Bo mansion.

"What's your personal opinion on Shen Ao?" Miaomiao suddenly interrupts, because she can't accept it at the beginning. Shen Ao will go to Xiuhe.

"In fact, I don't have any opinions. I just think that everyone's choice has its own reason, and I won't force anything. As long as you are worthy of your own heart, you can." Bo Yehan stands in front of the French window. His abstinent black suit gives men a layer of mystery.

"I'm sure I'm right about you. At this time, only your choice is the right one. I'm glad that you are willing to help lengye." Miaomiao can't help holding the man from behind. At that moment, he can smell the familiar breath of the man, which makes him feel at ease.

"Why?" Thin night cold subconsciously pick eyebrows, questioning.

"At the very least, you have love and righteousness. Even if the power is not there, you still want to see him go into the water." Miaomiao raised his mouth, "I knew that your heart is the kindest, and my eyes will never be wrong."

"It's estimated that you women are just looking at the surface. In fact, I'm not only helping lengye to get into the water for rashukh, but I think lengye is worth it. His plan should win." Thin night cold never hide, his heart, for Miaomiao, almost no hidden.

"Have you seen it already?" Miaomiao is very curious. Only when Bo Yehan has seen the plan with his own eyes can he be so sure. In fact, Bo Yehan wants to win when he chooses cold night.

"In fact, sometimes, if you want to win, it's not like that. It's really excellent." Thin night cold hint way.

"What are you talking about? Why do I feel like I can't understand it?" Miaomiao tilts his head to show that he doesn't understand at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand. If you do, you will be wronged to be my wife." Thin night cold suddenly turned around, and then stretched out his hand, and lifted Miaomiao.

"Are you calling me stupid in disguise?" Miaomiao unfolds his upper arm and wants to touch the man's face, but he can't touch it. Who wants him to be so tall?

"You see, you're very smart. You probably stay with me a lot, so your IQ is good." Thin night cold smile.

At this time, Miaomiao almost lost her mind.

When he laughs, Miaomiao feels that he has the whole world.

"Why didn't I find out that you are so dark?" Miaomiao doesn't want to expose her emotions easily. Instead, she hums coldly.

"Now it's not too late to find out. Besides, don't you just like my bad friend?" Thin night cold simply with the nose, but the top Miao Miao nose dye.


"I asked Li Ruoxi to ask. Shen Ao means to help Xiuhe. They have already reached a cooperation. This is what surprised me." An shengxia is sitting on the sofa, holding a snack in her hand. She seems to take Shen Ao as the potato chip, take it apart, and fry it!

"In fact, it's nothing. People's heart is to help Xiuhe. After all, there is no deep friendship between him and me." Cold night is to see open, feel that Shen Ao help Xiuhe, also won't affect his plan.

"You don't think so." An shengxia then thought, yes, he is only a cold night after all, not Quan Yao.

If he is Quan Yao, Shen Ao will have some scruples.

"Anshengxia, if I lose and want to go abroad, will you be willing to follow me?" Cold night suddenly lift eyes, eyes to anshengxia.

"I don't think it's much to bear hardships. It's mainly about morale." "I hope you don't get knocked down at any time," she said without affectation

"Well, I see what you mean." Cold night of course clear, an shengxia means, a failure does not need to be afraid, afraid that because of a failure, has been depressed.

"So I think it's not terrible to lose once, but there is no desire to continue to win." An shengxia put up his hands and held up the man's chin, "in my eyes, you are the best, so even if you are suffering, you have to work together."

"You think the same as I do." Cold night is also surprised, they clearly know the time, not long, but there is a tacit understanding, this tacit understanding, always let cold night produce illusion, it seems that they have known each other for a long time, just carelessly separated.

Shake one's head, cold night to this kind of illusion, helpless smile, as expected, also just illusion.

"So, even if you lose, I will go abroad with you. I don't think it's hard work. We should go through some things together." Anshengxia is determined that she has never been a person who dislikes the poor and loves the rich.

"Also, it seems that there is nothing unforgettable between us." Cold night holding a woman's side face, perhaps, between them, really lack of some experience.

"It's true love to work together, isn't it?" An Sheng Xia raised her small face and asked.

"Well, of course." Cold night thought for a while, then nodded.

"When you have Feihuang Tengda, will you not want me, and then find a younger and better looking one?" An shengxia tilted his head and deliberately questioned.

"I can't guarantee the future, but my mind is on you now." Cold night really can't say touching love words.

Aware of this, lengye added, "maybe I won't say nice words, but I will prove it with actions."

"In fact, you really don't talk, you just get angry." An shengxia said, "sometimes I think, if you are more romantic, it would be better, but it doesn't need to be too romantic, because I know that everyone is different, you and he are not the same person, you have different personalities, so I can distinguish them."

In fact, an shengxia thinks that lengye and quanyao have different personalities, which is also very good. In this way, she can really live in reality.

Every time this man exists, he reminds an shengxia that he is not Quan Yao.

If he had the same personality as Quan Yao, maybe an shengxia would be confused.

An Sheng Xia is smiling.

Quan Yao, do you see it in the sky

There are really as like as two peas to love you instead of you.

He is very good to me now, I am very happy, happy.

So I hope, there is a person, and then instead of me, to love you.

Close your eyes, an shengxia silently blesses Quan Yao

Although, that person, really will never come back.

However, she will still be right Yao, quietly in the bottom of my heart.

"Anshengxia, give me a baby."

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