An shengxia put out her hand to cover her mouth, but instead of crying, she laughed sarcastically.

She just wanted to calm down, but everyone thought she would be upset.

How is that possible?

She has two more children

Nature will not do anything to hurt itself.

I just can't figure it out

The man who said he would marry her would go on the news with other women!

Even if it wasn't intentional, it was just an accident, but I didn't explain to her at the first time.

If you really care about her, that kind of news, even if it's really filmed, will not be published.

"Midsummer, are you in or not?" Han Enya asked in a low voice.

"Anshengxia, if you don't open the door again, I'll find someone to bump into..." Xiuhe seems to lose patience, and is worried about what's wrong with anshengxia.

"Don't do that, she may just want to be calm..." Shen Qing glanced at Xiuhe and found someone to knock the door. Xiuhe could think of such a way.

"Otherwise, watching her do stupid things in it?" Xiuhe asked irritably.

"Maybe it's not that complicated at all. She's just sleeping?" Shen Qing comforted herself.

"You should know what that man means to her?" Xiuhe's meaningful way.

Of course Shen Qing knows.

Cold night is not Quan Yao's stand in.

On the contrary, after Quan Yao, an shengxia is the second man she falls in love with.

"What do you mean by all this noise? Can you give me a good rest? " When an shengxia opens the door, the people outside are very surprised.

"Well, I knew you were resting, but the president and Miss Han were really worried about you. Now that you are safe, I feel relieved." Shen Qing was relieved.

"I thought, you can't think of it. When I first saw the news, I was surprised." Han Enya doesn't know how to comfort an shengxia.

"It's nothing." An shengxia spread out his palm, "it's just a news. Don't make such a fuss. I'm waiting for him to explain to me."

"An shengxia, I am also a man, so I know about men. Since he is willing to go on the news, he doesn't care about you." Xiuhe wants to wake an shengxia up.

"Now look back, what kind of man did you choose?" Xiuhe was extremely angry, and then walked back and forth in situ, "I advise you not to marry him. You see, it's only a long time since then, he hugs other women. Later, he doesn't know what he will do to you."

Even Quan Yao, for the sake of the company, will not casually gossip with the artists in his hands.

Xiuhe is to let an shengxia see clearly what kind of person is cold night!

"I'm not an 18-year-old girl. I have my own judgment." An shengxia shrugged and said, "besides, I'm not married yet. Everything is still unknown. Don't worry about it first."

"I just hope you can have a better life." Xiuhe speaks frankly.

Anshengxia believed that Xiuhe's words were true.

"I was worried that he had less power, but now it seems that he is not. He is not so single-minded." Xiuhe's sarcastic way.

As usual, an shengxia returns to the bedroom of the villa.

All day long, I didn't call the cold night. It's indifferent.

On the contrary, the rest of the people constantly harass an shengxia by phone.

Miaomiao, in particular, is fighting for an shengxia.

"Midsummer, did you see that news? I'm going to cut off lengshao's pig hoof!" Miaomiao is extremely angry.

"Don't be so angry. I haven't run away yet. You are not calm." An shengxia's helpless way.

"At this time, you can still laugh, an shengxia. I admire you for being bullied like this. How can you not take measures?" Miaomiaoqi gnashing teeth.

"Maybe, I'm open-minded. If it doesn't belong to me, I won't fight for it." An Sheng Xia shakes her head and says, "all I want is someone who won't leave me. If his novelty to me has passed, I won't force him."

"I'm afraid that's what men look like. After sleeping, they won't know how to cherish it." Miaomiao is so angry that why should he leave after eating the cold night?

"That's not true. At that time, I also agreed." It can only be said that she may not have the ability to hold the cold night's heart.

But what she hates most is to force a man.

Otherwise, she would look down on herself.

She has never been a person who likes to tangle.

Self esteem and face are not allowed.

"Midsummer, open the door..." Miaomiao stood outside the door. "I want to see if he can afford my bullets."

"Miaomiao..." although an shengxia was speechless, he still opened the door.

"The children are also at home. Don't make too much noise first." An Sheng Xia reminds a way.

"I know. I know that. " Miaomiao hummed coldly, then sat on the sofa indifferently, waiting for the cold night to come back and throw himself into the net.

But what surprised both an shengxia and Miao Miao was that they went home tonight, but they didn't feel guilty.

Everything is the same as usual.

An Sheng Xia really has to admire this man's strong psychological quality.

"Lengshao, you're going home, too." Miao Miao's impolite question.

"Miss Xu is also here, but she is a rare guest." Cold night coolly raises the corner of the mouth.

Then, with deep eyes, he glanced at an shengxia and asked, "did you have dinner?"

"I guess I'm full of gas." Miao Miao said, "lengshao, don't you have the habit of watching the news?"

"I seldom see it." The cold night shakes its head indifferently.

"So you don't even know that you're on the news?" Miao Miao hinted.

The man was silent.

"It looks like you know that, but why don't you explain who that woman is?" Miao Miao asked sarcastically.

Then he took out his cell phone and pointed it to lengye.

"When you are at the airport, you are so intimate. I don't think a man like you is worth trusting for life in midsummer. You are so cold and don't take such a bully." Miaomiao hummed coldly.

"It's just a matter of angle." Cold night calmly explained, "actually, I was not so close at that time."

"But you're holding other women, isn't that true?" Miao Miao tilted his head and asked sarcastically.

"It's for hype." Cold night said succinctly, "anshengxia, you should know me."


An shengxia, who keeps silent from beginning to end, seems to easily believe lengye's explanation. She kneads her eyebrows and thinks for a long time before finally nodding and saying, "I'm not very satisfied with your explanation, so Mr. Leng, I'm going to trouble you to move out of my villa."

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