night as over Quan Yao.

But soon, an shengxia can react and see that he is a cold night.

An shengxia has long accepted the fact that Quan Yao left her

An shengxia took a few more deep breaths and continued to add, "I know it's a cold night."

"So anshengxia, you love me now?"

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